I'll start:

Bought "Masters of Doom" by David Kushner, ages ago and really enjoyed it. It tells the story behind iD, examines the relationship between the Two Johns (Romero & Carmack) and is, all-in-all, a genuinely enjoyable book.

Pile in and recommend any books that you've read, related to the world's favourite hobby. (I read the Nintendo/SMB choose-your-own adventure books in the 80s/90s and they were great but I'm looking for something a little more "advanced").

Also, I liked the Star Wars Jedi Knight games, and know there're lots of Star Wars "expanded universe" novels. Has anyone here got recommendations from the Star Wars universe that would tie in with the Jedi Knight storylines (Kyle Katarn, Valley of the Jedi etc)

12 years ago*

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Can't say iv read books on gaming, will definitely pick it up at some point.

12 years ago

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I can't "reccomendt", but I'm planning to read "Metro 2033"

12 years ago

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I got the black edition on my native language, and it's freaking awesome :)

12 years ago

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This thread was actually inspired by Amazon recommending "Metro 2033" to me, good to know that it's worth getting! :)

Thanks guys.

12 years ago

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Bioshock: Rapture. It actually held up with the original story, provided some in-depth prequel deliciousness and fleshed out a lot of the characters. I loved it. Read it if you've played both games. There's even references to both Jack and Subject Delta.

12 years ago

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Thanks, will definitely try and get my hands on it!

12 years ago

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Bioshock by John Shirley war really good.
Whole The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski is well written.
WarCraft books were decent and so was Diablo
Mass Effect are worth reading, except the last one, that is garbage.

Good source for info about books is Goodreads

12 years ago

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Never played WarCraft, but played Diablo II and liked it so I'll look for that. Bioshock:Rapture definitely sounds like my cup of tea. Will look out for Mass Effect books, but still haven't played the games yet. :)

12 years ago

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BioShock book is really hard to get, at least was for me. If you won't be able get add me on Steam.

12 years ago

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I agree with the Bioshock book! John Shirley is also writing the Borderlands books. I haven't started reading them yet but I did get them for christmas!

Actually...I agree with every one of these books thesn00ze listed!

12 years ago

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I thought the first Halo book was excellent. It was great in providing a backstory to Master Chief. The second was good, not great. Haven't read the rest.

12 years ago

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Halo was one of the book tie-ins that I'd heard good things about, but I never really got into Halo so I thought I wouldn't like it. Is it worth reading for someone who never played it?

12 years ago

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Absolutely. At least go read the first one. It's excellent. I think the second book is an adaptation of the first actual Xbox game. That is a bit meh ... but not the book's fault; the game story falls apart when The Flood come into the picture.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks SFK :)

12 years ago

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Could not put it down after the first few chapters, amazing book

12 years ago

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Agreed. This was a great book, that you just never want to end.

12 years ago

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I was going to say the very same. It's not a very good book when it comes to how's writing and that ,but jee it's amazing from the start to the very end.

I want also to recommend you adam the Witcher ones, although their style is a bit weir (full of temporal jumps, flashbacks, flashforwards, cameraflashes ) they are very enjoyable IMO.

Andif you are planning to read Metro2033 do yourself a favour and stay as far as you can from the second one. It has nothing to do with the surprisingly good first part.

Hope I've been of any help!

12 years ago

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Yeah, thanks MrCastiglia!

12 years ago

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The only game-related books I've read are the Halo books and one of the StarCraft books. It's been ages since I read them so I don't remember much detail, but neither were very good. Between the two I'd say that the Halo books were more entertaining though.

12 years ago

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The Witcher books are fucking amazing. I read them before the game actually came out and they are to this day one of my favourite book series. Though I think not all of them are translated in English

12 years ago

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Though the game may have flopped horribly, I quite enjoyed the Hellgate London books. Well, the first one. The second one is ok, and the third one really isn't worth your time. But even with a story left open I would recommend the first one!

12 years ago

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Just found my kindle so here are some more:
Alamut - Vladimir Bartol
The Myst Reader
The Infernal City - Grey Keyes
Portal Lab Rat - Ted Kosmatka

12 years ago

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The Ultimate Game - Sean Austin
Daemon - Daniel Suarez
Halting State and Rule 34 - Charlie Stross

These three aren't from Gaming IPs but are about gaming or related in some way

12 years ago

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Cool, thanks! :) Books are super-expensive here in New Zealand so I think I'm going to have to get a kindle to enjoy these.

12 years ago

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It's one of the best purchases I've ever done.

Most of classic books are free everywhere and eBooks cost much less than their physical friends. Moreover if you were to follow the John Long Silver path there are plenty of sources for that everywhere, with an ashtoninshingly good quality.

Anyway, an eBook is nearly a must these day. Kindle is one of the best (at least when it comes to price/quality) but the Sonic one, Papyre or either the Kobo or Nook's are worth having a look at. I'm not sure about their availability though.

12 years ago

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I'm in the midst of reading the New Jedi Order series, which is something like 20 books written by a range of authors. The first six books are pretty good, but the seventh by Greg Keyes is truly terrible and I'm struggling to get through it. Sadly, the eighth book is also written by that hack. Look up the timeline of books on Wikipedia to see where it fits.

Do read The Heir to the Empire trilogy, also known as the "Thrawn Trilogy". It takes place almost immediately after Return of the Jedi and does a fantastic job capturing the feel of the original movie trilogy.

12 years ago

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Cool, thanks for the recommendation :)

12 years ago

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Starcraft: Liberty's Crusade was incredible, it really expanded the Starcraft Universe for me and increased my interest in the games. Eventually I'll buy the rest of the books, but I'm not much of a reader so I have to wait until I'm in the mood :)

12 years ago

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Metal Gear Solid 1,2 and 4 books..

12 years ago

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Nobody mentioned Hitman: Enemy Within by William C. Dietz

12 years ago

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This Gaming Life

A book of meta-commentary/travelogue/auto-biography/musings by one of my favourite game journos and founding member of RPS, Jim Rossignol. I haven't read the whole book, only excerpts, but those were very, very good.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by adamofgreyskull.