My opinion: 3D functionality is a stupid, bullshit gimmick, that generally both looks and runs like ass.
Which is why it doesn't even get advertised anymore, anywhere. It was added to PC gaming years ago by nvidia, and no one gave a shit.
Then, OMG 3D HDTV!!! made it come back for like 2 seconds, and now it's back to no one giving a shit.
So, don't waste your money. At least getting an IPS panel does something useful, giving you better picture quality.
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i really do like 3d gaming once in a while. some games really invite to play it in 3d. trine 1+2 is probably the best example. max payne 3, metro last light. and i really enjoyed them too.
nevertheless i wouldnt buy one either, since oculus rift will be out in a year or so and easily dispose of any 3d gaming gear.
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Wait. Heaps of new monitors coming out.
Asus IPS:
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I'm a fan of Dell monitors myself, they're also selling some new models. And LG is always a good place to look - most of the others use their panels anyway. I don't care about 3D, nor G-sync (the new proprietary technology nvidia is trying make money of).
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Ignore the 3d. I have a 3d TV, and I think like most people, I almost never watch 3d movies or play my games in 3d.
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in my opinion
3D: useless
27": only good if it keeps a decent pixel density, so you'd have to look for a 2560x1440 resolution at least. expensive
23" 1920x1080 ok for multimedia, but the 16:9 ratio isn't great for any other computer use. it's cheaper to manufacture, hence so popular
24" 1920x1200: best format. Decent pixel density (good to see from quite close too, not only from a distance), great usability, not much more expensive than 23"
I just got a benq bl2411pt and I'm very happy with the choice. Other options I know of are from Dell and Asus.
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I agree, I love my 27" 1080. I wouldn't mind more pixel density (and I would definitely love 120hz), but the price of brand name 27" 1440 displays is too dear for now and I'm not sure I want to gamble on one of those no-name ebay screens). And most new games already won't run at 1080 60fps at max settings on my GTX 770, so I'd need to factor in the cost of a new GPU...
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I sit at a bit less than 1m from the display. I don't see the pixels and normal sized fonts are well readable. But if I get closer, I start noticing the effect of the pixel size on small fonts or on details in pictures. I simply wouldn't like to have a display with lower pixel density. It's obvious that others don't have any problem with 1920x1080 pixel spread on a 27" panel (this type of monitor wouldn't be so popular otherwise) and I don't see anything wrong with it, it's just a matter of taste (or of how they're used) I guess.
The technology used is another factor, and IPS displays are probably a good bet these days. My monitor keeps an incredible readability and colour saturation at any angle, way better than I'd expect even after reading the reviews. They may not be the fastest, but they're not bad either (I play BF3 and several other games without real problems) if you make sure to choose one with reasonably low response time.
Good luck with your purchase :)
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You might want to look into Korean 27" monitors. They're 2560x1440 and overclockable, which means you can increase the refresh rate. They're much cheaper than monitors you can get from Asus and the like, yet they use the exact same panels (PLS or IPS). I got mine for 260€ + customs, which was just 24% VAT. Asus PB278Q uses the exact same panel and costs twice as much.
The only downside with the monitors is the build quality of the housing, which is not the best but does its job, and only 1 year warranty depending on the place where you buy it. Here's a bit more info, if you're interested.
Don't go for 3D, it's useless. VR is the thing you should look forward to, at least from a gamer's standpoint.
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I have a 3D monitor, but since there aren't really that many games that come with 3D included it's not really worth it. If you're a 3D movie guy it's probably not worth it either because a screen as small as a monitor doesn't really seem to make things pop out
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3d is mostly bullshit, not worth the additional price. The only game that looks absolutely mindblowing with 3d is otherwise ugly'ish Torchlight 2. Somehow it manages to look GORGEOUS.
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Hello Steamgifts community!
I would like to ask your help or opinion. I'm planning to get a new monitor, my current one is V7 19" it works perfectly I just want a better one for my new GPU, it is MSI GTX 760 TF OC. I can't choose between Asus MX279H and Asus VG248QE, in my country both are around the same price which is about $450 (yeah... yay for Hungary :D ) I'm not that hardcore gamer, so it would be for games and movies and mostly animes :D
I love the MX one better cause it is super sexy and IPS, but the VG would be cool cause of the 3D which is more future proof, so my question is 3D really worth it? or I will be fine with the MX 27" on 1920x1080 or the MX239H with 23" would be better? (it is around $315)
What is your idea or opinion? What is your experience and what monitor do you have?
Thank you for your time I appreciate it.
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