I have a folder just for giveaways on my bookmark bar, that way I can access them from mobile as well. This doesn't offer enough functionality over standard browser features for me to bother using personally.
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I tried that, too. But my browser bookmark bar is already cluttered af, and I constantly forgot to check the links -.- I'm planning to add a badge or something that informs you when one or more of your bookmarked GAs are ending to catch those last-minute-entries.
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thanks, I think it's fixed. hopefully when I get notification it won't break again^^ btw, there is a "bug" if I for example bookmark the GA which begins (so, not currently active) in N hours, it shows that it actually ends in N hours. would be a nice QoL fix if it's not very hard:)
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yep, that's really cool right now
As I said somewhere earlier, a combined enter and delete from bookmark would be awesome.
As I store a lot GA there and then it's a lot to click on it, enter and then delete it
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this looks really cool, but is there some way to access ga which are not on the screen anymore?
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additionally it would be really awesome, if you could just enter a bookmarked GA directly or unbookmark it from the bookmark view
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No, I''m using Firefox on windows 10 if that's interesting
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I've always bookmarked GAs using the browser's bookmark feature, only to never touch them again. :p
Will be using this script, thanks!
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just a bump, as this is really useful
it would be incredible if you somehow could sync your list.
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another suggestion
it would be cool if the GAs I already entered would be shown in some way in the list
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That is a bit tricky, because I can't always know whether you already entered a GA or not. And I don't want to add features based on assumptions. So this propably won't come. But I added a feature to auto-remove all ended GAs, which should help keeping a long list clean a little bit. It will be included in the next release.
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Can you only check this for puplic ones?
Because ESG can at least detect them
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Hm, like this?
https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/r20161205/r20161129/show_ads_impl.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
And on this page I get:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/kceto/userscript-sg-bookmarks-save-giveaways-for-later-use#eBZ6wdp' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://i.imgur.com/haLrYxI.png'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
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Do the scripts fail completely or are they just failing partially? Do you eg see the SG Bookmarks icon in the navbar? Do you see the "Bookmark" icon on GA pages? Do you see the "SG Bookmarks" entry in your account setting?
Is it happening only on sepecifc types of pages? GA pages, discussions, home page?
My guess is that there is a third script activated that causes this combination (ESG + SG Bookmarks + script x) to fail. Could you try disabling other scripts and checking if it still fails?
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The scripts fail completely, meaning I see no bookmark icon. I wasn't aware of an entry in teh account settings, but as I can't see it now I assume that failed, too.
It's happening on SG in general, not on specific pages. When the functionality comes back it comes back for any tabs containing SG links.
I have no third script running on Tampermonkey.
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Honestly, I'm out of ideas what could cause this. I can't reproduce it with the same setup on my side,
There are no error logs, so the scripts are not failing. Maybe it has to do with your Tampermonkey settings, or maybe some other browser addon. As long as we can't reproduce the bug, there is no possibility to fix it. Sorry.
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is it possible to create some "save status" button with which you could save the status of your bookmarks to load them later or on some other device?
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That would be awesome
I'm using a few different devices and then switching would be way easier.
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Nice idea, although i don't thind this is essential. The only thing that makes it different from a browser bookmark is the "hours left" count.
Needs more features such as a button to rapidly enter the GA without having to go to the former and possibility to bookmark topics (under a separator maybe so you don't get confused with giveaways).
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Needs more features such as notifications for ending GA
It already does
button to rapidly enter the GA without having to go to the topic and possibility
May or may not come someday. I understand the convenience of it, but honestly, I'm not a big fan of auto-enter features.
to bookmark topics (under a separator maybe so you don't get confused with giveaways).
Was planned once, but I dropped it, because I could not find a way to integrate it seamlessly without major additional development. Maybe I will add something like this someday or create another script for bookmarking discussions.
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One thing that is already on the roadmap is an import/export feature that lets you download your bookmark configuration to import it elsewhere. It did something similar for SG User Notes, so it shouldn't be too much work. For that, I initially had the plan to integrate syncing using the Dropbox Datastore API, which would have been the same usecase as SG Bookmarks. That API had some huge advantage over other approaches:
But sadly the Dropbox Team shut that API down because it was not used enough by devs. Since then I am looking for another service that is equally great for this purpose. So if somebody knows a service that offers all the same advantages, please let me know.
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Thanks. How many bookmarks I can have? Does the expired GA's will automatically deleted?
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17,428 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by MjrPITA
You know that moment when you've hit 0P and there are still so much GAs to enter? I always leave the tabs open until my points recover. Depending on the amount of GAs to go this can take a while which is really annoying. That's why I wrote a little Userscript that adds a bookmarking function to SG. It adds a little bookmark icon right next to the game title in the header. If you click it, the GA gets added to your bookmark list. The list can be accessed via the bookmark menu item in the top menu. The list shows all active GAs on the top, ordered by expriation date. After that, all ended GAs are listed grayed out, also ordered by expiration date.
The source code is available on Github. If you find a bug, please open an issue there and bump this thread.
I wrote the script for myself and according to my needs, so I wont add any new features, but contributions are always welcome. Just open a pull request on Github.
You'll need a scriptmanager like Tampermonkey in Chrome or Greasemonkey in Firefox to install this script
PS: Have a look at my other SG Userscripts:
and if you are a coder my SG Userscript API
Update 2017-06-04:
I've been sitting on some new features for a while now, but it needed crazoter to come along with some even greater new features (see below) to get me off my ass and release the new version. If you don't like any of the new features, you can disable most of them on the Settings page.
v1.0.0 (2017-06-04)
There is a new option on the Settings page called "Remove ended Giveaways automatically", which cleans up your GA list automatically and removes all GAs once they ended. Note that when you activate this option it is active immediately and instantly deletes all ended GAs from your list.
Alternatively, there is a Button "Clean up" below that option, which deletes all ended GAs once without enabling the "Auto-Remove" feature.
CAUTION: This feature may cause some issues if you bookmark GAs that have not started yet. Due to a bug in SgApi, the script thinks these GAs have already ended, which makes the script remove them immediately. I hope to find the time to tackle this issue some time soon.
Thanks to the amazing effort of crazoter, the script now keeps track of your giveaway state. This means that GAs that you have entered are slightly faded in the list. This feature can be disabled at on the Settings page (named "Show giveaway status"). Note that this also disables highlighting owned games in the list.
Also as part of the state-tracking, games that you already own are highlighted with a slighly red background. This feature can be disabled at on the Settings page (named "Show giveaway status"). Note that this also disables highlighting entered giveaways in the list.
Also by crazoter comes this great feature: games that are part of a train are now grouped in the bookmark list. GAs are considered part of a train when they are created by the same user and end about the same time. It may not cover every train there is, but it should help keeping you bookmark list a little bit more organized. This feature can be disabled at on the Settings page (named "Group giveaways in a train").
Until now, if you had two tabs open and bookmarked a GA in one, you needed to reload the other tab to see the changes there. This has changed now, since your bookmark list is synced between all open tabs, so you have a consistent browsing experience while using SG Bookmarks.
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