Or is it? Currently I'm sitting at

  • 615p in use

  • 443p in storage (giveaways I have no intention of staying in to bypass the 300p limit)

  • 100p free

Is there anyone else out there with similar or greater hoards? Do you think this practise is acceptable? Should the points system be revamped in a way that would discourage this?

11 years ago*

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There's really no point in hoarding points, unless you actually plan to play the games from every giveaway you enter.

To each their own, but I rarely dip below 150-200 points.

11 years ago

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Hoarding points = entering giveaways far in advance, then removing your entry before it closes. Not sure why your statement applies :/

11 years ago

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I understand what hoarding is, all I'm saying is that there are enough points to go around without hoarding, for me at least.

11 years ago

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Oh that's what you mean. Might be true now, but once the summer sale starts....
Also depends on how many games you own

11 years ago

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In my case point generation from games I don't want usually exceeds the points needed to enter the games I do want during sales.

But I totally understand where you're coming from.

11 years ago

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It also depends on the popular game giveaways at any given time. For example, the Bioshock games have been popular for the past few weeks due to the current promo - anyone who doesn't own one or both of the games and is interested will not have many points left over for other giveaways.

11 years ago

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Don't forget about XCom. Fifty points right there.

11 years ago

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No, I think the system is fine as is. At some point you won't be able to store any more points and will be forced to let them spill over 300. It also requires some dedication on your part to keep moving points around.

Here are my thoughts on solutions:
To hoarding, there are two solutions, neither of which I like:

  • Limit ability to enter giveaways (likely defeats the purpose of having points)
  • Limit ability to unenter giveaways (prevents people from getting out of giveaways they decided to buy or no longer want)

To points accumulating "too fast", has one decent solution (IMO) which is a matter of preference:

  • Reduce accumulation speed (some already complain points generate too slowly, but this is very open to opinion)
  • Lower cap (hurts members who are online less frequently, as in once a day or once every two days)
  • Create "total points" cap (could discourage players from entering into long giveaways initially because points are tied up)
11 years ago

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At some point you won't be able to store any more points

Says who? You?

11 years ago

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Says me. I've entered every single giveaway I can with over 24 hours left and I'm still at 300 :P

11 years ago

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Rich people problems. ;)

11 years ago

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Rich people? Or just have all bundle games? >_>

11 years ago

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I took his wording as "They're going to make it impossible to do this" rather than "I'm unable to even do this".

I've come close to entering everything available, but not with 300P extra. :p

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The default system is quite fine in my opinion. I always have enough points to whiz through the giveaways of next 24 hours and enter for all the games I would enjoy playing.

11 years ago

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I cant even spend 300 points these days

11 years ago

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i certainly can use some spare points right now

11 years ago

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you know why!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by SimonSays.