Thank you.
Game | Bundle | Achievement |
Battle Chef Brigade | Humble Monthly September 2018 | Beaten |
Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) | Humble Monthly January 2018 | Beaten |
Dead Island Definitive Edition | Humble Monthly November 2018 | Beaten |
Fran Bow | Humble Monthly May 2016 | Completed |
Horizon Chase Turbo | Humble Choice December 2019 | Beaten |
Nova-111 | Humble Monthly April 2016 | Beaten* Screenshot of the last level |
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I did it yet again! I didn't think I would make it, as my health is... not good, so I chose short games thinking I won't be able to finish in time even doing that. And then of course I finished with more than a week to go... Anyway; I played this 6:
Little Misfortune: Achievements "Somewhere Else"
Black The Fall: Achievements "Dead Man Walking" (this achievement isn't technically for beating the game but it's the last one you get, and it's gotten by finishing the final section. There is only like... 2, 3 minutes of gameplay after that, and it's all walking forward and one interaction).
Do Not Feed the Monkeys: Achievements "Macaco doctoriensis"
Penarium: Achievements "Dramatic conclusion..."
The Norwood Suite: Achievements ""We hope you enjoyed your stay...""
Eliza: Screenshot The only Achievement in this game is for something unrelated to the story, so I'm posting a screenshot of the credits.
Thanks yet again for the event, for the win last time (which I enjoyed very, very much!) and for giving me a motivation to keep doing things!
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A bit late, but I managed to beat 6 games
Black The Fall
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™
Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star
Roombo: First Blood - JUSTICE SUCKS
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
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Rip your bank balance. I’m sure many people appreciate you giving away the new game that everyone wants. (Though I’m not sure depleting your bank balance is a wise move)
That being said I won’t personally participate despite wanting deathloop because I have exams that are coming up (very sad I know) and I have prioritise studying so unfortunately not much time to game and complete this challenge. Good luck to everyone else however in completing the challenge!
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Yeah, I'm kinda curious about Deathloop, but it sounds like it might not be that fun for me. I know for sure I wouldn't buy it, so I'll probably pass on this, but I might still play games just because I don't want to wait to play some of these games until there's a "prize" I want to win, haha.
I feel like I waste chances to enter these giveaways when I play Choice games now, lol, but I still have one month of affordable Choice left. :P
I don't know how CJ does it, except maybe having an actual job. XP
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(Though I’m not sure depleting your bank balance is a wise move)
Ehh, I'm good. I'm actually saving a bit more now due to a new job :).
That being said I won’t personally participate despite wanting deathloop because I have exams that are coming up (very sad I know) and I have prioritise studying so unfortunately not much time to game and complete this challenge.
School comes first. I run this this every month and I would be pissed if someone flunked an exam because of an event I organized. Best of luck with your exams, I'm sure you'll do great!
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I work in banking. Kinda fell into it but that is the way life goes.
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lmao over this one ending on Day of the Dead.
EDIT: nope, meatspace just pointed and laughed in my direction, so any gaming with focus on finishing things for this challenge isn't gonna happen. maybe next month >___>
good luck to everyone participating, and thanks again to CJ for murdering his credit card for our benefit lol.
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i'm not sure
but Be Careful that MAYBE (i not sure) Close to the sun is from epic free games and not from humble choice\monthly
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that's really fucking weird cos it was in my Humble category and there's no possible way i would've bought it myself unless it came in HB Monthly, and yet now that i look i can't find it on any list. so, so weird. must've gotten it from Fanatical and miscategorized in-client.
thanks for the heads up i guess, i'll swap it with something else.
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in life,always there is unexpected things,and most of time these is "sad\bad" "Vs" us,try to make we fall down,we must be strong,and go next,never give up wake up fight.
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Love to see another event! I’m kind of roasted from that 100h run of Autonauts last month, and since I didn’t get the bundle this month (big oof) I’ll be taking a break this month. I’ll enjoy seeing what everyone else is playing though. Have a spooky October!
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Game | Ending Achievement Name | Monthly/Choice |
Titan Souls | Titan Soul | February 2016 |
Quantum Break | Your Exceptional Qualities Are Obvious | January 2018 |
Super Daryl Deluxe | Use The Cleaner! | February 2019 |
Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice | The Final Battle | July 2019 |
Underhero | A journeys end | February 2020 |
Ikenfell | Thank You For Playing | June 2021 |
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Will try again! Thanks as always~
Beyond eyes
Black the fall
west of dead "End of Injustice"
fury unleashed
Jumpjet rex
The suicide of rachel foster
Arghhh west of dead really enjoyed the game but got pretty confused at what "beating the game was". Believe it is just reaching chapter 4 which I did a couple times and after beating the boss I thought I did something wrong or needed to do something to unlock more but that's actually the end. I will probably continue the game getting some more achievements for going different routes to reach new places and getting the "true ending" after reading guide...understand what I did wrong which is kinda annoying that I missed such a small step during the boss fight... :)
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Hello, I never participated in event, so I hope it is okay list games even if they weren't given in same month.
Beaten game | Achievements | Feelings |
PGA TOUR 2K21 | achievements | I know that was the most hated headline game on choices in 2021, but I really enjoyed that one, courts were really nice made, when I tried google them, they turnt out be even real. I liked feature where game shows you strokes of your opponent, when they do some nice shot, but I had to turn it off, because there is 33 matches in carrier mode and after 20 I saw and hear all version, so it made me crazy. I have maybe just two points to mark as I haven't really liked about. First is game requires be nonstop online, without that you can't play even against AI opponents, which sucks as my connection few times dropped which resulted into 20 mins loading screen. Other thing was that player can play as woman, but there are no women opponents playing in carrier mode. I am not even sure if I ever heard about real woman golf player, but in game it looks just strange to me. |
Darksiders Genesis | achievements
Hellpoint | achievements
Furry unleashed | achievements
Effie | achievements
In case I won't like some game in serious way or face some technical problems, I will replace by:
Decided to drop Shadows awakening, it is probably worst arpg I played, controls are just disgusting. Will put something instead after I beat rest of games.
Sadly another game from list is down. Over hour I tried start Stubbs the zombie, tried some manuals, but game just freeze on new game and never start. That was for me one of good games in choice. Not going to lie, I am dissapointed and I hope some update fix it, that problem looks like it was made by 2021 update.
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It can be any month just as long as it was monthly games. Imagine trying to find a bundle where you actually took 6 games, especially when the early bundles only had like 6/7 no one would take part! If I push it I can maybe get 3 but normally I don't bite unless at least 2 I want badly
Considering doing Stubbs myself. You should also be fine to start now as you don't have any achievements unlocked, so probably won't be any problems there. Good luck with those games
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Hey! I have never participated in this event but I would like to give it a try.
Though, finishing 6 games in one month is A LOT, so let's see if I can accomplish this.
I would like to try to beat those 6 games if they are eligible:
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hi! thank you again for the chance, i haven't been able to participate in a very long while but i really wanna try this time! i'll add the games to the comment once i figure out which ones ill be playing
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Game | Monthly | Status | Proof |
The Messenger | Jun. 2020 | Finished | The Fake Ending Was Better |
Overgrowth | Mar. 2018 | Finished | No Achievment - Screenshots: 1, 2 |
Paradise Killer | Jul. 2021 | Finished | No Achievement - Screenshots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (spoilers) |
The Surge | Aug. 2018 | Finished | For the Good of Mankind |
Elderborn | Jul. 2021 | Finished | Do you believe me now, Scully? |
Superliminal | Aug. 2021 | Finished | Wake Up |
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It will be hard with all the games I'm also trying to beat for the monthly theme on BLAEO, but I will try with these
AER Memories of Old
Black The Fall
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
FRAMED Collection
Kill It With Fire
Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star
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I probably will have to skip this month now that my laptop is literally just a big paperweight and since I won the GA last month, I'll probably play that instead if I manage to lay my hands on a computer before the month is through.
It feels really weird not picking games for the event though. It's become such a part of my gaming routine, my brain is just confused.
Thanks for the cool event CJ
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Game | status | HB Monthly/Choice |
RING OF PAIN | Done / Final Achievement: Illuminate, Eliminate | October 2021 |
THE TEXTORCIST: THE STORY OF RAY BIBBIA | Done / Final Achievement: The Gates of Hell | October 2021 |
SUPERLIMINAL | Done / Final Achievement: Wake Up | August 2021 |
GARAGE: BAD TRIP | Done / Final Achievement: Gestalt | October 2021 |
AMNESIA: REBIRTH | Done / Final Achievement: Tasi | October 2021 |
HIVESWAP FRIENDSIM | Done / Screenshot: | October 2021 |
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Thanks for still doing it, cj. Have a spooky month, everyone.
Game | Month | Status | Proof |
Iris and the Giant | February 2021 | Completed | I experienced internet outage that week because of a maintenance. So, here is an in-game stats page: Screenshot |
JumpJet Rex | May 2016 | Beaten | Filthy Casual achievement |
I’m not a Monster | May 2019 | Beaten | Portal achievement, Screenshot |
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones | June 2020 | Beaten | Is it really over? achievement |
Paradise Killer | July 2021 | Beaten | Screenshot, Screenshot 2 |
Still There | December 2020 | Beaten | Still There achievement |
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Game | Month | Idle time | Total playtime | Status | Screenshots |
Ryse: Son of Rome | February 2017 | 5.5 h | 12.5 h | Beaten | yes |
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice | July 2019 | 7.9 h | 18.5 h | Completed | yes |
>observer_ | January 2019 | 1.5 h | 14.0 h | Beaten | yes |
Layers of Fear | April 2017 | 3.0 h | 8.0 h | Beaten | yes |
Tacoma | February 2018 | 5.6 h | 10.3 h | Beaten | no |
Tiny Echo | June 2017 | 3.9 h | 5.7 h | Completed | no |
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Slightly late for the entry but decently ahead in game progress. Swapped out Basingstoke for The Textorcist (and honestly liked it much more; stealth+roguelike honestly feels like a game design nonbo imo)
Game | HB Month | Achievements | Status |
One Step From Eden | March/December 2020 | 12/35 | Beaten |
Railway Empire | July 2020 | 32/128 | Beaten |
Basingstoke | July 2020 | 14/34 | Unfinished |
Iris and the Giant | February 2021 | screenshot of Nightmare Mode which unlocks upon a Classic game win) | Beaten |
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night | August 2021 | 17/45 | Beaten |
Heaven's Vault | September 2021 | 26/44 | Beaten |
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia | October 2021 | 15/37 | Beaten |
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Game | Month | Status |
Just Cause 3 | January 2019 | Beaten |
Kimmy | January 2017 | Beaten |
Beyond Eyes | November 2016 | Completed |
Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star | June 2021 | Beaten |
Paratopic | June 2019 | Beaten |
Minit | April 2019 | Beaten |
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I was really seduced by Blasphemous, I absolutely loved the atmosphere and the graphics. It's the one I liked the most among these 6.
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almost there
Name | Month | Achievements | Ending achievement | Playtime | Status |
Carto | Aug 2021 | 20/20 | The Little Cartographer | 7.4h | Completed |
Tiny Echo | Jun 2017 | 6/6 | Delivery Done | 1.7h | Completed |
Mages of Mystralia | Jan 2020 | 30/30 | Spell Duelist | 15.3h | Completed |
Silence | Nov 2017 | 19/46 | Mirror mirror on the wall... | 6.2h | Beaten |
911 Operator | Jun 2019 | 11/18 | Medal of Honor | 12.6h | Beaten |
Effie | Jun 2021 | 20/26 | The end of an adventure | 4.6h | Beaten |
All games are good, but Carto was the best this month
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Hello and welcome to the madness!
The challenge is simple: Play and beat any 6 games, starting today, that have been featured in any given Humble Monthly/Choice bundle in one month.
The prize: DEATHLOOP
Game length does not matter and I'm not looking for 100% achievement runs. So long as you play and beat 6 games, I'm happy. You can go easy mode and play a bunch of 1h games or go crazy and play 6 +30h games. So long as they were in a monthly at a given point, it is all good.
Just post a comment with either screenshots/ achievements showing that you fulfilled the criteria and I'll add on Steam and give you the link. Feel free to share your thoughts on the games you've played, but it is not required.
Why you doing this?
I hate money. That and I realized I've been subbed to the monthly for over six years (yes it has been that long, I checked) and it occurred to me that I've barely touched the games I've gotten from it, let alone played them. Figured the same would be true for a few others, so I figured this is a good way to change that. A sensible person would probably unsub in this situation, but please refer to the beginning as to why that will not happen.
I've played the first X minutes of a game, can I pick it for the event?
No. You cannot have any play time or achievements prior to the start of the event. The only exception is idle time from farming Steam cards.
Can I play a MP only game?
No. It needs to have an "end" in order for me to count it as beaten, so it needs to have a campaign/story mode.
If a game was sold as a non-Steam copy in a bundle (origin/uplay/drm-free/etc), can I pick it as a choice if I own a Steam copy?
No. The reason being that those who own a Steam copy would have an extra option that would not be available to everyone who bought the same bundle. If the game was originally sold as a non-Steam copy, but Humble later provided steam keys to everyone who bought the bundle, then the game would be allowed.
Why six games?
The first few monthlies had 6/7 games in them so I went with that.
How long are you going to do this?
Until my credit card statements gives me nightmares.
This event "ends" on November 2nd when the next HB Choice releases, though the giveaway itself will end the next day. If you manage to finish game number six in between that time, feel free to post, but know that I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to give you the link in time.
Good luck, have fun and stay safe.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to check for ghosts.
List of eligible games:
Credit goes to PapaSmok
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