I'm from Qatar. Don't think there are much arabs here, I've only seen a handful.
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I just wanted to say, be careful when making threads like this. It seems some people on Steamgifts doesn't like non-english speakers very much, they think it's elitism or something.
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Yes, I know, and good luck with that, I hope more show themselves here. I just said that because, when someone created a thread looking for people from the same country and asking if they would like to create a group, it caused an ugly reaction in the steamgifts community. There were a bunch of "parody" threads, and people saying things filled with prejudice. Luckily enough I don't think this will cause the same reaction, and that's great.
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You know that's against the Steamgifts rules, right?
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I'm not an Arab but I'm studying the language and can read, write, and speak some (at an intermediate level since that's how far I've progressed in my Arabic classes). As for my country, I am Hellenic -- however, I currently don't live in Hellas as I temporarily moved to the West to attend university about a year ago.
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Well, in comparison to studying other languages, it is difficult, yes. Arabic is considered one of the harder languages to learn because of its complexity. However, Hellenic (i.e. Greek) is likewise a very complicated language so I come from a background of knowing a complex language which helps. In any case, both languages are very rich and beautiful. For instance, whereas English only has 1-2 million words, Arabic and Hellenic have something like 5-10 million words. I'm still learning, though, but my goal is to become fluent in it as if I was a native speaker, myself (a very difficult task since some of the letters are difficult to pronounce for non-native speakers).
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Well, as a history major (specifically Eastern Roman or so-called "Byzantine" history but Near Eastern history in general) I have a great interest in Arab history and culture. Greek and Arab culture is very similar and our histories are interconnected too.
I was actually considering on moving to an Arab country after my studies finished but many of the countries I would have liked to live in (e.g. Libya and Iraq) were recently destroyed by the West (with Syria probably next on the list of being invaded). I've been to Palestine and I really liked it and felt very comfortable there so that, along with Jordan, is another option. I've also heard very good things about your own country of Lebanon, which is a place I'd really like to visit.
However, given the current problems in my country (which go way deeper than just the economic situation), I may not have time to live in an Arab country as I would have liked (or at least for as long as I would have liked) and so I may end up rushing back to Hellas after I've completed my degree. I already feel like I should be there, doing something to change things and help.
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السلام عليكم
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كم عدد العرب في ستيم جفتس ؟
اكتب دولتك لنتعرف على بعضنا البعض xD
اكتب كم لديك من انتري في ستيم جفتس وكم لعبة فزت بها ؟
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