Should I?
Just contact her, see what happens and don't be too disappointed if things work out poorly. On the other hand, do be happy when things work out well.
You've got the idea in your head, it looks like you don't have a lot to lose. Best to get it over with so you get a simple yes/no answer instead of a frustrating "maybe".
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You're not talking anyway, so your only option to not lose that friend is to contact her. And you are sure that it's a friend that you really want, right? :)
Anyway, I think you should ask her how she's doing, why not. It can't go worse than not doing anything.
Your conversation might be a bit odd since you haven't talked in so long.
People can change a lot and lots of things can happen in a much shorter period than... years. You and her have probably both changed and developed a lot, it's a common thing, especially at your age.
And don't let that get you down, because this only means that you have even more stuff you could talk about.
Hope it goes well! :)
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The cemetary is full of "should have, could have, would have"
Just do it for eternal peace of mind
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Yo man, it's not about girls here, it's about friends, ok?
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Five years is already a long time, especially going from kids to teenagers. Just say hi and try to befriend her again and see if the her today is still someone you would like enough to date. :)
Edit: I just saw that you just wanted to befriend her again. I think it's okay to contact her and see if she'd like to try being good friends again.
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You are thinking of her after that much time has passed, which means the is sort of important to you. Definitely go for it, throw her a message, nothing wrong about that, at any case. No early or late moment for it, just do it. Also the fact that you haven't been talking for quite some time doesn't mean that there wouldn't ever be potential to do so again. So, good luck buddy!
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Let's start by the base. You have nothing with her. If she rejects you, you'll lose nothing. If she 'accepts' you, then it's good.
It's always better to leave no stone unturned. You'll be wondering in 10-20 years from now, what could happened if you speaked to her.
Do the most to have no regrets, you have only one life and could end in any moment.
Oh, it was to be friends. Yes, the same applies.
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if you don't talk at all anyway then it can't get any worse, right?
however, chances are high you're just gonna look like a creep showing up after all this time.
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chances are high you're just gonna look like a creep showing up after all this time.
That depends on how he approaches it. If he immediatly start by saying he loves her, than yeah, that would be creepy. But if he just starts a casual conversation he should be fine (maybe after a bit (or if she asks) mentioning that he wanted to get in touch again because he really enjoyed their friendship earlier).
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And ahead and talk to her, I stopped contact will plenty of people in my life, and I don't hesitate to contact them again. Sometimes they have mostly forgotten, other times people are glad I'm talking again.
Also, there's nothing wrong with being freind-zoned, I still don't get why people expect to become a pair with a friend just because you talked a lot :P
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Don't live in the past. Usually people we used to like aren't as cool as they used to be. They've changed, we've changed. We might even don't like each other now. I've had some nice friends too I'm not talking to anymore - it's how it goes, nothing wrong about it. Just find new friends. There is nothing wrong about talking to her though - just don't expect too much (actually I really wonder what do you expect from this chat with her).
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+1 Friends come and go. Sometimes it's sad when you lose a good friend, but that's life.
There is nothing wrong about talking to her though - just don't expect too much
That'd indeed be the best way to approach it. Chances are she won't be interested in OP anymore. But maybe she'd be extremely happy to get in touch again. Just start a casual conversation and everything should be fine (you'd know whether she wants to be friend again fast enough by just casually talking to her).
Happy cakeday! (I always thought you were here a lot longer than me, but apperently it's only 3 days...)
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Just say hello and see what happens... :)
i contacted a few girls i had no contact for years with (yes a few times with hidden agenda :P) and sometimes it wents good , sometimes not... but for my mind it's better than thinking the whole time "should i or not?"
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Ehi Leaf. Penso che dovresti provare a mettere a posto le cose tra di voi, ma questo non significa necessariamente scriverle... Non saprei, le donne son strane, ma di sicuro tornare a scriverle facendo la figura di chi magari "torna implorando" non ti renderebbe molto più "papabile" ai suoi occhi, e contando che quella volta ti scaricò l'obiettivo è aumentare la potenziale attrazione che potrebbe provare nei tuoi confronti. Quindi secondo me ti conviene rientrare in contatto con lei ma indirettamente, che so, magari "frequentando" online i suoi stessi ambienti e vedere se magari si accorge della presenza di una vecchia conoscenza (che lei penserà essere lì per caso). In ogni caso io sono un inguaribile romantico, quindi per me la risposta è "SÌ CAZZO VAI E CONQUISTA!" ma non sono sicuro se il mezzo migliore per farlo sia riscriverle :s
Sorry if I speak spaghetti but the subject is thorny and using OP's native language (that is, by chance, also my native language) allows me to answer more straightforwardly
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Bhe non è tanto semplice, non ho più sue notizie. Non ho idea di come siano andate le cose dopo la nostra ultima chat.
Il fatto è che potrei usare un approccio leggero del tipo "Hey, non ci si vede da tanto, ti và di parare" e magari usare la scusa del "Non ricordo effettivamente perchè abbiamo spesso di parlare". C'è la possibilità che lei non se lo ricordi o che se lo ricorda cerca di evitare l'argomento. Significherebbe che non ha intenzione di concludere il discorso.
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Mah, non saprei, di sicuro a meno che non abbia l'alzheimer se lo ricorda...credo sia stato comunque un evento da ricordare :s e se se lo ricorda e usi quell'approccio è ovvio che il "non mi ricordo perché abbiamo smesso di scriverci" sia una scusa.
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Bhe, credo dipenda tutto dalla prima risposta che potrebbe dare. Alla fine è passato tanto tempo quindi credo che quell' imbarazzo della friendzone sia sparita quasi del tutto. Eravamo bambini e abbiamo fatto cavolate, quindi ci stà che ci si lasci tutto alle spalle. Poi ripeto, dipende tutto dalla reazione che avrà. Può agire amichevolmente, negativamente, potrebbe non rispondere o ignorare.
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My advice is to talk to her, but only if you have friendly intentions. If you are just thinking of talking to her so you could get her in a relationship with you, then you have the wrong motives. Befriend her again and don't take "friendzone" as an insult if you value her as a person. Good luck! :)
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Your timing is wrong cause you're overthinking it.
Just talk to her, enjoy the required cold shower like all of us had at least once in our lifetime (she probably already got or has a boyfriend and she will mention that before you manage to say anything vaguely romantic), and move on.
Boy you're 15, time flies by.. i'm nearly triple your age. :p
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Hello fellas,
Today I'm gonna talk with you about a very sensitive topic (atleast for me).
Many of you might not know me, but I'm sure 1 or 2 people do. I talking about this with you guys beacouse I know SOME of you are really good people.Here's the matter:
In these days I've been thinking about a girl I met ~5 y/o. I really had great times with her. We played online, we talked on ts, we chatted... ya know how it goes. This girl friendzoned me after 1 year of "friendship" and from then we started to speak less frequently until we stopped completely. We were "kids" (We were 10 y/o) and I acted stupidly by saying "Hey, uh, I love ya, wanna ship?"(I have no idea how it's said in english so don't mind).
Now, back to nowadays I wanted to speak again with her after 5 years of complete silence. I have NO idea on how she could react. Maybe the fact that she hasn't blocked me is a good thing, isn't it?
I'm a really honest person and I have no problem saying things in face of other people, the problem is I don't want to do this too late or too early, there's a good moment for everything, right?
Just tell me what I should do, should I speak with her or not?
It might sound stupid for some of you but I really appreciate to hear your opinion!
PS:I'm sorry for my bad english. I'm italian and I can't speak really well english (when I eat my meatballs and spaghetti with my pointy closed hand)
PSS: I'm also sorry for the people that : wanted an hidden ga, thought it was something interesting, isn't in good mood today, is in good mood but has nothing to do. To fix everybody's problem you can go blacklist me HERE (mostly beacouse my bl doesn't get updated since Mar 20 2017. (Or if you're kind enough you can wl me, but saying this will probably give me even more bls)
PSSS:If 100% of you say to speak/not speak with her, it doesn't mean I will absolutely follow your advise.
PPAP:There's no potato answer, muahahah other bls incoming
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