so...what do you think of it? ^_^
They're becoming my favorite games store. For many games you get a DRM-free copy and a Steam key and now they don't only proceed some of the money to charity but let users choose where it goes to. Really nice. I just hope they add non US-based organizations soon.
Steam still has two advantages compared to the Humble store - the ability to pay with trading-card-earned money and the new refund policy.
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Didn't they had that option somewhere in the past? I'm almost 100% sure that they let you choose for who you want to send money while buying bundles. Then option vanished and now it's only back, but not something new.
As for refund policy - did you ever used HB support? They are far better than steam support, they are very helpfull and they don't make any problems with refunds, so I guess only advantage of steam is ability to pay with 'trading cards monwy'.
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Selecting charity is possible for bundles, but normally from a very short list. The new option makes it possible to select from a very long list, but only applies to store purchases.
I wasn't aware that HB offers refunds. Now that I check, you're right:
I think Steam still has an advantage here, because the rules are very simple and there's less reliance on Support goodwill and more on meeting very specific (and rather generous) criteria. Still, it's good to know it's possible also for HB purchases. BTW, I've yet to request a refund for any game, but it makes me less cautious about buying games with mediocre reviews, so I'll probably use it at some point.
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I think it depends on how you look at that. Steam have strickt rules that, if crossed, will in 99% cases result in not giving you a refund. Sure, 2 hours sound resonable and two weeks should be long enough, but there always be some scenarios where it won't work (for example, you though you was playing some game for 2 hours, but actually you put in it 2 hours and 10 minutes - boom, steam system see that you don't qualify for refund and you have to try your luck with support).
And then we have HB where support is really helpfull and every case is checked by real person and not by algorithm. Some time ago I bought that Bohemia bundle for Arma 2. They send me key that activated ROW version which was different app than NA version that appears on steam shop. In the result, steam 'don't recognize' that I own Arma 2 and still shows me promotions for it and all. (I think that with my english you might get a little confused so I will explain - Arma 2 ROW is in my library, but on store page I only see buy options because in the store it's other app - the NA 'version'. I wrote message to HB support, asking about it. When they responded (dude introduced himslef with name, he even had avatar with his own photo) guy politely explained everything and asked me if I want a refund (keep in mind that I didn't even mention refund in my first mail).
Later (or earlier, I don't remember) it was borderlands bundle. It was fine for me but some dude from Germany said he didn't know about censore. He played few hours, but HB, without any problems, gave him his money back.
Generally, I think it's better to contact a living person, especially knowing that he/she will be nice and helpfull, and will explain everything. Also keep in mind that they don't have any hard limits about time and you have 60 days to ask for refund. I know they probably won't give a refund if someone will have 10 hours in some short single player game but for honest users it's great policy.
I have to add that I don't know what will happen with activated games. I gues they delete keys and drm free DL links from you HB account but I don't think they have enough power to make steam delete product from you account.
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It's good to know they're personal, friendly and helpful. I'm not surprised actually, it's a classy operation top to bottom.
One thing I don't quite understand - how would you end up playing a game (2:10 in the above example) without activating it? or maybe I misunderstood the last paragraph?
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This example was about steam refunds for games bought on steam store. Last paragraph was me wondering if, and if yes how, Humble Bundle 'take back' game that you bought in Humble Bundle store but you got refund for. You know, when you buy something and then want to get refund you have you return your purchase. It's easy while it's about steam store purchases because it all 'stays in the family'. The other thing is Humble Bundle - the only thing you can give back is key that is actually useless for them because you already activated game on steam. I was wondering what will happend with game from Humble Bundle that you have in your steam library but you got refund for.
Oh I almost forgot - happy cake day ;)
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They refunded me my game even though i had a card drop, they refunded a game i never really played but bought 3 months ago....
If you don't abuse the system, and ask for legit refund they're cool about it, the two weeks and 2 hours isn't set in stone. If you inadvertantly barely pass the 2 hours limit they'll probably refund you, but if everytime you ask for a refund you already have most of the card drops they might be reluctant to refund you.
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The one i already had a card drop was a couple of days ago (Zombie trilogy game), i just followed the normal procedure didn't have to contact steam support, just send the standart thing telling why i want to be refunded. (money is still pending to be funded back into my account actually.)
The one with the 3 months was indeed at the start of the refund. I haven't tried any other really, these are 2 of tje 3 games i asked a refund for along with Road redemption. And yes it's on Steam :)
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Well, good to know. Honestly I don't think they will happilly make exceptions more often, but it's good to know that steam support actually can be somehow flexible. Also your 'case' kinda back up something I was talking about on this forum about two or three weeks ago. In other words - thank you for sharing this infos :)
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Actually Steam support still has the final say in refunds other wise if they did not,there would be no up to 7 days for a refund and you would not have to wait,it would be instant so so much for a refund for any reason but you have to wait for it to be approved,if it was truly for any reason they could just automate it.
Also you get it back in shitty steam wallet,which i guess is fine but if i pay with say paypal i want it back in the form of payment i used now some store credit that is worthless to me if i wanted the cash back to buy it say cheaper some place else.
And well Steam may have added refund which is nice but only because they where forced not because they wanted to do a good will thing,they where feeling the pressure from like Origin as they offered them and other sites where doing the same,it was a matter of losing business more then what to be more consumer friendly
In the end i use whatever site is cheapest and most of the time i end up using GMG,or other authorized resellers
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Sir, I belive you are not informed well enough to make such comments, or just want to lie to us, becuase you don't like steam.
Easy to find source about steam refunds
"You will receive the refund in Steam Wallet funds or through the same payment method you used to make the purchase. If, for any reason, Steam is unable to issue a refund via your initial payment method, your Steam Wallet will be credited the full amount. (Some payment methods available through Steam in your country may not support refunding a purchase back to the original payment method. Click here for a full list.)"
See? You get money back in the place where you taken them from. Of course it is possible to receive refund on steam wallet even if you used soemthing else than steam wallet, but only if YOUR payment metod of choice won't support refunds.
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i have no reason to lie on here that is just stupid,but i did miss read it,so i was wrong you got me on that.
It happens and everyone does it they get stuff wrong,but ti throw in i might want to lie because i i do not like Steam well that was not needed and a bit rude if you ask me as it somewhat an assumption that i might be a liar just based on giving wrong information.Also you point out it is an easy to find source i did check out the source i just read it wrong as you know it is just as easy to do that as it was for you to assume i did not read it.
Though again you do got me on i do not like Steam but i am not going to lie on purpose about them just because i do.
Either way thanks for pointing it out so now i can be more informed and will not be misleading people because of it.
This does not change how i feel about Steam and how three main goal is to print money when they make enough to improve support 10 fold instead they try and sneak things in like paid mos.I do understand they need to make money just like everyone else before anyone points that out,but i also think that having good support and treating your paying people right will make you more money then trying to come up with more ways to make it.
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wait what? you were able to choose since humble exists, or did i miss something?
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i see it on the upper right corner of the store page
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