what must i do?
Go true old school and pick up the Baldur's Gate games. Classics and can be hard as HELL if you go in blind.
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I don't think BG1 has aged all that well. BG2, PS:T & IWD fare a lot better. BG1 has that wonky inverted difficulty curve, where the game starts hard and gets easy, combined with a wonky story pacing and really lackluster party members.None of the other Infinity engine games have those issues. Also, I would not say that the difficulty for going in blind is a good thing, the system is not well explained which makes it more of a beginners trap than anything else (this is an issue shared by all the infinity engine games). In this regard I do think Pillars of Eternity is so much better, you're not risking shooting yourself in the foot nearly as badly just because you had not mastered the rules before even playing.
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having recently replayed BG1, BG2, and PoE, I have to say Pillars is the best game to pick up and play, but a lot less fun overall than BG1 and BG2. BG1 isn't as polished as BG2 and certainly has its shortcomings, but at the same time BG2 is more complex because of the higher levels. Starting with BG1 and porting your characters over truly is a phenomenal gameplay experience.
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I agree with dingbat. Your character grows throughout BG1, and so do you as a player. Not only is your character learning about his or her abilities, you are learning how to use them and how to battle the forces arrayed against you. After playing the BG series so many times, I no longer find the beginning difficult because I am very good at playing the game.
Be warned, however, that if you like roleplaying, BG1 and BG2 will suck you in for many, many hours.
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have you played the Enhanced Edition Trilogy mod? It combines all the games (including siege of dragonspear) into one seamless game. there are a few awkward moments where the script may not mesh well with your playthrough, but it's as coherent as possible
Also, nowhere near as long as the Dark Savant Trilogy Wizardry 6-8
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No, I have not. I prefer to use the unenhanced editions with mods (nearly the same effect, but better implemented), and I skip SoD.
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I much prefer Icewind Dale to Baldur's Gate. BG is brutal to new players who don't know what they are doing, and has a low level cap.
The original Baldur's Gate had 5 CDs that needed to be swapped around constantly. It's another reason I didn't like it that much.
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I still have the original CD's, and there is no swapping if you do a full install. You only need only the first ("game") CD to play.
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I won Elex here. It suffers from that Gothic franchise crap combat system. If they made it a tad smoother and lowered some weapons requirements so as you don't need to gain 35 levels just to use the second tier of weapons with only a marginally higher damage stat, it would ahve been a great game.
But the graphics are good and the story is nice, but it doesn't balance out the bad combat system and unfair AI and difficulty. I mean, come on. The starter area and you have bandits that can wipe you out in record time?
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That's exactly what i love about the gothic games: natural boundaries through enemies that are way too strong for you at the moment. Especially in the beginning, your best option is to avoid fighting at all until you got better. There is nothing more rewarding than finally going back to that one dungueon you've avoided for the last 20 hours of playtime and finally show these bastards who's the boss!
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Final Fantasy X (and X-2 since it's bundled together) is a good choice. If you are unsure then finish the games you already have first and wait for another sale. If they get bundled before then you will save some money. If not then you've already cleared your Steam backlog a bit! FFIX is also a great Playstation era game.
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I bought Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force And so far I really like it (i'm not that far in though)
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Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force is the one you want. It's basically the same game as Fairy Fencer F, but improved. I have no idea why they made it a separate product, but it's basically the same price and it's better.
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Exactly! If you have ADF you don't need the one that's just called Fairy Fencer F. Unless you get it in a bundle and just want to sell the cards! *~[:-{p>
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FFX has the best length/value ratio. Since you apparently think in JRPGs, I assume you are used to grinding and ridiculously long completion/collection quests. 100%ing FFX and X-2 takes over half thousand hours, but it is not any more repetitive or boring than any other high-grade and high-rated JRPG. So, go with that.
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I wouldn't dare advise you anything since we obviously prefer different kinds of RPG. Anyway, one shouldn't underesimate the power of an unfinished gestalt: if I were you, I'd continue with the story you've already started playing and already are interested in.
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I guess for westerners it's like the Last Remnant or the Legend of Heroes. It's a series that features Chinese history and mythology and often deals with grand concepts while still being rooted in interpersonal relationships and interactions.
As for the negative reviews, it looks to be another group of people who seem to feel other people should not be allowed to like what they don't like, or people who think that if they like one series and they must hate all other similar series, and they frequently target long-running Chinese game series for some reason.
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If you mean JRPGs in particular (especially if you like a lot of humor in them) my recommendation always goes to the Hyperdimension Neptunia series. :)
Most of the other games made by the same developers such as Fairy Fencer F, Mugen Souls and a bunch of other ones that I can't get the links for right now since the Steam Store is being glitchy again, are also a very good choices. (Also they all go on big discounts often, so that's nice.)
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The main games start off with Re;Birth1 (the one I linked earlier too) although both Re;Birth2 and 3 are set up so new players can get into them (with tutorials and character introductions and all). I'd suggest starting with the first one (or if you wanna jump to the one I personally consider the best- Re;Birth3 is also an option XD ).
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online is a spin-off. It's the newest one so I don't have it yet but I'm sure it's really good. That said the spin-offs usually assume you at least know the characters so I'd suggest starting off with one of the main games. :)
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I'd recommend playing the Tales games in your library, they're amazing, as well as Valkyria Chronicles.
As for a new RPG, I'd say FFX, Tales of Bersiria, and maybe FFXII if you have some spare money ;D
TL;DR: Play those amazing games in your library first :D
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Oh. Hmm... I don't think so. Fun to play, but I wouldn't go into it for the story.
If you're in it for the characters and plot, better pick up another game. Trails is nice -- even just getting SC would be good. I'm not the biggest FFX fan, but that might just be because a certain mod ruined(?) it for me.
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Uhh... maybe? I never played that one, but I can see that Suikoden has turn-based combat. The Ys games have a real-time "bump" combat on the regular map - Just run into them to do (and take) damage. You'll do more damage and get hit less by hitting them at an angle. The boss battles are a bit different, but that's the gist of it.
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My recommendation: finish your unfinished games first, and don't buy more than one game in a series without playing them first, even if you liked one game in the series. You don't wanna buy a game and end up realizing too late that you won't like it before you even play it.
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RPGs? Well, that category is a bit diverse. I want to say The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Epic Battle Fantasy and Borderlands, but I'm not sure they're the RPGs you're looking for. Oh, and this game might be overrated or you might already have it but judging by your list ff7? Idrk
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Tales of Berseria? I haven't see your library so I'm not sure. You probably own all the jrpgs that I'd recommend
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FF10 is a very safe choice. You'll get plenty of play time out of it and the mini games are fun. Plus I believe you can get it bundled with X2.
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I'll be the dissenting voice on FF10 here. It has a good combat and ability system but the characters and plot are all insufferable.
Do yourself a favor and finish Final Fantasy 8 and Tales of Symphonia. Both are excellent.
If you want to look at a few classic JRPGs done by westerners, try Septerra Core or Arachronox. Septerra Core has been given away free in bulk so you might be able to scrounge up a copy somewhere.
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Ylvania - Elona/Elin Official - Elona
Dare to forget to buy RPG at Steam's sale and do something different.
Probably to play extreme RPG.
With this one, you feel the feeling of playing games in the library.
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Kinda too late but it's not like classic rpg. You have an army and you can play as each character of the troop. Each character has a movility bar that when ends, has to be in that same position until it's your turn again. Same with each character. Once you have moved your characters, it's the enemy's turn. There are different classes with different abilities and weapons.
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From what I understand, it's hard to go backwards in the series because every game upgrades the mechanics a lot. Whatever one you play first will probably be the oldest one you like. Not knowing the plot of the other games doesn't really matter, since like Final Fantasy, it's a different main cast every time.
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I'm a huge old school RPG fan, so I have to go with something by Square Enix. Final Fantasy is always a yes :)
Another choice is Chrono Trigger. It in my opinion is one of the greatest old RPGs of all time. The game had some issues when it launched on steam but they've released a decent amount of patches and seems to be much better and the will continue to support it. I wish they would do that will other older FF games and titles. If not a Final Fantasy title Chrono Trigger would be a great pick.
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Chrono Trigger came first and in my opinion it was great and better than Chrono Cross. I loved Chrono Cross too though :)
The devs did a great job at the whole time traveling to different areas and changing history and whats happening in the game.
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I just checked the discussion board and it seems some players are experiencing OpenGL issues if they have a Nvidia card. No reports that I've seen for AMD cards though. Not sure which you have but might be worth looking around the boards. If there's an issue you can always refund as long as you don't play over 2 hours.
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All final fantasies are expensive, Final Fantasy X is the best option because for 12€ you can get X and X-2 (being X the one you are really wanting to play, I know, but still). The port is very good (not like FF13 trilogy) and the price is worth it (not like 7,8,9 and 12).
If you want a FF on PC I would say 10 or wait for different sales.
Tales of Zestiria is very 'teen'. It's not a bad game, but I would enjoyed it better if I were younger. In fact, I stopped playing it, too much childish dialogues and situations. Port is okayish, 30 fps capped with a non official 60 fps patch.
Tales of Berseria should be the TALES you want to buy.
Valkiria Chronicles is a tactical RPG, it's a different genre, the anime syle is there, but it's completely different!
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Troll answer: Rise of the Triad is full of RPGs
Non-troll answer, since you seem to be favoring JRPGs more, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is really pretty good, and only $15 at the moment.
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i want to buy some game, but i scared it got bundled soon
like trails in sky fc
and i still have some unfinished game in library
unfinished game :
tales of zestiria
tales of symphonia
final fantasy 8
valkyria chronicles
game i plan to buy :
the legend of heroes trails in sky sc
the legend of heroes trails in sky 3rd
final fantasy 10
my budget only can afford 1 game (max 2!)
or if u have other recomendation please tell me!
i dont mind bad graphic because ,my childhood in psx era
thanks! :)
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