We all know what I did this Saturday, but what have YOU done today?
It is arguing that lvling up to enter more gibs doesn't make sense since your chance of winning diminishes significantly per lvl.
Edit: Meant to say "the ratio of chance to win per dollar invested diminishes". This is what I get for not sleeping -.-.
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your chance of winning diminishes significantly per lvl.
I mean.... you realize that statement doesn't make sense, yes? You have a slightly greater chance of winning in higher level giveaways (slightly fewer entries in general) - plus you can still enter all lower level ones.
Not that it really matters, farming cv is silly. And I'm sure people aren't doing it for cv anyway, they're simply giving away multiple clickfusions because we all love greenlight early access indie crafting/survival sims with zombies and and want to encourage brand new devs to make more, am I right?
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Poorly worded and corrected :P.
Honestly, I feel as though many here treat sg as a f2p game and do believe there is some benefit to leveling up. Otherwise we wouldn't be getting so many 'Why my cv drop, this site is totes scam' threads :P.
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your chance of winning diminishes significantly per lvl
The ratio of chance to win per dollar invested diminishes. But I would hope most people already realized that without all the calculations.
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Bah, this is what I get for going something while on the run XD. Correcting now.
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I think the conclusion is don't think of it as an investment, because it's a bad one
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Any half-smart SG user should come to the conclusion that anything but L1 is not worth it profit-wise, without any mathematical tables and probability. We give because we want to, not because it's some kind of long-term investment that will pay itself after a while - even L2 won't pay itself.
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Yeah, you can use the fact that you've level 10 to pick chicks up at the bar irl.
each higher level in SG makes you 50% more attractive in the eye of everyone else
See for me, 50% more of 0 is still 0...
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I don't think your calculations actually shows anything. I mean, by spending 2$ you can buy two bundles and get over 30$ of CV getting thus from level 0 to level 2, and hence increasing your chance to win by 6.2. This seems like an extremely good investment to most people, because it is.
Sure, if you're level 8 you shouldn't "exploit" this thing, but if you're level 8 you probably won't.
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When I said "investment" I wasn't really thinking about the market price of the games, which can be easily taken into account considering that the number of points to enter a GA is the price of the game (roughly, but it's still a good value to use). I simply meant that spending 2$ to increase your probability by a factor of 6 is an extremely good investment if you want to actually win games.
Plus, the best way to win games is entering trains, and trains usually have lvl1-lvl3 requirements
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At the same time the games in higher levels are often more expensive(at least up to level 5) and I'm not sure if you took into account the cumulative win chance as higher level doesn't keep you from entering lower levels, so it's a law of diminishing returns if one assumed winning was the end goal.
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Yes, naturally I took into account the fact that Level N can enter N-k GAs. It doesn't compare Winned GAs CV vs Sent GAs CV; just chance of winning over a given period and then compares them between Levels taking into account Created GAs according to level restriction and Users that can enter said GAs according to their levels.
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yes, but am i correct in assuming that is considering all people do not own it and will be joining said giveaway? for each and every person that already owns it or has no interest in it, your odds are increased. not to mention people who are inactive.
but still even if my assumption is correct, looks like good work to me.. mostly goes over my head tbh, but looks good.
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I'll write all the hypotheses in the OP once I get some sleep, but you are right. I'm glad it looks good to you. But bear in mind that the hypotheses are a bit savage. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do it in a morning.
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So much drama because people are giving away stuff.
Who cares if they level up?
Should we get rid off the levels because some people assume ulterior motives in gifters?
[x] sorting buttplugs. don't want to start too big accidentally eek
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Whoa. Lots of replies! I was doubtful at first but it has been worth it, even the 4 new blacklists I'm in. Any clue on why that happens?
I didn't want to stir the pot more than it is. I just saw this discussion and https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/X5teN/treat-clickteam-fusion-as-a-free-game and piqued my interest.
As many have pointed out, it's absurd to treat giveaways as an investment. That's why I was confused when I saw all the drama (which seemingly solved itself when OP joined the ones s/he was complaining about).
So... can I get a pat in the head for formatting the table correctly on my second attempt?
edited link. Thanks for noticing it!
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it has been worth it, even the 4 new blacklists I'm in. Any clue on why that happens?
Blacklist ninjas. They lurk in the shadowy lines dividing posts, and when your guard is down... THEY STRIKE!
Your only chance at safety is to never post again, and where's the fun in that?
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i think the people can't accept the fact that their hard earned CV was a terrible investment,
and maybe they think u are encouraging leechers, which imo, are essential in these kind of sites, but only if it's balanced by contributors, which we have many atm :)
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The blacklist ninjas only appear when they hear an opinion they disagree with :D
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Your link to the discussion has a "/" at the end which shouldn't be there.
Consider yourself patted
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err, lose all the annoying digits.
use only 2 if you must, as in 80.19
cause science
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PROFITS from levelling up:
The higher level you are the more respected you are.
The higher level you are the more group you can join.
People tend to whitelist higher level users more often than low level users (unless your nickname is Yirg).
So it's a good investment despite not having many public giveaways for higher levels.
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That's a lot of effort to warn people off 'investing' $1...
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Thanks for your calculations. Could you add/display a CVreq,i column, it would help people make sense of your table :-)
Now, don't tell people that lesser they give, better is their win ratio :P
Between, what are most of GAs required level on SG ?
I think collective behaviors define individual strategy to optimize their win ratio (win/sent) at a given instant.
Some non-exhaustive examples... :
Now, with SGtools filters, if people start to "smartly" use it by requiring a win ratio close to 1, like 1 +/- 0.2
Last line / § was a joke.
Actually :
Once again, if yourself would like to be close to a win ratio of 1 at any level : make yourself a favor, start to use a win ratio filter of 1.2 and drop your invites on SG forums.
(level requirements doesn't prevent leeching)
We have the power to make things change ;-)
But this will be hard, with all those dev and big gifters, they make your stats very bad ;-)
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You're right. I have still a long way to go. I have some games to give away but my friends are yet to answer if they want some for them or if they will become SG's treats.
I just learned today how to properly use sgtools for applying requirements, so I will do in the future.
I got the input data from https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/giveaways . It's an abstraction in the sense that considers the full period of SG's existence (if it tracks it from there) and assumes that everyone enters every GA they are allowed by level. Otherwise is accurate.
I will add the requested column.
A pat and a nudge. I should balance my ratio likewise. : )
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You have not considered most giveaways for low levels are the games that most people have or are not interested in.
I mean high level giveaways can be like fallout 4 while level 0 giveaways are like bad rats :)
Also a level 0 more likely might be missing that game, can enter the giveaway and win but for someone(all high levels) having that game, since he can't enter the giveaway winning chance will be 0.
Also add another column, Money required for CVreq. So if CVreq for level 9 is 3000 that is 200 times $1 Clickteam bundles or similar bundled stuff with 5x copies each.
It might be better to compare the real money required than the misleading CVreq, no one yeah really not even a single person on the site has paid that amount written on the CVreq for their level.
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A column could be added considering that 100% of the GAs are from bundled games, although we would also need to approximate that as well, since they very nature of the bundles make them hard to evaluate. So... just divide CV column by 0.15. right?
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Well not 100% yet.. not that bad, only 91.3% of the giveaways are bundled :)
You get 15% of the base price from a bundled giveaway. It is not always 15$ for 1$, but usually it is close to that. You can look at Deals section in the forums and check the bundle threads, potential CV gain is written for each bundle.
For Clickteam bundle it is actually $17.09 for $1 tier.
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Yeah you are right it is 17.2425
I just copy pasted 17.09 from the bundle thread
Not sure how they managed to miscalculate that having all the correct info and prices written there O_o
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And what percent of the all level 0 giveaways are those?
He is calculating your win chance using all win stats from level 0 giveaways but if we focus on something like "wishlist" the chances of winning a wishlisted level 0 giveaway is close to 0.
Also most forum giveaways require level 4 and above. Well since I don't see or remember the giveaways for the games I already own, it might not be the most correct information tho..
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I probably should have linked the spreadsheet in the first post. If some people are interested I will clean it up and upload it. It's obtained from the page stats, using "Users per level" and "GAs per level". The formula gets a bit messy, but not too much.
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OK, but this means you assume that the average entry per giveaway is proportional to the number of people that could theoretically enter it.
Evidence strongly suggests this isn't true: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/pp1LH/what-happens-when-the-same-game-is-posted-for-all-11-levels
(which would make your figures even worse for high level users)
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Yes, as I explained in other posts there's a bunch of hypotheses.
To sum up, it assumes that everybody starts with their actual level in the foundation day of steamgifts and everyone enters all the GAs they are allowed per level (points for entering said GAs's limitations are not considered here).
Thanks for the link! It offers a lot of insight. Maybe next weekend chores will also stay undone...
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Oh well.. Now I wonder why you even bothered.. This is all incorrect results and proves nothing, you assume everyone from any level enters all giveaways which is totally absurd, let's assume everyone is using auto join scripts and active 24 hours a day, still not even possible because of point limitations and users can't enter gibs for the games they own. You know for level 10 users they mostly own a lot of games and can't enter most of the giveaways even if they want to.. This actually makes the chances much higher for level 10 giveaways, you can see <10 entry giveaways..
Also as I said in the other post you calculate CVreq based on some made up number 3000, 5000 etc which is actually about 200-300$ in real money and that completely changes the results. Also CVreq for level 0 is 0.00000001 ? you can actually keep that smaller, as small as you want it to be as it gets closer to 0 and that will cause (WCi)nd / CVreq,i to be an infinite number.
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It's an estimation. It can be redone with different hypotheses (e.g. reducing the Level 0 population to 1/8 as suggested before since ~7/8 are inactive)
still not even possible because of point limitations and users can't enter gibs for the games they own.
I didn't try to implement the point limitations. I guess it can't be done, but I didn't think about it. Do you have any idea on how could be achieved? Same goes for the fact that people own some of the given away games.
Also as I said in the other post you calculate CVreq based on some made up number 3000, 5000
No. The CV required to achieve some level is set. See ([2] https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/XaCbA/list-of-all-cv-levels-and-their-corresponding-real-cv post, by Kiru). You're asking about actual money, which isn't considered in this analysis. We could just assume all GAs are bundled (which is a good approximation) and assume some correspondence between CV and actual cash spent. This part is easier to set up.
which is actually about 200-300$ in real money and that completely changes the results.
It doesn't change the results, as the "actual money" doesn't appear in this analysis, as I mentioned.
Also CVreq for level 0 is 0.00000001 ? you can actually keep that smaller, as small as you want it to be as it gets closer to 0 and that will cause (WCi)nd / CVreq,i to be an infinite number.
Yes. As I mention in the OP.
I used a non-zero value for CVreq,0 to avoid dividing by zero.
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It is not just a matter of active or inactive users. There are a lot of other variables like how many of those can enter a giveaway, how big is your game library, do you buy bundles yourself (which will make most bundled giveaways useless for you). There are A LOT of factors to consider. Ignoring them will give you incorrect results.
By saying "bang for the buck" didn't you mean gain from the money spent?
It is not possible to compare gain from spending nothing to gain from spending something or you get infinite profit ratio as you did with level 0 here...
Not to mention you are doing your calculations on the total data for over 5 years using the current numbers. Giveaway count, user numbers each level change a lot. You can look at my recent post on this.
Ah almost forgot the most profitable way of farming cv actually.. You can just join a private group and get close to 1:1 win/sent ratio while getting all the benefits of increasing your CV.
This is like saying if we ignore the gravity and air resistance an object you throw into the air will continue to go upwards indefinitely..
This thread and the misleading "math" used here can trick users into believing staying level 0 is the best way to use SG, then they will create threads asking why they haven't won anything in a year..
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I missed that part you asked me how it can be done.. I don't know how to do it tbh but start with excluding level 0. Maybe SG has the data for average entries for users from each level. Another thing that can be done to pick random users from each level and see their win / spent ratio and take averages compare with the other ones. But that might not work because of the group/whitelist giveaways even getting into those groups and whitelists is closely related to having a decent win/sent ratio and your CV.
There is also another factor, let's say everything is going well, you are level 0 and winning a lot. Then those "casual gifters" of the site who are doing the biggest portion of the giveaways will see your 60 wins 0 giveaways profile and add you to their blacklist, you will start winning less.
As I said you are using the total giveaways of several years and number of users in each group is changing. There will be new trends like increasing level restrictions in giveaways due to the inflation in levels over time especially thanks to bundles like HB Clickteam. For instance, 2 years ago creating a level 10 giveaway meant only a few users could join it, now that number is 151.
Also for the average user, who doesn't enter every single giveaway, who has more than 0 games in his game library, who buys a few bundles himself as well and who actually wants to win more than just those thousand copy developer giveaways, what he wins matters more than if he wins anything or not. So to make a better comparison, I think you should also compare the quality of giveaways rather than just the quantity. And no I don't think that can be done with the current stats data you can access to. You need monthly giveaway numbers, total number of entries from each level and the bundled/unbundled giveaway comparison for each level. Again to have a conclusion on if it is worth it or not, I think we need to know how much someone spent and how much he won in return that can be very different for different users from different regions and giving away different types of games (bundled/unbundled).
If we were talking about SGv1 CV and the old SG I'd say if you are after profitz it is totally not worth it, you'd end up spending much more than you win. But today, with the number of bundles, repeated games, price glitches, regional pricing and "CV abuse yay! bundles like Clickteam" I'd say, you won't need to spend that much extra money, especially if you are regularly buying bundles.
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... and?
I just don't get what's your point.
You did some math telling exactly nothing.
You call creating giveaways using official offer available for everyone at intended price exploiting and cheating, so just stay on lvl 1 forever if you prefer.
It's not the real exploit like with the recent Vegas Pro, why you say nothing about it? that was real exploit and cheat, offer limited to single country, with price equal to about 0,4% of original price, giving 60CV per giveaway
You're seeing a problem where there is none.
Only way to solve the problem of easy leveling up with such bundles is reducing value of bundled items from 15% to something less
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You are making many assumptions that are not true. Please, read the rest of the thread. I am not advocating anything. I saw a discussion about "exploiting" the HB bundle and ran some calculations.
It's not the real exploit like with the recent Vegas Pro, why you say nothing about it?
Because I was not aware of it. Still now I don't even know which game it is or what exactly happened.
You're seeing a problem where there is none.
I'm not seeing any problem. Just posting some calculations. I find it quite impressive how easy is to be misinterpreted even when you explain yourself over and over again. I've reaped so many blacklists just for sharing some recreational estimations that I don't see what the point of posting is if there's so much bad blood.
Yes, my ratio could be better. The same could be argued about my salary. I'm working on both of them. I have ~10 games on hold because my friends are too busy getting laid to look at a damn txt and mark the games they want.
At least I had some fun before realising that it's better to shut the fuck up until you get a high level enough that people around here won't be so smug and quick to dismiss you when you upset them.
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you are seeing threads about HB but not about Vegas Pro? funny :)
ok, maybe I wrote too much, but when I see those "let's make all-evil-Clickteam-stuff free for explotiting everything", "ban and burn the cheaters" threads, I get sick. Those threads are written mostly by people who hasn't given anything (or nearly nothing, I hope you agree, that it is your case) away.
I got on so many blacklists as well, when there was a case of cheap keys sold on some resellers page, which could give you nice amount of CV, but not because I used this pseudo cheat, but because I defended those, who did that. In the end I've decided to go the same way, bought the keys, got CV, I am happy. If not for the threads, that tell you how to join the cheaters, most people would not know how to spend their bucks effectively. Actually, you have no chance to do that here legally (I mean, you're from GB, so we are in similar situation of steam prices being on the highest tier.)
I have sent more than received, true. But I've started winning, when I got on a higher level. So soon I am going to become a leecher, with 6 wins just today (even if only 1 was actually something I want, but we get so many points recently, that I am entering just anything ...)
We are both on SG for similar amount of time and from my experience I can tell you one thing - here, simple math doesn't work.
It's not just level that gives you wins. With all those ways of real exploiting, we get way too many people on high levels. So even 10th level soon won't give you too high chance to win (right now you get less than 1% chance on 10th level if everyone enters ...).
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you are seeing threads about HB but not about Vegas Pro? funny :)
I confess I don't read all the threads. Go figure. :^) I skimmed the ones regarding the current HBundle to know if the software was any good, but I only found threads about exploits and the like
I hope you agree, that it is your case
I already addressed this in my previous reply.
even if only 1 was actually something I want, but we get so many points recently, that I am entering just anything ...
Why would anyone enter a GA of something you don't want?
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Some people were upset that other people were using the current Fusion bundle to "farm" CV. I made an estimation to show that "farming" CV isn't greedy, but actually altruistic, since it doesn't make sense from a purely egotistical point of view. This is because The chances of winning a game per dollar spent on games you give away (the number of games you will earn divided by how much the games you gave away costed you) is maximum at Level 0.
So a purely egotistical individual will stay at level 0, or make a single cheap gift to reach Level 1.
I don't know if I explained it well enough. You must be the judge of that.
I just wanted to point out that accusing someone of "cheating" when they are actually just following the rules and going against the leecher mentality is absurd.
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The spreadsheet
First and foremost, for those too quick to jump into conclusions, I'll put this at the top.
I do not advocate min-maxing to obtain as many games as possible and giving the least.
Some people have mistakenly thought this. There's a different between reporting something and endorsing it. I believe this should be obvious, as we all know that the strategy to follow in that case is to remain Level 0 forever and ever. Which is not my case. My intention is to give and take, staying as close to 1:1 ratio as possible. However, as wins are randomised and gibs are reliant on other variables (if there's a bundle I really like to buy, how many of those games are not appealing to me or my close friends, if they already own those, their mean response time, etc) there's a gap.
I will address that gap in the following week.
However I want to clarify something.
I have never entered a GA of a game I did not intend to play.
i.e. I have never entered a GA with the intention of idling a game for the cards, or to get +1 to my steam account or whatever other reason. I only enter GAs of games I actually want to , and will, play. I thought that would be the case with everyone else.
Why did you write this?
I didn't want to stir the pot more than it is. I just saw this discussion and https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/X5teN/treat-clickteam-fusion-as-a-free-game and piqued my interest.
As many have pointed out, it's absurd to treat giveaways as an investment. That's why I was confused when I saw all the drama over people cheating by making GAs.
My intention was to mellow the discussion about trying to maximise something that, due to its very nature, is an altruistic act.
I also had to iron shirts but I didn't want to. Pending household chores are a hell of a fuel.
How many blacklists you got for posting this?
6 times more than whitelists. So I guess that the right thing to do is not to post ever again. Or at least until I fix my ratio. Or maybe some of them hate math or dislike that I didn't take into account all variables, which I don't think I can do anyway (See below). Oh, well. At least I had some fun, which is what counts in the end.
And now with the actual mathcraft.
The Analysis
Simplifying Hypotheses
Given the data obtained from the site, it is assumed that everyone starts with their September 2016 level and enters all the GAs their level allows them during the whole period T for which there is data available.
You may argue that it's an abstraction and too coarse to return any accurate data, and you would be right. Many variables are not taken into account, as many have pointed out in the comments. However, it allows us to compare data from one level against each others.
Many effects have been left out, like the points limitation, the fact that people would actually own some of the given away games, and so on. The reason they were not included in the analysis is because I wanted a quick estimation to get some data to validate what we all intuitively know and because I didn't think in a way to implement said variables. If you come up with a way to add them to the calculations, I would be most pleased to see it, so ring me, please.
One of the most glaring inaccuracies I incurred in is taking into account so many Level 0 users, as most of time are allegedly inactive. This is thankfully minimised by the fact that the number of Level 0 users don't influence the data in the tiers beyond 0, so the muddling effect is contained.
The CV requirement for level 0 users is 0, but it I used a near zero value instead, to avoid dividing by zero, which is the root of all evil.
How things were calculated (see spreadsheet as well).
WC0 = (GAs available to users with Level 0) / (Users with level 0 or more) = (Level 0 GAs) / (All SG users) = 1222674 / 946092 = 129.23%
What does that mean in layman's terms? If you started as a Level 0 user in the beginning of SG and joined every GA available to your level, and everybody else also did, by now you should have won a game. This doesn't tell us much of use, but we use this Win Chance as a base, so we can compare better the other WCi by turning them into WC / WCLv0. There lies its true usefulness.
For the rest of WCi it goes like this:
WC1 = WC0 +((Level 1 GAs)/(All SG users except Level 0))
WC2 = WC1 +((Level 2 GAs)/(All SG users except Level 0 and Level 1))
And so on.
This way only the users that can actually enter a GA given their level relative to the GA restriction are taken into account.
The CVreq has been extracted from Kiru's post [2]. It does not take into account actual money spent, but the CV value that is associated to a GA. Somebody could add a column making a correspondence between "Site CV" and "Real World Dollars", but it wasn't my initial intention and it might have muddied the results even more.
I love spreadsheets! Mind if I pick up your model and improve it?
You are most welcome to do so. As it has been mentioned, there's plenty of room for improvement. I will drop the ball now as I really need to get stuff done before Sunday's over.
OP before the last edit
I've done some math and "exploiting" the system that way doesn't make any sense.
The chance of winning over a given period divided by the CV required to reach the level you're at diminishes as you get a higher level. i.e. You get a smaller reward per CV. Yes, if you can get cheap CV with a bundle like the Click Fusion thingy more power to you, but that doesn't change this fact, as (WCi)nd / Cvreq,i has been "non dimensionalised" with CVreq,i.
To sum it up: People trying to be smart and cheat the system are just actually getting less bang for the buck than the regular Level 0 leecher or are just after brownie points.
See this table.
I spent way too much time on this, so I thought I might as well share it with the community so we can collectively get a better bang for my spent time. : )
Edit: Reduced the number of decimals from eleven thousand to just 3.
I used a non-zero value for CVreq,0 to avoid dividing by zero.
[1] https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/giveaways
[2] https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/XaCbA/list-of-all-cv-levels-and-their-corresponding-real-cv post, by Kiru.
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