One recent topic on forum made me feel something I'd like to express. Unfortunately, that topic was closed by TS, so I'd like to start mine instead. So... :)

One guy who had a lot of shooting practice during his service in the army forces told that playing shooters with controller, though is not realistic at all, is more realistic then scoring series of headshots some players might achieve in 180-degree-turn-jump being 200+ meters afar from their targets, while it is impossible while shooting live ammo, especially if you run or jump with a gun.

Indeed, targeting with analog sticks might make you miss a lot. But with practice you might make it miss less and even aim pretty good. Isn't it a challenge? Isn't it a mastery?.. OK, this might be just another type of grind some masochistic players like me like to undertake. But in my case it makes me get more fun from game, 'cuz I feel sort of boredom when I play too good at FPS, so I might need some handicap to return fun to my gameplay :)

Am I the only one who feels like that? Feel free to express your opinions. And, please, be polite as much as it's possible. I don't like my thread turning in another field of holy war between controller- and kb+mouse-players.

Thanks a lot :)

UPD: Fixed a "god" typo. It was meant to be "good" instead. Sorry for inconvenience :(

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

11 years ago

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Am I the only one saying am I the only one?

11 years ago

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I thought it sounds great ;)

11 years ago

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Nope, you're not. I sometimes like to use a controller.

11 years ago

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I think a joypad is a lot more comfortable than mouse and keyboard. Just like I prefer my sofa over a chair.

11 years ago

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I do use a controller since I'm not too used to KB+M. I don't play competitive shooters so its all good.

11 years ago

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You are, I use my Ps3 Controller instead

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Me too.

11 years ago

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Nope, you're not alone. I play some shooters with my gamepad when I just want to relax. The controls are more streamlined, and I get to lay back in my chair. For example, Bioshock.
If the game's a twitch shooter, though, then a gamepad isn't even an option.

11 years ago

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Borderlands 2 is very comfortable to play with a xbox controller, plus it can be quite accurate.

11 years ago

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I prefer to play with the best input device for whatever genre I feel like playing at that moment.

And thats mouse + keyboard for a shooter.

I played Socom 2 professionally tho, so i know how to play shooters with a controller.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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there can only be one

11 years ago

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I can pwn you on any game with my monitor being off

Come at me amateurcontrollerlover

11 years ago

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Ha-ha-ha, you're the funny one :) I prefer single-player over multi-player by some reasons. One of them - my laggy 3G internet. I just wanted to say something like "It's too boring to play VERY HARD or even NIGHTMARE and beat the game without any sweat at all.

As for competitive multi-player, I have no issues about being pwnd in any way. You might add me as a friend though. Maybe we'll have a battle or two... If I have games you play, of course :)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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" 'cuz I feel sort of boredom when I play too god at FPS, so I might need some handicap to return fun to my gameplay"

just wow.. so do you play any competitive shooters or just single player shooters? You might try a career as pro if you are so godlike with kb+m :)

@Topic: kb+m all the way.

11 years ago

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Oops, sorry. My bad - a typo has crawled into my post (went away correcting)

UPD: Fixed.

And no, I beat the AI most of time. 99% actually. And 1% of my time I prefer to beat the AI with my friends by my side :)

11 years ago

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if you want a game where the ai beats you 99% of the time, get s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

11 years ago

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Have beaten the first and the last one. Had some problems with the latter, but the single-player player has cheat-like feature by his side - save and load ;)

11 years ago

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Everyone has different tastes, I would never switch my sweet Logitech G500 for a controller. Also I am more of a strategy/RPG person, even though I have played Counter Strike for 10 years on semi-pro level. :)

But there are some games, for whose I would really like to get controller, for example Giana Sisters, which I am playing now, but sadly, do not have the buck to get it anytime soon.

11 years ago

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From my experience on Battlefield on the PC, if you don't play cleverly, use cover, hide as much as possible, try to flank you enemy and reposition often, you will die. If you go out on the middle of the field you will instantly die. So you really need to be careful and be smart about your every move. It's much easier to run from cover to cover and crouch behind walls and then stand to shoot a few bullets and hide again with a keyboard.

When I look at my friend play Battlefield on the console, a lot of people just run around in plain sight and there's no real sense of danger. You just run straight for the objective and shoot the people you see. You don't really need to use cover and there's less strategy involved.

11 years ago

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Only "casual" shooters. I´m playing Alan Wake with controller. But I´m having trouble xD

11 years ago

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Sometimes I wish I had a 360 controller so I could use Alan Wake's freelook mode, I've seen some amazing screenshots come out of that

11 years ago

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I use a gamepad whenever possible for a couple of reasons.

  • I've been playing consoles regularly for over 20 years now, while my computer gaming experiences are much more limited. I'm simply far more experienced with a gamepad than I am with a keyboard. I will take a well mapped gamepad over fumbling with a keyboard for most of my actions. The analog stick for movement is also superior. I can accept the loss of a mouse for aiming, as games I play rarely require pixel perfect aim.
  • My left hand has problems that somewhat limit use of it, mostly during colder months. The gamepad has most actions mapped within reach of my right hand, unlike my keyboard.
11 years ago

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I would never choose a controller over mouse and keyboard. Controller is a terrible way to play and it's the reason I will most likely never buy PS4 or XBOX One.

11 years ago

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I'm currently playing through FC3:BD with a controller, but I have to admit it's a huge pain in the arse when you're used to mouse+keyboard.

11 years ago

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i play with a controller. and i play southpaw, 3edgy5u

11 years ago

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its fine if it works for you, but theres no chance a controller will ever be better than a mouse and a keyboard for competitive multiplayer shooters.

if any company would mix pc and console servers for a shooter, console company would bankrupt, cuz all their customers would get completely raped.

I know its a bit off your topic, but thats my honest opinion when people talks about pc/console for shooters.

11 years ago

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shooter + controller = hell

i grew up with shooters on the pc, i just hate them with controllers

11 years ago

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If you can play using KBM (Keyboard + mouse), why bother using gamepad? (unless game is bad console port).

11 years ago

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Just for fun, I believe. And new experience. Maybe because of boredom. There might be many reasons, actually. :)

11 years ago

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Well, if we talk about shooters, it's uncommon to see a port that wouldn't work with mouse better than gamepad.

But there are plenty of reasons you might want to use gamepad in shooters. One of them, and probably the strongest one - Local Multiplayer. There's nothing better than local multiplayer. And it's impossible to play on more than one mouse. Unless I'm wrong. But even if I am, it's much more comfortable with gamepads anyway.

11 years ago

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lol controllers

11 years ago

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my controller is staying right next to me...I haven't used it for months O.O

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Amateur7.