So first things first I was working on my thesis regarding true costs accounting for coffee production but with the recent unrest in Ethiopia data collection has come to a (temporary) stop. Hence, I found myself with too much time on my hands, so what better way to create an event for all the people here at steamgifts.

Now on to the event and how it works, every once in a while (when I get my hands on enough keys) I will be making a small conveyor belt, #it is not a train, of shovelware and negatively reviewed games I don’t expect anyone to actually play these games.

Each game on the conveyor belt will be properly disposed of in the brand new recycling plant, where the waste will be converted into new materials and objects. The recyclability of the materials depends on its ability to reacquire the properties it had in its virgin or original state, in short each game will represent a certain amount of recycled materials. The recycled materials will be used to create a “new” product don’t expect too much of it, after all recycling is still a difficult process that often results in a downgraded quality as compared to the original material that you will have to put together it’s a jigidi.

We have now formally opened and will be acepting visitors for the comming week. All entrants will have a chance to win a ticket for a tour around our property it’s not too hard to win a ticket for the tour all you have to do is answer three questions.

While most areas are accessible for all participants some areas will require a higher clearance level for now all areas are can be entered with a lvl 2 clearance

Disclaimer, all rights reserved to our Unrenowned manager.

Edit: While I do think I have been quite generous with the hints, most people still seem to have a hard time solving the questions.

Hint 1: Since most people appear to have trouble with the third question I am going to say it consist of four words, also you might want to pay close attention to the peculiar way the question is phrased.
Hint 2: I am pretty sure it's not about a certain regional policy (given that there might be some exceptions), it has more to do with the intrinsic characteristics of the materials (think about it from the recyclability point of view).
Hint 3: If this or this doesn't do it for the third questions I am not sure what will, maybe this.

Also I don't want to sound rude but, if you are unable to come up with the answers I would suggest Google for it. It shouldn’t really take you more than 15 minutes to find all the answers (given that you have unlocked the hints). I have used different search terms (only the information available up till now was used), different search engines and switched my vpn around the world and yes I removed my cookies after each search

4 years ago*

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Bump for solved and learning

4 years ago

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solved for bumps

4 years ago

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recycled bump

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Unrenowned.