Because all you do is run around finding shit, then get killed by a bandit, who will steal all your shit, I honestly don't see the fun in this mod, it's so boring
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+1 for neither. When the game goes standalone it'll loose all hype, therefore turning into shit. Save your money for Arma 2, if you're in that kind of stuff, not a mod turning into a supposed standalone.
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Exactly. I mean, imagine if someone, say, made a mod in Warcraft 3 about a bunch of heros wandering round doing shit. Or perhaps a mod in Half Life where groups of people shoot at each other and plant bombs. Make it standalone and people will just not care about it any more.
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Yup. The enthusiasm for DayZ was originally because it was an Arma II mod, a great war simulator! Then other people started playing it because it "was cool".
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Yep, but standalone will be vastly improved and have constant updates. The mod, nope.
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"Development and updates of the mod will continue in parallel with the development of the game, so anyone who is playing the mod now will be able to continue to do so. The project will follow the Minecraft development model; fast iterations with the community alpha available for a heavily discounted price."
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if u really want this game u should get the standalone.
from what i know the servers will be more stable that the mod's and it will probably get more updates and etc
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besides Zday it is a very good game though in my opinion
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Honestly. its a shame that the best mod ever was made in the worst game ever. Dont waste your time or your money with nothing related to Arma2, is the game with the most terrible bugs ive ever seen in a game, it should call Trash 2 Operation Bughead. wait for the standalone or try the warz, wich is pretty good too.
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@ thetrooper021, if you refer to bugs contained within the vanilla Arma 2 Engine itself without any third party software of any kind being involved, discredit what I am about to say. Rocket is a complete, utter fool. Most of these bugs, most recently the texture rendering of dead military bodies due to their skeleton being deleted, along with him screwing with the original ARMA 2 Parachuting code, were his own fault, and his own tinkering caused the game to be practically epileptic (no offense to those who have this condition). It's like going on a train, derailing, and plowing through the mountainside with constant hot fixes and erratically made decisions. Take the latest update into account, he was targeting the skiddies in an effort to make the experience in general better for everyone, trying to crack down on Cracked/Illegitimate/Private servers, the result, he made most of the map nigh uninhabitable due to the aesthetic issues. Good intentions, but very, very bad and rushed executions. Moving to the parachute bug, he took a perfectly fine, executing line of coding and molested it in an attempt to make another thing unique to the mod, the result, players being instantly slain and/or losing their backpacks, and usually the fall killed them regardless. My point is that I've never had a problem with Arma 2, and I apologize if you have, but Day Z is the bush that needs to be trimmed with better hands and better tools.
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Lol... not use to tactical shooters? Gtfo. This game very flexible, you can make many things. Worst game ever? Are you serious? The game got a high ton of modding support and capability and limitless things to do. You're a joke.
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Here's my opinion on the matter.
Do I want to play Day Z? Yes, very much so. Do I want to play Arma II? Honestly, not really.
With that, I can say that I don't want to buy a game I'm not interested just to play a mod for said game since said mod is going to be a game itself some time in the future.
So I say, if you actually want to play Arma II as well as Day Z, then get it, if you're only interested in Day Z, just wait for the game.
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After hearing its being released standalone i regret my purchase of arma 2, it was fun for a while until i couldn't take anymore bugs, glitches and the general sniped in the woods middle of nowhere. But hey thats what you get when you purchase something that hasn't even finished alpha yet.
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i'm not sure as i've never tried, but try installing the arma 2 free application and seeing if you can run dayz through that.
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cheap knock off? that has almost been in development for as long as day z? even if it was nothing good has ever come out of people borrowing ideas and putting in their own style has it? cough minecraft
no game is completely original its just how things work
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