So I have a couple of 'steamfriends' that use that stuff to unblock all the achievements. I saw yesterday how a guy barely active on steam had 93% of achievements unlocked, over 14k of them, and 237 games completed... Games that, of course, never have been played.

Now, its just a good topic as anything else to make fun of but I think there is something more on it... I mean, what's the point? You just lost the option to discover a lot of funny things or (more or less) hard or difficult achivements that you can be proud of.

Why people make this? Don't you hate it?

No potato option because... meh... But there is a GA here and its level 3

8 years ago

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You do, don't you?

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What's the fun in play this x game 1000 hours to unlock this achievements, and other crazy ones?

8 years ago

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Then why unlock them at all? It's not really an achievement if you don't actually accomplish the objective. Like, that's the point of them... achieving something. I just don't see the point in cheating to get them, unless those that do it are dumb enough think others won't notice and will be impressed. "OMG, look at all of those achievements that you didn't actually ACHIEVE!"

Also, those that cheat end up devaluing others achievements.

8 years ago

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No i understand all is a bit much, but i can understand certain archievements, what i'm saying.

And nah on astats they are fixated on finding any cheaters, they will be marked, and an achievement itself on ever trying to get off it.

8 years ago

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I realize that Astats does that. I mainly said that because not everyone checks Astats, though I guess if someone cared enough, they probably would.

8 years ago

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Yeah but i believe it also holds statistics on how many earned such achievements (with the amount cheaters in mind) about your reaction about devaluing achievements, if someone was going to care about all that, then yeah they will eventually come across Astats.

8 years ago

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And nah on astats they are fixated on finding any cheaters, they will be marked

Oh, didn't know about that! I've always thought that Astats is fine with 'cheaters' and that TSA is cleaner. In fact, just yesterday I was browsing certain achievements to see if they were doable and found several people on Astats who looked like chiv cheaters... (Namely having games with all chivs unlocked at the same time, date-related chivs achieved on 'wrong' days, games with all achievements unlocked with a fixed amount of minutes between them, etc.)

8 years ago

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Well in the end they are still human, and maybe like support here, done with a handful of people.
Offcourse there will always be people slipping through, and it only goes for obvious achievement hacks like the ones you mentioned.

8 years ago

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Astats has always the the hardest on cheaters because the people doing the bans are highly experienced with Steam achievements. Unfortunately they are overworked lately as more and more people are becoming interested in achievements, and even more people in cheating them. There are currently over 23thousand people banned and half of those in the past year.
Having achieves unlocked at the same time does not necessarily mean anything. Some games dont unlock achieves until you exit, or playing offline will not register them until you log in. Experience and knowledge are required to tell what is definitely cheating, and other cases you have to give the benefit of the doubt. The smart cheaters work to hide their cheating by leaving a gap between unlocks so its not so obvious, but they get caught as well because it is obvious to those who know. There is also a new tool in the works to catch people who try for the "I was offline" excuse.
Finally, wrong day achievements. Thats not a challenge and not cheating since the method has been around for ages and is used on consoles as well. In the bottom of your taskbar is time/date. Click there and it can be any time date you want. Of course if you have to connect to a server, then that wont work. Again, knowledge to tell which games that works and which are cheated.

8 years ago

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Heard that achievements were supposed to be there from achieving something?

8 years ago

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Some devs just take the piss on achievements, not to mention the broken ones? What if you have a completeness OCD and you want to complete a game that way, but you can't because it's broken and devs don't care one bit on fixing it.

8 years ago

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Oh, no one talks about the broken achievements. If they're broken, then what can you do. Especially if the game is old enough not to have dev support.
But I'm talking of your "What's the fun in play this x game 1000 hours to unlock this achievements, and other crazy ones".
There aren't many of those, for one. The only one I know to do annoying achievements is Universe Sandbox.
But there is a weird one, which is The Stanley Parable. It requires you to do extremely stupid stuff, like "Play the game the whole duration of a Tuesday or something like that.
It's not broken, it's just annoying. Do it, if you want the achievement. Nothing is stopping you. You decided not to because it was too hard/annoying.
But, if you really think that you're justified in cheating, then fine, do it. But please don't be one of those assholes to just pretend that they achieved it themselves or just display those achievements on your showcase.

8 years ago

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No dev support? if they implemented achievements in the first place, they atleast were there at some point and could have taken out the broken ones, even then, steam can do it, but well we know how their support is.
Then one can ""justify" using SAM for broken achievements, but for Astats they count that as cheating too, and actually gives a bigger focus on those that check that you are cheating.

Well for example TF2 in which you have to get 5 people from your steamfriend list on your team (but people always get switched around) and win, having over 500+ hours in and actually tried that, it's like impossible.
Completing VVVVVV wiithout dieing once...
Certain games you have to finish on 5 difficulty modes.. Once, maybe twice for me that's enough, and because of that i already try the hardest setting on the first go.

Achievements are for me alone, i know which ones i did or didn't do, i'll never boast about it, it's also why i don't post them on my profile. Last time i used SAM was even over a year ago, and mainly i used it on broken achievements.

8 years ago*

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The TF2 achievement isn't impossible. Just get people from SG to do it. It's doable, but again, hard.
Again, VVVVVV achievement can be done, but it requires tremendous effort. Not impossible.
You've brought achievements that are hard, but in no means impossible. It'd be impossible if you had a problem with some level that just automatically had killed you or something. As long as it's doable, it's fine. VVVVVV was never supposed to be easy. It was never supposed to be even hard. It was supposed to be near impossible to complete. You took that game, knowing that you had to get all of the achievements, you decided to take the challenge and you decided to give up. It's as simple as that.

I get your frustration, but there's no real reason to actually cheat unless the achievement is literally impossible.

8 years ago

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I posted a topic here twice to get people to do that TF2 achievement, and offcourse the few people that actually joined, then there were different timezones so some could only stay a little bit, people kept switching teams automatically etc.

VVVVVV takes above superhuman skills to not even die once, if you can do it kudos, can someone do it? offcourse.
You can even copy and paste the savegame file every few steps, but for 99% of the people enjoying a game, it's ridiculous and not possible because they just lack the skill.

And no i didn't (especially not with 3900 games) who ever gets a game because they looked at achievements and thought oh heck i can really enjoy those, most get a game because they would like the game itself and finish that, not the achievements.
Fine, if some achievements come along through a gameplay that you can do, and in that way get your way to 100% complete, those are the ones the majority like and want. There is and should also be a difference about something just being hard or just (near) impossible
There are alot with a complete 100% OCD and be it broken ones or near impossible, it can be frustrating not being able to get those, when you choose to let it bother you (for me it did in the past, but not anymore).

We can both call it different, but in my view such as those are impossible.
If you can and want to spend 500 hours on getting that one achievements. i have better things to do and rather try out new games with that time.

I am not frustrated, everyone's account is their own and they should do whatever they want with it, and others shouldn't be the ones getting frustrated over it if they decide so to cheat, because Astats usually keeps track of it anyway.

8 years ago*

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With TF2, I've seen people do it on my friends list even, so it can't be that hard.
VVVVVV requires superhuman skills, yeah.
The thing is that no one gets a game based on that, sure. But it's interesting to me that you say that you have a problem with not completing stuff, but you still have 3900 games.
But, again, you should adjust yourself around your problem with OCD, not random websites and developers. With that logic we can't have flashing lights, gore, violence, serious topics and difficult gameplay.
Well, I look at it in its literal sense. Is it possible to complete it? Yeah? Then it's possible to complete it. Literally the opposite to impossible. You can't just say that something is impossible to you, even though it obviously is. That's not how words work. This conversation is marmelade. Is it really? No. But in my view it's marmelade.
If you have better things to do, then do those better things. No one is stopping you except yourself. Cheat and get the achievement. In all honesty, you can even pretend that you completed it and achieved all of the achievements if that makes you feel better.
You can do it all, but it's ridiculous of you to complain that a privately ran site doesn't want cheaters. It reminds me of this blog about SG.
The site has its rules and if you break them, you're out. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the owners. If they say no, then it's as simple as that.

8 years ago

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Good for you if you have the friends on your list that can do it, i don't and as i said i posted a topic here looking for people twice, none of us got that achievement (we did get others though). Not everyone is like those facebook or twitter people that have >1000 "friends".

Nonsense what you are saying, yes i have 3900 games and does that ever prevent me from playing and completing them all? No, only time will.
Would achievements do if it bothers me? Yes, you see some game at 95% and you just need to get 1 last achievement, but you can't and you try, and try, maybe 100 hours. In those 100 hours you can play alot of other games.
But take the easier achievements for example (which there are fortunately also alot of) you enjoy the game, you enjoy the achievements, see the perfect achievement score and then relax and then you can go on to your next game.
There are already enough ragequit games out there without the need for certain ragequit achievements.

You know fully well there are alot of devs not caring one bit about support, and even taking the piss out of their customers, noone is to say some even create achievements for their enjoyment, and not the players.

I can say something is impossible in that sense, that it's impossible for me to ever become a professional soccer player.
Why? because i have weak ankles and i am too old by now. doesn't make it impossible for others to become one.
Just as for some they don't have the skill to ever get certain achievements.
I can try 100 hours, i can try 1000 hours, but i won't ever get that VVVVV achievement for example, so again for me it's impossible, while it might not be for others.

As you can also read i said it used to bother me in the past.. Today not so much anymore, might change again in a future, but not for now, i also got alot more things that are way more important to worry about then achievements.

We can continue back and forth with our arguements but i am done with it, i am not the one complaining or frustrated about it as you put it, my only grip with it is as how someone else here put it how Astats can be quite harsh (call it justified or not) and most important point i will end it with, is that everyone should and has the right to do with their account what they want. without others be the ones getting frustrated over it. Also not everyone would even know about Astats until AFTER they already used SAM.

8 years ago*

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People absolutely do buy games just for achievements/completions. Any achievement tracking site will have its share of members who do this especially if the site has a competitive element such as leaderboards or competitions. Due to their ease visual novels are a prime target for these type of players.

8 years ago

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I'd love to have certain games at 100%, like God Mode (has a broken achievement) and The Stanley Parable (has some ridiculous achievements - don't play the game for 5 years, play for an entire Tuesday, etc.). I would never use SAM to unlock those achievements though. Unfortunately, awhile back, I was screwing around with my computer clock and ended up getting the 5 year one for The Stanley Parable, and now all of the achievements are invalid for me, lol. I'd get rid of that one if I could...

8 years ago

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You can also lock back achievements with SAM (which i believe is not so much against Astats policy)

8 years ago

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Broken achievements are a totally different thing, of course

8 years ago

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But not to Astats, unlocking those still marks you as a cheater.

8 years ago

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I mean, I'm guessing you've already contacted them and they've responded with a no? If so, then I can just say that it sucks. It's like with SG. You can never know if someone has a false key before someone wins.

8 years ago

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I am not sure because while i used it 95% on broken achievements, i used it on a few achievements like the TF2 example i posted above.
You can lock everything back up (which is fun going through 3900 games) but i'd be totally fine with it, if there'd be a guarantee the tag will be removed, but even if you forget 1 achievement by accident, they will put the tag back on without any chance on a second chance.
I actually locked most if not all up, just never bothered to send in an appeal.

8 years ago

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Astats doesn't say you are a cheater - they say "suspected of using an achievement hack" - which is of course also true, when someone used SAM to unlock broken achievements.

They don't judge you on that, they just won't let you participate on their site again.
It's just how their rules are.
They however mark games with broken achievements as completed in their system. I am fine with this.

Nobody is forced to use Astats and if people want to use SAM to get broken achievements that's perfectly fine for me and many others.

8 years ago

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True, but suspected or just saying cheater, it's basically coming down to the same thing, as they don't use other categories.

Actually sometimes they remove the suspect tag, but you have to lock all achievements, then post which ones you locked, and then pray to the gods if they are in a good mood to remove it. Fine if you have 100 games, but not so much when it gets past 1000 games, let alone 3900.

8 years ago*

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Jeah I've once read through their... "absolution"-thread - they are pretty harsh. Though... they just wanto satisfy a need for a more... valued achievement system than steam offers.

But of course: a real cheater can relatively easy bypass these measures.

All that aside, I think it's just important that people realize that those that are excluded from astats are not inherently evil cheaters.

To me it's more a community problem if people interpret too much into this astats-warning... It's like how it goes on this site with minor transgressions - some people just overdo it with their zeal when they see some naive person making a dumb mistake.

8 years ago*

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They are very harsh at times, and yes understandable, but sometimes people make a mistake, and if you genuinely forget to even lock back up 1 achievement you can't even get another chance, beside not even getting a guarantee your tag will be removed.

Yeah if you would use SAM wisely in which you know Astats can't really tell if you actually earned that achievement legit, then real cheaters can and will use it like that, it's only obvious cheats like getting 50 in a hour Astats will take notice of.

I didn't really even know about Astats until after the fact, i think i wouldn't be the only one.

8 years ago

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I'm waiting on the five-year period without playing The Stanley Parable just to get that achievement. ^^

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

8 years ago

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There is no fun in it most the time. I gave up achievement hunting after realizing it killed the replayability of some games for me on Xbox 360.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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+1 That's why I like them. :)

8 years ago

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+1 Even a boring game can be fun with achievements.

8 years ago

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And the other way around: a decent game can turn into a boring grindfest or collectible hunting just for the achievements. I am still undecided to activate my keys for Arkham Origins, since I saw the map of how mind-bogglingly insane amount of collectibles were added there. I barely managed to wade through City's 440 collectibles.

8 years ago

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Trust me some misable achievements (like Legend of the Dark Knight) in that game will be more pain in the ass than collectibles. And also multiplayer achievements, that's why I hate Arkham Origins. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah I agree, achievements are great for extending the playtime of games and giving you objectives to complete to discover the game's content that you may have missed, I'll never understand why people cheat that!

8 years ago

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I mean, I don't see the point in using tools. Then you haven't achieved it, you then simply unlocked it and I don't know, I mean, to each their own but unlocking them without even having played the game doesn't really make sense to me.

8 years ago

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Why so serious? >:)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No one's more Serious than...

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8 years ago

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Except when you achieve it and it doesn't unlock, which is a more commonplace issue than you'd think.

8 years ago

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Well, okay, yes. Though what I feel like this discussion is about is people unlocking achievements even though they actually haven't achieved them. If the achievement is bugged and you actually did achieve it, I don't really see a problem in unlocking it somehow.

8 years ago

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I've thought of cheating, since a few achievements have been either extremely grindy or just impossible to get.
But then again, as a casual achievement hunter, the point of collecting the achievements is to do it yourself. So, I don't get why people do it and also, I do find it pretty pathetic, since they're actually such wimps as to just crack them open. It's even worse when they parade it around and pretend as if they've actually unlocked them by themselves...

8 years ago

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Yea I hate it. I found someone similar on SG who had 100% completions on a bunch of games under an hour, I'm talking about long open world games too. As an achievement hunter, I work so hard for those... But at least it's something that is easily detected, Astats also show that the person might be using an achievement cheat as well so we can stay away from them :)

8 years ago

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Nice completion rate you have there :>

8 years ago

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Thank you :) Sadly it's so hard to keep it at 91%. It always drops to 90% and I suspect it might drop to 89% soon. :(

8 years ago

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It counts in the avg. game completion rate when you get your first achievement in a game, I think.

8 years ago

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It does!

8 years ago

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It does, that's what my current problem is. I was testing Grim Dawn even though it isn't a priority right now. Game was so fun that I lost myself in it and I realised my mistake when I saw the level 10 achievement. :P Also missing so many DLCs from games like Fallout 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider. They all hurt the completion so much :(

8 years ago

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I feel you. It's actually gotten so bad that I won't even start games that take a long time to complete (like, 100% complete) because I don't have so much time right now and I don't want that to 'ruin' my completion rate, haha. Ridiculous, I know.

8 years ago

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Haha I know that feeling very well. It does sound ridiculous but I also am not starting some of those games yet for the exact same reason :)

8 years ago

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Having the same 'issue' with 90 and 89! Currently back at 89 but I want 90% back so badly. Just looks ten times better :D

8 years ago

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Yea, I could have easily had around 95 but I made 2 mistakes with some games and got achievements while I was trying them out or I rage quit 2-3 games cause they are too hard (Ori and the Blind Forest for example). And I'm missing DLCs from games like Fallout 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider which both have tons of achievements. It all decreases it :'(

Yours is looking really good, one of the highest ones I saw on SG :)

8 years ago

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Ori is great though! I rage quit that one as well (I guess you did when you have to escape the water rising and stuff?), but continued some time later and eventually beat it. Loved that game. Still missing three achievements in it (Finish the game in under 3 hours; Complete whole game without dying; Complete the whole game without using an Ability Point) which I most certainly will never even try to achieve, but this game itself was pretty sweet, in my opinion.
Yeah, I kinda hate when they put achievements for DLCs :/
Wohoo, thank you! ^_^

8 years ago

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The game IS great but I can't enjoy it due to difficulty and me being bad at platformers. It's one of the very few games I rage quit. I only earned like 12 achievements in that game out of 50 :/

8 years ago

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I don't understand how you can be proud of unlocking an achievement with SAM, but I don't really care. Whatever floats your boat, I guess :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nah, don't care at all

8 years ago

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"Hate" seems a bit of a too strong word in this case :)

Well in the end it's their steam account, so it doesn't really bother me.
It would be more fun though if valve would at least try and make the whole system a little more cheat-free... at least for the people who like displaying their accomplisments.
But in the end, there will always be ways to cheat in something like this.... so maybe we should all be just happy about our shiny achievements and the great memories that came with it..... like you my beloved "The Shadows Rushed Me"- achievement :))

8 years ago

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I agree with you, I work hard to earn some of the achievements I get XD , and then you get these people who use trainers and hacks to get all the achievements , its lame, but to each his own, I have a friend who played through Fallout New Vegas with god mode on the whole time , super lame, but yeah, to each his own

8 years ago

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God Mode? What is that? Does it mean I can play beautiful games without any shooting skills. I would like that a lot.
I feel I'm missing out on a lot of beautiful games just because I can't shoot or fight (don't care to learn it as I hate it).
There are a lot of nice games I would like to play but I'm don't dare to buy them as I'm afraid I get stuck after 10 min or so without any possibilities to move on and skipp a stupid boss fight or something. Would not be the first time I've spend money on a 10 min experience.
Does god mode means I can just continue or do I still have to finish a fight somehow? Only not dying?
Would be so great to play Fallout as some sort of walking sim.

8 years ago

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Lol yeah , lame XD but who am I to judge the way he enjoys himself

8 years ago

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I'm not joking. Does this really mean even people like me can play it that way? If so I'm buying this game.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure where it originates, but I remember it from Half-Life. There it was a console command that one could activate and then become invincible and even fly around - like a god :)
I think it's use was more meant for testing purposes, but since I was not good enough as a kid to beat HL1 I used it a lot just for playing. :P

I'm pretty sure every bigger game has something of that sort in it's source code and if it can't be enabled via dev-console I'm sure there exists a mod somewhere to do that for you.

I guess it would be best to search on modding sites like to find something like this for your favourite game. There might be other mods to make a certain game easier and more accessible if one searches for a more "casual" experience.

Only problem is that - at least in Half-Life - the mode broke the game at some places, since I could pass triggers, like a specific dialogue, which would have been important for the story progression, without activating them, since I could just walk through walls and such.

8 years ago*

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This sounds like a dream come through. I will have to look into this possibility. Thanks a lot for your explanation.

8 years ago

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Sadly I can't really give good advises when it comes to todays modding habits and what you should exactly look for. I liked modding a lot when I was younger, but today I just enjoy playing vanilla games and experience the devs idea about their games.

But the modding community is huge and there are so many different... bits that people add to their favourite games, that you will surely find something for you.
I'm also sure that there are a lot of people on this site, who like to "mod the hell" out of their games. So if you explain what you are looking for with a thread, you'll surely find someone who can give you good advises for what you should look and try out.

Good Luck in finding something for you!

In recent games I often recogniced some sort of "casual mode" or "story mode" already. It's nice to see that devs implement these things more and more.
Because in the end - when you for example take a game like Fallout - there are just so many things that game offers apart from fighting: dialogues, story, exploration, crafting and so on, that it is just a shame that some people can't experience these parts of a game, when they absolutely don't like fighting.

8 years ago*

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I could not have said it better. that's exactly what I mean. Todays games are so beautiful and realistic that I would like to be able to play them. Unfortunately 99% must have some sort of boss fight. Even very nice platformers have nowadays. Meaning I have a lot of unfinished games I really liked for a while. Why not simply build in a "do you want to skipp this fight" option after 3 unsuccessful attemps or so. Can't be to hard to implement. Of course there must be a possibility for those who want to beat it themselves to do it 100 times but for people like me it would mean I could buy and play any game I want.

8 years ago

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I think it is important that there is some sort of "normal" difficult mode, that says: okay you want to beat this game, then you have to do something for it - or people will just tend to use the easy route and then become abit bored, so... it's important to save the player for breaking the game experience for themselves and rather find other means to prepare them for a certain challenge.

But I also think that there should also be a mode for people, who just want to experience a story and/or just look for different things in a game. A mode for people who know, that a certain game is too difficult for them, but just not have the time or want to pratice hours, just to experience a bit more of the story. Skipping bosses should be mandatory in those indeed.

Though for platformers it can be a bit difficult to implement a mode like this as those are dependent on their leveldesign, thus difficult challenges in those just require some degree of accuracy and some quick reactions... I'm not good at them :D

8 years ago*

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I think I'm big enough to decide for myself if I want to "ruin" a game for myself or not :).
Setting a game to no action at all (my favourite) and complain afterwards you got bored sounds a bit strange to me.
The platformer I was talking about is Blue Sheep. As a platformer extremely simple, comming from a person with no skills at all, just a sweet beautiful walk in the park. And then all of the sudden a boss fight that gave many professional you tube gamers a hard time? And for me an abrupt end to the game, why? I mean if you like a challenge you will not get to this part as you would be asleep long before it as this is an extremely simple game. Such a pity.

8 years ago

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I think I'm big enough to decide for myself if I want to "ruin" a game for myself or not :).
Setting a game to no action at all (my favourite) and complain afterwards you got bored sounds a bit strange to me.

Ha, jeah but sometimes I just chose the easy way, because I thought I needed that which then turned out to be less fun for's really something devs have to keep in mind :D

And jeah as you describe Blue Sheep that sounds more like generel bad design choice :(

8 years ago

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They obviously annoy you, so why not just unfriend them? Problem solved. ;)

8 years ago

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Oh, no... they don't annoy me. I just don't understand what is the motivation to have one game with less than one hour of gameplay and 100% of achievements unlocked xD. Emphasys on the thread is because i'm pompous.

8 years ago

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My Psychology 101 knowledge tells me that these people probably have very little real-life achievements so they try to compensate by maximizing in-game achievements. Even it means cheating the system.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i only play for fun, and unlock whatever procs :)
if people want to unlock over SAM so be it, i just ignore it..
but it made me realise over time that ranks, achievements ect basicly meen nothing. :)

8 years ago

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When i play skyrim and use the wrong command to complete a quest for testing purposes
Used "caqs" now i have 50 achievements :(

8 years ago

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For me achievement hunting is more a personal thing though I did compete strongly on Astats for a few years. I enjoy the challenge but understand most people dont see things the same way. I am use to seeing most people use cheats or tools to unlock them and if they are that simple minded that they get some enjoyment out of that, well most people are idiots and you cant change that. It is only annoying when they think they can join 100PAG or compete on Astats that I get annoyed. Unfortunately like I said, most people are idiots and Astats Admins just cant keep up with the influx of cheaters. They also have to give the benefit of doubt in too many cases which is where things get bogged down. Steam is just too lax with their implementation and until they change things, people are going to continue to pretend to be real gamers. All you can do is game the way you want and ignore the simple minded.

8 years ago

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Well, I don't really care one way or the other. Got several games to 100% achievements, because it was either easy, or I liked the game very much, and had to have all achievements!

Those who use some unlocking software aren't fooling anyone, because you can easily check their stats and see the game was "beaten" using unfair mechanics. I think they're either not aware of that(unlikely), or just simply don't care what people say.

8 years ago

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What currently annoys me more is when achievements don't unlock even when you've done everything correctly. Yesterday I spent 1,5 hours doing the Fort Knox heist in the Masterplan and I barely managed to take control of all 4 armored money transporters (required to get the "Not a Crook" achievement) on the first try and when I click Drive which would normally end the mission and bring up the summary the game just crashes. So since the game doesn't allow you to save during missions I can do a 90 minutes heist from scratch hoping the crash was random and won't happen every time. Gameplaywise I really like this game but the stability is quite poor and I've had crashes in pretty much every longer level. Granted I probably shouldn't be surprised then that it crashed in the last level as well but this was the first time it let me finish the whole level before it crashed so it really felt like the game was trying to troll me.

8 years ago*

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It doesn't affect me in any way so I don't care.

8 years ago

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I enjoy unlocking achievements when I can but as an adult other peoples achievements or need to cheat to get them doesn't affect me in any way. If they get some pleasure from it (however much I can't understand how) good for them.

8 years ago

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I don't really care for achievements when if even playing a game so cheating to get achievements doesn't bother me. If it will make somebody feel better... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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Yeah, I hate those people, it just makes no sense at all. Some achievements are insanely hard but then just ignore them, don't show off something that you didn't achieve.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hm... aren't you missing saints row 3 and 4 achievements, too? If you want then we could try achieving those - if that works with the ping ^_^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Jeah they are pretty time-consuming to achieve and aren't really worth it for the time one has to spent. But if you feel the urge to get back to that game, I still need those achievements, too :)

This achievement design felt as if the game basically told me after completing: "Hahahaha! you should have played with friend! you no have friend? Hahahaha, too bad! Play again when you have friend! Loser" :P

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I don't like online cheating and I certainly don't like online cheaters. I never have used Sam and won't never use it.

But I have seen people use them, you can't miss those that use Sam when they get loads and loads of achievements in the very same timestamp.

8 years ago

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