Razer Naga Molten, not the best mouse out there IMO but I can't really complain as I got it for free.
On the other hand, I got a new SSD today (because my computer took 5-10 minutes booting and was pretty slow loading stuff in general)
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It looks nice! Enjoy it!
I myself had a CM Sentinel Storm, used it for one month and sold it. It was very uncomfortable and it wasnt thaaaaat good
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One of the problems I had with the CM Sentinel Storm is that it got dirty very easily, just from gripping it for long gaming sessions the screen where the light comes out of got this white, chalky looking grim on it that I couldn't get off. And the bottom where the laser was got pretty dirty too and it started to affect the performance.
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Yeah, happened to me too. The part near the little screen was always dirt
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Oh? Really? Tell me, why is 8200 DPI even remorely useful? What, when you set your windows mouse speed down to 2?
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Oh really? Do you mind explaining to me why exactly?
Oh and don't be shy to get technical. In fact, go ahead and try to explain to me why that's a good thing to do, set your Windows speed down from the default of 6. And then explain to me, why having such a ludicrously high DPI is useful. Let's see how little exactly you know.
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That doesn't explain anything about what I asked about. And this sentence in that article is entirely erroneous: "So if you go from a 400 dpi mouse with 4 sensitivity, a 1600 DPI mouse and a 1 sensitivity would give you the same speed, but higher precision. " Hence, I'll ignore the rest of it, also, as it's written by someone with absolutely no knowledge of how mouse drivers in Windows work.
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Define dislike.
I use a razer mouse, but it definitely has flaws. Up to the point where the sensor (the thing that tracks motion) sometimes randomly shuts down and won't turn back on until I replug the mouse in another USB slot.
Imagine that during a game... GG razer, Best gaming mouse
Why do I still use it? It performs pretty well outside of the sensor dropping out. Plus I like the thumb buttons.
And most of all, lack of a better mouse to use. (only other mouse 'available' is a trust gaming mouse with a broken cable as they made that wire thinner than you would imagine possible)
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I had that problem with the Razor Lachesis. I would turn on my computer but the mouse wouldn't turn on at the same time. I would have to unplug the mouse, wait a few seconds then plug it back in and hope it turned on. Not really the biggest fan. I think they can be a little too expensive too. There are better mice out there for the same price if not lower.
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I have been using a Razer Taipan for about a month now. And i'm loving it! :D
Before that i had a cm storm sentinel z3ro-g "shattered horizon" Mouse. It was awesome for about 2-3 years and i loved it.
The middle mouse button got unresponsive though and it bugged the hell out of me for about a year, so i decided to try out the Razer Taipan mouse :D
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I entered this thread just for this post. Though I do want a g400s if something ever happens to this one.
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Logitech G500, and other than it having a cord (say what you will about wireless devices and gaming but I hate wired mice. The extra weight throws me off) I love it. I had the MX1100, which is a massive wireless mouse with a similar button setup but they discontinued it so I was forced to look for something newer. :(
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Microsoft Wireless Mouse 1000. Don't all be getting jealous now.
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After having my dog chew the cord on my last gaming mouse I had to go out and buy a new one. I was torn between the Razer Taipan and the CM Sentinel Storm Advanced 2 (I was using the advanced 1 before). However I came across another mouse that looked interesting. It's called the Aivia Krypton. I decided to go with that one and after using it for about an hour or so I'm pretty impressed. It's got up to 8200dpi between 4 settings, tons of weights, two different chassis (one made for control and one for speed) and it lights up with this awesome looking blue LED. and it was only around $75. If you're looking for a new mouse and don't really want to go with anything like Razer or Logitech I would suggest giving it a try. Sound off and tell me what you're using for a mouse in the comments, it would be cool to hear what everyone is rocking on their PC.
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