You can always remove DVD drive to put an SSD or 2, idk if that voids warranty.
Gaming is just a word, laptop doesn't need to be called gaming, but even if called it not always means its overpriced, I will find you.
This store should ship to your country, it even ships to mine. 4Gb of RAM but you can always buy another 4Gb. and this 2 as I understand are same products.
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I know gaming laptop doesn't say much :p but I'm searching for the term because they're generally pretty good on the hardware side. A normal laptop with similar specs is also okay ofcourse, not doing it for the shinies xD
edit: Whoa :p thanks for the suggestions!
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desktopmasterrace Is there a particular reason you can't make a desktop instead?
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Thank you for the gibz, I'm actually looking for a gaming laptop at an affordable cost too atm, so I'm not of much help....
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1000 EUR and you want an i7 with a DDR5 GPU? That would be stretching it even on a desktop, yet even a laptop, especially a large one that has enough room for a numpad.
Your specs describe a desktop. If you want mobility, buy something cheaper and simpler. What you describe wouldn't last a single train trip while gaming, no battery on the current market could sustain that much power requirement.
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Yeah, I bought a Y50 and i'm pretty happy with it, got it for 1000$ CAD.
It's a great deal when compared with other laptops at the same price range.
There are a lot of ppl complaining about the screen and it's true but I don't mind.
Maybe look into the Y50 with the 4k display.
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in y70 they eliminated problems y50 had. :) I have IPS screen touch with great angles of view :) also external cd-rom in the box ;)
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It would probably be more cost effective to put a hard drive in an external enclosure and run it that way. The SSD should be internal and SATA 3 at or M.2, but a HDD should be fine with USB 3.0 or even 2.0. Your graphics card will most likely be the bottleneck in a laptop, and not a whole lot of games right now use hyperthreading on I7. Cooler can be somewhat done with something external, like the coolermaster laptop coolers. 8 Gig of RAM should be sufficient unless you're an extreme muli-tasker.
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The same could be said with it in the computer too though. As long as it has decent feet or low center of gravity and you're not a cluts, I've never seen anyone with it being issue. If you are clumsy though, or you move it daily/weekly, I'd call it a valid concern. Don't know how often you move around like you said.
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Hi Denhette!
I can strongly recommend the Asus N551JM for you I just already got it yesterday :) and It's Awesome. IPS full HD display, Intel Core i7-4710HQ , 2 bay if you build a HDD candy and removing the CD/DVD writer you can instal a SDD ,8GB RAM or 16GB it depends on your choice, 4GB Video card memory, and the laptop has a very good build quality! and keyboard backlight!
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I don't know about the prices in Belgium... but I recommend checking out 3 brands:
There are other brands but this are the 3 I can recommend to you. Now spec-wise I will suggest the following:
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No problem! I bought a MacBook Pro back in 2010 for my 2nd year in college (used Adobe programs), 4 years later it was crippled by OS X Mavericks (OS took 2 of the 4 gb of ram, poor thing) and when looking at the excesive Apple prices I decided to look for a Gaming Laptop instead, in the end I got a GS70-212 that's slightly cheaper than a MacBook Pro but it stomps and pees on it with sheer power!
Those 3 brands are the best price/performance ratio I found, those specs are what an avid gamer ideally needs, however I don't know if you'll find a laptop with those specs for E1000, a desktop is more likely to cost that but you won't have the portability.
Edit: Here are some other brands that might be available in Belgium.
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I actually have an MSI GE60-2EO, and it's powerful enough to me. Don't expect two regular bays, though, as you need to have an MSI GT to have more than one bay. Still, I installed an MSATA SSD, and it's working fine. You can install two MSATAs and one regular HDD and 15" MSI GE. You can check my specs on my profile, and I spent 850€ for my laptop.
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If you want a gaming/high performance notebook, go with Avell. You won't regret it.
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In my honest opinion, I would use desktops for gaming instead of laptops. But if you are like me, a gamer that moves around fairly often, then I would recommend building your own gaming laptop with a barebone from an original design manufacturer.
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I'm very happy with my Xidax laptop. It's a branded Clevo with 32GB of RAM and a GTX 970M 6GB.
Check out the linked specs:
The builder on the website doesn't allow it, but you can expand the RAM to 32GB if you contact them directly.
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I'm searching for a gaming laptop and I figured: "Why don't I just ask for some help?". So here I am, trading Steam keys for human resources (kinda) :D
I've got some specs in mind which would make for the perfect laptop for me. If any of you could help me find the closest I could get to them, you'd be a huge help. I live in Belgium, so I need a laptop that comes with a 230V power adapter. The budget I was thinking of is not much more then 1000 Euro.
These are all things I'd like (ofcourse, they're not all possible at this price point):
And Steamgifts wouldn't be Steamgifts if there was no giveaway, now would it?
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