Not really interested in any of those, thanks for the suggestions tho.
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I had JC3 on Console, since wasn't sure at the time when it released that it could run on my rig, and I beat it... not sure if I want to get it on pc... if I would get it on PC would have liked the XL edition (since never had the XL edition on console, new content), but I am like 2$ short (with tax and all).
But it is tempting with the multiplayer mod, since remember playing a crap ton of it on JC2.
I own JC2.
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I tried that when it was given free on PS+ and it was pretty decent, but a downside I had with it that it was kind of repetitive and felt like you were doing the same thing over and over again and it got boring fast.
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Why even waste the effort of posting if all you are going to say is that. Thanks for the free bump, tho.
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Thank you for explaining humor , Im not good at explaining it!
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This War of Mine is so underrated, i highly recommend.
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underrated is the wrong word i guess. I meant i didn't hear much about it on its release and if still today many people have no idea what it is when i tell them about it.
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I already own M&M: Warband, even own the viking conquest version and it is good, cant wait till the sequel that comes out.
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I just picked up Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodline because I love hackn' slash games and it looked good. Before I picked that up I was also looking into buying Dragon's dogma, Okami HD ( not on sale yet), Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2, and Cuphead.
Games I can recommend are the Witcher 2, The wolf among us (maybe a bit casual for you), Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and Bayonetta.
Hope this helps
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I have both the Witchers on Gog, so I don't think I will probably get them on Steam, don't have witcher 3, but have played it and beat it on console, but the 3rd was is way beyond my budget.
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I've got a very similar discussion open here, also asking for suggestions. Our likes and dislikes also seem to match pretty well (with a few exceptions, like FPS). One of the suggestions people made to me, was "Planet Coaster", since you said you like sandbox, might be an idea - it's €9.49 over here, so it might be just within your $10.50 limit? It's probably, what I'll be getting.
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Yeah, I am selling cards, but planet coaster is 11.24 and plus now that I get charged tax from steam I will need like 12-13$ to buy it.
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Whoa, is this a regional sales tax, or have they started charging VAT in the U.S.? For me it's €9.49 including 20% VAT already. But then again, the USD is really low currently compared to the EUR. On more idea, that I just came up with when goign over my own wishlist, how about "The Turing Test" not sure if you like 3D puzzle stuff (not even sure, if I do), but this one seems interesting, story wise,... it's €6 here, so definitely within your limit.
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I think it is just my state that is being taxed like if you live in washington state, since being in wisconsin Valve now has a physical presence so I am being taxed 5.5% sales tax.
I noticed this happening during the thanksgiving sale when I wanted to buy something noticed I was being charged extra tax.
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Hmm ... that's pretty bad. Don't you have any out of state friends or relatives whom you trust enough to log into your account and check, if you they can buy something without that ridiculous extra tax? I mean, it's clearly against their TOS to use a VPN, but buying a game while you're let's say on holiday at your uncle in Florida, still within the U.S. that can't be forbidden, right? Or have you entered your street address and state in your account information? I never gave them any physical address, the only way they could find out about my location is through my IP.
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Not really have out of state friends that I trust really, also I think it is either my IP or could it be from when I put in my profile that I am from wisconsin why they know im from wisconin and am being taxed. But it was on reddit where people even contacted support to wonder why we were being taxed and steam support said that since they have a physical presence now in wisconsin we are being taxed like if you in washington where their HQ is located.
I think what they are doing in the midwest, same with illinois is those steam controllers/links are being manufactured here so that is a physical presence and now we are being charged sales tax.
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I'd recommend Zombie Army Trilogy. Its technically 3 games in one and its $8.99 in the steam store I love the game myself and it's got a great story and great gameplay with it! It's one of my favorite games. If you're a fan of the Sniper Elite series you'll definitely enjoy it. If not you could go with some of the sniper elite games instead.
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Plus, you can play it on most PC's, hell I play it on an HP labtop
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I personally am a huge fan of Elite dangerous - an open world space flight simulation.
Shout me if you buy it, I'd happily wing with you and get you some credits.
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I dont know if are under 10$ because live in spain but are under 10€, they are a really very good games for my.
7 Days to Die:
Borderlands 2:
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7Days is 9.49 which is in my budget, but I tried it before and refunded it since had an issue where there was a memory leak and couldnt play it. it was using like 6-7gbs of ram and all I havei s 8gbs, a similar game that was really ram heavy was rust as well.
It would use that much within like 15mins of playing.
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I tried it last year in november, I think I got it for 9.99 when it was on sale for the thanksgiving sale or something and I played it and noticed the issue with it taking a lot of ram in just 15minutes that I refunded it.
All I have is 8GBs of RAM and it was using like 6+ and once it made me use like 95% of my total RAM windows and everything starting to slowdown and hang a lot. So maybe in the future when I upgrade my PC with ram than I can try it again?
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I own banished already, and it was pretty good... I haven't played it in a while, I was looking at a game that was similar to banished but it is more expensive and is that life is feudal: forest village... but not sure if it is worth getting it since to me it just seems like a banished 2.
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KF2 is 14.99 so that is out, and the anime and JRPG are out as well, but thanks for the bump.
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I added that to my wishlist, I am just not sure how that game is? is it similar to banished?
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I'll be honest, I have no idea. I suggested buying it because it was on your wishlist.
edit: Plague Inc: Evolved is really good and is less than $7 right now.
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State of Decay fits almost all genres you are a fan of (not a FPS but a TPS) and is within your bugdet:
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+1 for Planet Coaster, probably the best deal of these sales !
... That's right Deus Ex mankind divided is incredibly cheap as well ! :o)
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Yeah It did look interesting since was always a fan of the roller coaster tycoon series, but like I said to someone else is it just over my budget of what I have and because I am being charged sales tax now from being from wisconsin I will probably need like 12-13$ to just purchase it, I don't think I will be able to get that even if I sell all the cards I get from the winter event.
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For The King is currently $11.24. Check it and maybe if you can get a little more money, you consider buying it. Just a heads up, it has RNG when you're in and out of battle, so you could miss every spell/attack or hit them all.
Oh, and it's really difficult if you don't plan ahead.
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I'm having a crush with Bridge Constructor Portal, but it probably doesn't fit your favorite genres. Congrats, you still won a bump !
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After buying a few DLC for games that I own, I have 10.50 left and am wondering what are some good games I could probably get for that price and you have to keep in mind with the price that it has to be under 10.50 + tax.
Not a fan of:
Fighting games
Fan of:
*Survival (read note at buttom)
Open World
*I've been playing a bunch of ARK: Survival Evolved lately, so not sure if I want another survival type game, but if you do give a survival type game I will take a look at it, but I don't want any space survival (I already have Empyrion, and Space Engineers... I have no need for another one).
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