Humble Crusader Kings II Bundle

3 tiers, 1 game + 15 DLC

30 Jul 2019 - 13 Aug 2019

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Region locks:

Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury has a notice of region locks for the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Bahamas, Panama, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Republic of Korea, China

Could anyone from these countries confirm that they actually receive the region locked sub?

Everyone else receives a ROW key.

If you already own some of the DLCs, make sure to double check before activating these keys - you might be able to activate keys for DLCs you already own.

Tier 1 - $1

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Crusader Kings II 91% of 22787 🏆 6.00 CV app/203770 W M L 19 $39.99
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods (DLC) 78% of 133 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/210908 W M L 4 $14.99
Crusader Kings II: The Republic (DLC) 58% of 63 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/210906 W M L 1 $9.99
Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion (DLC) 46% of 97 (Base game has cards) - 0.75 CV app/210902 W M L 2 $4.99
Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome (DLC) 72% of 75 (Base game has cards) - 0.75 CV app/210895 W M L 1 $4.99
Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam (DLC) 71% of 87 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/203778 W M L 0 $9.99

Tier 2 - BTA (lowest so far: $6.64 + $0.01; initial BTA: $8)

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords (DLC) 73% of 155 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/354330 W 0 $14.99
Crusader Kings II: Way of Life (DLC) 75% of 171 (Base game has cards) - 1.20 CV app/329010 W 0 $7.99
Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne (DLC) 70% of 130 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/292982 W 0 $14.99
Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India (DLC) 46% of 60 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/279600 W 0 $14.99
Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham (DLC) 75% of 89 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/226667 W M L 2 $9.99

Tier 3 - $15

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury (DLC) 95% of 552 - - 3.00 CV app/756660 W M L 0 $19.99
Crusader Kings II: The Reaper's Due (DLC) 89% of 307 (Base game has cards) - 1.50 CV app/449980 W M L 0 $9.99
Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon (DLC) 67% of 187 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/640140 W M L 0 $14.99
Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics (DLC) 63% of 327 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/530780 W M L 0 $14.99
Crusader Kings II: Conclave (DLC) 49% of 401 (Base game has cards) - 2.25 CV app/394320 W M L 0 $14.99


  • Tier 1 = $84.94
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $147.89
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = $222.84


  • Tier 1 = 12.74
  • Tier 1 + 2 = 22.18
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = 33.43

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Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!

5 years ago*

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Is it a bundle? Is it a store deal? It's a tired store deal!

View Results
[T1] I'll start my Crusade for the base game. And some DLCs.
[T2] BTA is my Way of Life.
[T3] I must own the whole Conclave of DLCs. All or nothing!
[Have] Bought these on the store before, for hundreds of dollars...
[Skip] Horse Lords sound like Oblivion's Horse Armor. I hate DLC.

would be instabuy but don't have time to play another grand strategy, EU4, Stellaris and Imperator Rome enough, these games the reason I have a huge backlog.
btw, this bundle = CK3 confirmed?

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Great bundle! It is Royal collection.
6,64 lowest BTA for me,
but will buy probably T3... Already have base game and old goods, but did not played this on STEAM because of 100 dlc and very high price. Now can have complete expansion version... But could include also other dlces as well :/

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Is it worth getting T1 for DLCs? definitely not going for upper tiers as I haven't really dared to play it (Tier 2 is good contentwise, as far as I can tell)

5 years ago

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Sure worth it, in tier 1 there are at least two very important expansions. But I'd go all in, if you should consider to ever play it. It's a great game anyway, but Conclave and Holy Fury added so much more. And if you should like it, you'd have to pay a lot more for all this content.

5 years ago

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The struggle is real with not much money to spend between monthly or this, looking for a job and being afraid of ever playing a grand strategy (I think i'll either drop it, or it will steal my life away :D )

5 years ago

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Let me check... Legacy of Rome is considered one of the best DLCs; The Old Gods also used to be one, now made kinda redundant by the Holy Fury DLC and the free Iron Century update, but still good on its own; the others also add some variety to the mix, though Sunset Invasion is mostly a meme DLC.

Still, for $1, it's a no-brainer if you ever intend to play the game.
I'd generally recommend a no-DLC run or two first, but these are alright.
Just disable Sunset Invasion, and start from 1066 or later, until you get the hang of it.

5 years ago*

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Let me add this neat guide on CK2 DLC by TJ Hafer. Should be helpful for others too, wondering which tier to pick.

5 years ago

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Nice link.

5 years ago

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From what I remember several of the DLCs in tier 1 like the Old Gods and Legacy of Rome were considered part of the core DLC if you added to the CK2 vanilla game. I think alot of CK2 players would say you could have excellent games with those.

5 years ago

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So basically if i am counting quickly it gives you about half of the DLC, and trying to tempt you to get the other remaning ones, because greedy Paradox?

5 years ago*

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It gives all expansions (which matter most). Unfortunately regular dlcs are no present :/. But they are rather cosmetics then gameplay as far I know.

EDIT: but would like to see tier 4 with all dlc;s even cosmetics...

5 years ago

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Yeah but if you are a completionist you want everything so either you get them through steam itself which is still expensive or wait on another bundle that might have that 4th tier, but then you are left with a lot of spares.

5 years ago

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That's just silly. Seeing some different faces in some corner of the world doesn't change anything about the game experience and neither does listening to one more song.

5 years ago

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I play EU4 way more than CK2, but I'm pretty sure they included every single expansion in this bundle. It's only missing cosmetics dlcs like music, dynasty shields, portraits and unit packs, which are completely useless if you're not into roleplaying imo

It's just a cheaper version of the Royal bundle on steam. There is the imperial (or whatever it's called) that includes everything.

5 years ago

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Considering how they like to price-gouge with their DLCs, this is actually an amazing deal.

5 years ago

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I wonder if there are a option to go increase from T2 to T3?
T2 is fr sure for me (6,64+0,01$) and probably will buy T3 as well as indyvidual DLCs will cos me higher I guess then 15$ - 6,65 = 8,35$? Any advices?

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5 years ago*

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Go to HB's purchases page, select your bundle purchase, and at the top of the new page you should see "Like what we're doing? Increase your order amount!", and select Custom Amount.

5 years ago

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Yes i know procedure. But in very rare cases this option was removed and you could not increase from lower tier to higher. That is why i asked before bought T2. Fortunately in this bundle you can increase, that is why I bought T2 and will add T3 in the way as you wrote (increasing order by 8,35$).

But thx for a help anyway!

5 years ago

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Not a fan of such dlc bundles, easy skip :)

5 years ago

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Grabbed the first tier, T2 already at $8.16

5 years ago*

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Can you check if it is possible to increase order? Also it is separate keys or not? Thx for info :)

5 years ago

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Six separate keys for Tier 1, I have it locked in at $7.32 with an option to increase as much as I want

5 years ago

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Ok then will but T2 6,64+0,01$ and then probably increase to T3 I guess. Thx for info!

5 years ago

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Well holy shit that's some great deal. The complete package costs about as much as one single expansion on sale and it seems that no expansion is missing, only cosmetics.

5 years ago

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Yes it is complete royal collection. Would like to see tier for empire collection but.. it is great deal anyway:). i wonder if there are separate keys or not.

5 years ago

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I only need three expansions from T3. I wonder if its worth it.

5 years ago

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Oh, there we go... it was about time they bundled some DLC other than The Old Gods, after those bundles from ~5 years ago.
Interesting to note how the DLCs are tiered in exact chronological order: oldest 5 in T1, next 5 in BTA, newest 5 in T3.

The entire bundle is basically the same as the Royal Collection, which includes all gameplay DLCs, for ~80% cheaper than the lowest historical.
Just like with any other Paradox product, beware of "trap" unknown IDs that could make you waste a key.

5 years ago*

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nice deal, thanks!

5 years ago

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Truth be told, despite CK2 having a flood of DLC's, they actually chose the best ones to include in tier 1. Old Gods, Legacy of Rome and Sword of Islam seem to be the best value among all, thus making a great base starter kit.

5 years ago

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That's pretty much wrong. They sorted them chronologically, not by relevance. So tier 1 covers the oldest expansions, expanding mostly on the basics (warfare, Islam playable etc) while the Conclave or Holy Fury are much more sophisticated.

5 years ago

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You're quite right, I see where I may have been ambiguous. Allow me to rephrase that:

(IN MY OPINION), despite CK2 having a flood of DLC's, they (INCLUDED THE ONES I BELIEVE ARE) the best ones in tier 1. Old Gods, Legacy of Rome and Sword of Islam seem (TO ME, BASED ON MY OWN OBSERVATIONS OF THEIR CONTENT) to be the best value among all, thus making a (FUNCTIONAL) base starter kit.

So, wasn't actually trying to elaborate on the reasoning for the choice, instead showing personal preference for that content. And, to be fair with the other DLC's, haven't really explored them much, so I appreciate the recommendation of Conclave and Holy Fury!

5 years ago

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IMO, the other major DLC is Rajas of India, which adds a huge expansion to the map

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Not my kind of game, skip.

5 years ago

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The bundle is great for people who like this game

for me, it is humble DLCs bundle

5 years ago

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TFW you have all of them, including the latest one the historical low of which is just below the price of this whole bundle ....

5 years ago

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very very is without Legacy of Rome not playable....because one of the mainfeatures is in this dlc....waiting a long time for it...thx

5 years ago

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Crusader Skips 2

5 years ago

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I've tried 3 separate times to try to learn this game. I failed all 3 times.

I'll probably pass on the DLC.

5 years ago

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time to be generous and donate $1 ^^

5 years ago

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time to be redundant and post the same comment. ^^

  • game to play idle ✘
  • yay, another game +1! ✘
  • look how I am generous, spending a dollar for giveaways while I buy AAA gamez for mah-self ✔
5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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So I'm not the only one noticing

5 years ago

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I'll just leave this here.

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5 years ago*

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To what end though? You really should try to make your points a bit more clear, in case you have one. I guess there is the possibility for this message to be intended for your in-group despite being directed to me though. If so, feel free to ignore my question

5 years ago

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so, did you buy this bundle?

you can't make fun of leeches if you aren't generous™, go pick a few copies.

5 years ago

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While I agree that it's kind of sad that you get hounded even when making self-deprecating comments, it's best not to feed into their comments further and just ignore them.

5 years ago

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No, I need to be interested in at least one game to purchase a bundle and Crusader is really not my cup of tea.
Mully, I don't check the forum that much, but one thing I've noticed is that you can't seem to refrain yourself from posting the same kind of comments. Mostly in bundle threads. At first, you made me chuckle but I have to admit that it got old after a while. I guess I was grumpy yesterday.

5 years ago

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you can't seem to refrain yourself from posting the same kind of comments.

guess it goes for every single user in here

thanks for the chart shatki
a nice and pleasant bundle with shiny dlc ^^
very pricey
repeats, skip
they increased the bta by 1 cent, damn you ign

etc.etc. pity you only seem to spot mine. 🤷

5 years ago

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thanks for the chart shatki

what's wrong with you, mully.

5 years ago

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Yeah, you're right. Those comments are in every bundle thread too.
But yours are sarcastic. It seems they are intended to make fun of a certain category of people. Perhaps that's why your comments popped out more to me? I'm not saying that sarcasm is bad... I'm not saying to stop posting +1, idling, etc. comments either. I just pointed out that habit of yours, possibly out of grouchiness or PMS. that's also a possibility.

5 years ago

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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

and now i get gaslighted, amazing. 🤦‍♀️

5 years ago

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This reaction makes no sense. The previous post is about their mood, not yours

5 years ago

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What the hell, Mully. O_o You're digging way too deep.
Hum... you did understand that the grouchiness and PMS-ing was directed towards me, right? Because when I'm in a bad mood, yeah, I tend to get bitchy and sarcastic.
I just don't get why you think you got gaslighted.

5 years ago

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maybe because english isn't my native language.

anyway, full circle completed.
you understood my comment was aimed at someone else, and i understood that sentence of yours was aimed at me. 🤷

5 years ago

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guess it goes for every single user in here

Not unless you by every single user in here are referring to only users that fit this description. If every single user in here means what it normally does you're most likely off by at least 95%

5 years ago

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case closed, move on to something more interesting.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yeah, god forbid we should engage in actual discussion. Better keep to ambiguous one-liners

5 years ago

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i see your problem. you are trying to be argumentative with people that have to pay by the letter.

5 years ago

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Perhaps I should move on, to bed. It took me way too much time to recognize this as a joke. If that's even the case lol

5 years ago

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As far as I can tell the bundle is the same as this and the previous historical low for it was over $50, so if someone wants to play the game this is indeed an amazing deal.

5 years ago

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Oh boy.. Reroll request nightmare incoming lol

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Can I ask why? Is there a problem with these DLC that they don't appear on steam?

5 years ago

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It's pretty much a large DLC bundle. DLC doesn't show up as owned on SG so people can still enter GAs for it even if they own it.

5 years ago

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how about a two weeks vacation?^^

5 years ago

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Ha! So true. I hadn't thought of that. Well, thanks in advance for dealing with the coming wave.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Bought tier 1 because why not? Not my type of game though so I won't invest on DLC's.

5 years ago

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