WoW is dead, and blizzard is killing it more and more with every new retarded expansion (pandas, lol what next, unichorns?)
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WoW has always had a fluctuating player base, but when you are talking about 15 million + people after almost 8 years, losing a few million people in your off-expansion years is not unheard of. They always have a huge surge of return players when expansions come out.
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yup i normaly play WoW for about 6months after the expansion then stop then come back 6months later:)
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It's not dying at all it still has 10 million people subscribed (Blizz said so in their last quarterly earnings report.)
Edit: Had nothing better to do so I even found it lol "At March 31, 2012, the worldwide subscriber base for World of Warcraft was 10.2 million" Proof
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Never buy a game based on the hype. If it says its a wow killer that is not good enough reason to go out and buy it. Do the research on the game, meaning watch gameplay videos(if they are available), go on forums and see what people are saying, anything besides listening to the hype.
The only thing that is going to kill wow is wow itself
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Why should a game "beat" WOW? (honestly, I dont see why people likes that crap anyway)
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Because the internet community is like that. We're all anonymously communicating using only plain text, and thus we prefer arguing, because we're anonymous and sharing your opinion won't have much drawbacks, unlike the real world. That's why we have the neverending PC/Mac Ps3/Xbox CoD/BF Nvidia/ATI etc. Back on our topic, WoW never had a rival on such equal level. Now it seems possible that's all.
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GW wasn't a huge "rival" of WoW neither was SWTOR neither was Rift neither was a few other games. So we will see, we will see... I highly doubt it'll make a big dent or effect the WoW population/community.
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That crap is the best MMORPG, even if it has a monthly fee. I guess most people call nerds to those who are playing it because they don't have enough money. You have fun and meet a great community, with no swearing and kids stuff.
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I think it will, I heard of alot of WoW guilds moving over to GW2 because it has gotten stale and old. Besides, the game has been out since 2004 and people need refreshment.
Even if GW2 can't beat WoW in playerbase, I'm still gonna play the FUCK out of it :]
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"the game has been out since 2004 and people need refreshment."
That's why Blizz makes the expansions which come out every once in a while so it does change it up some and make it fun again when you get bored of the old expansion.
But all MMO's are pretty repetitive: grind, quest, gain exp, get achievements, get new armor and repeat...
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WoW was soooo fun... Back in the day.
It aged and as a result, become less fun and the engine was taken to the limit.
It became a standard type MMO and I think Guild Wars 2 makes a lot of changes to the franchise.
This said I think it will be fun and interesting.
Having played all of the stress tests and the beta I found it to be a fun MMORPG (Got a bit tired of all the BWE's lol, I'm waiting for the release :) )
Will it beat WoW in terms of sales ?
Probably not.
INB4 people say "Nice avatar"
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His avatar is terrible because it doesn't fit. Your avatar is terrible because you have terrible tastes in avatars.
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Every top-tier MMO release from Aion to Rift to SWTOR has been called the WoW killer, and none have come close to succeeding so far. Not to say it can never happen, just people tend to stick with what they know and are comfortable with. And almost 8 years is a hard habit to break for most people.
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Yes, but now Blizzard said that WoW going F2P is not out of the question if they see a drop in subs. Furthermore, with the expansion coming everyone knows that their gear will be beaten by quest-reward greens which makes it easier to let go in my opinion.
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I've been in 1st beta for GW2 ... I think this game can really surpass WoW , everything is better.
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Different enough is the exact reason it will not "kill" WoW. Many people, especially WoW players, hate the differences in other MMO's. Guild Wars 2 is a great game with enough heavy changes that it may shy hardcore WoW players away.
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The only MMO that is going beat WoW will be TITAN.
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Nothing will ever beat WoW because 1.) They falsify their numbers and 2.) IT'S AN ABERRATION! Blizzard fanboys propped it up and still play it because they've either never played any other MMO and don't know that there are way better offerings or they can't accept Blizzard isn't #1 in a genre.
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You know you talk bullshit right? They CAN'T falsify numbers, there are serious investments going on, and way too much stuff has interaction with those numbers to be able to falsified that easily.
You know people just like the game because it's actually a polished and good one. Yep, that actually can happen.
Unlike every other MMO that gets hyped to high heaven as the next WoW killer, then end up losing subscribers after the first month.
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Yes, yes they can. Their numbers aren't "subs." They count shit like Asian internet cafes.
Also, their expansions last people a month or two tops. When you're raking in millions, that's pathetic that you can't do better when you release them 1.5-2 years apart.
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That's not them falsifying the numbers though, that's you misinterpreting the numbers.
If they say they've got 10 million active subscribers then they really do have 10 million active subscribers. The number of subscribers they announce is simply the number of people actively paying to play the game. This number is not meant to say anything about how much time or money a player has invested into the game. All it says about a player is that they've paid to play the game at least once in the last month.
Now, if you want a number that takes into account that not all subscribers sign up for the same subscription plan, then you'd want to look at their revenue. For Q3 2011 Blizzard posted a quarterly revenue of $322 million. At that same time they had 10.1 million subscribers spread out across multiple different subscription plans, but it would be the same as if ~7.1 million subscribers were all using a $15/month subscription (obviously subscriptions aren't their only source of revenue for the game, so the real number it's somewhere south of 7.1 million).
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And you are right about it. But I do get angered over any people, shitting over any developer for the sake of being hip. I'm sort of fed up being part of a community that was great before, and a few years ago went to complete utter whiny shit. It's like people don't even want, or try to enjoy the games, they just WANT to find faults and mistakes in everything.
Bioware fell prey to that, Blizzard fell prey to that, maybe even Ubisoft.
And no, I'm not a blizzard fanboy, I do not own all of their products, and not going to either.
But I don't see every damned company as a greedy piece of shit like most people do. Sure they are in for the money too, but people act like everyone could do polished games like they do, and don't even think about that they might do it with passion and love. No, they are just part of a greedy money-making machine.
And then there are the stupid comparisons.
"oh em gee, blizzard products, they are utter shit, I played 3 days of GW2/TL2, dem be best gaemz evurrrr"
I honestly can't wait for the disappointed threads how any of those didn't live up to the hype and expectations. Eventually we'll see those, because that's how the gaming community works these days.
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One does not simply go in and beat WoW.
No, seriously, even the best game ever wouldn't have a chance to do that. There are to many WoW geeks out there who wouldn't touch another game.
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I think GW2, with its hype, current fan base, one-time payment plan, and features, it will stand its ground for a long time. Will it kill WoW? I've heard that phrase so many times in the past year, I don't really want to talk about it. WoW has a very dedicated base, so there's no telling what will kill WoW.
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Will it beat WoW - No. They asked the same question when Aion was announced, when Rift was announced, SWTOR + Tera same story...
Aion is now F2P coz nobody wanted to pay for a chinese game, Rift is fighting hard atm to prove their ground, SWTOR is close to get into F2p since they loose so much subscriptions. And Tera is just a question of time I guess. People try out new MMOS and at least they end up playing WoW again.
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Who cares? I bought GW2 the first day you could pre-purchase and haven't been disappointed by the betas. GW2 is epicly large, with a fast pace, fluent game play that I haven't seen in an MMO yet. I plan to waste away many hours in that game. If people want to continue playing WoW, so be it, they can enjoy wasting away their hours playing the same rehashed stuff over and over. Also I hope they have fun with MoP which looks like it will top Cata for the worst expansion yet!(and yes I have played all of the previous expansions and Cata is complete shit)
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short answer: no, GW2 is not as good as WoW however it is F2P and that will atract a good player base but it will still be far from WoW.
long answer:For me there are about 6 reasons why WoW has kept its crown has the top MMO, these reasons are:
1)It has an excelent universe. when people read quest logs and journals things make sense. most characters have very intersting personalities.
2)Lots of gameplay. while it uses the famous trinity (tank, healer and damage dealer) each class has completely diferent gameplay. this means that if someone knows how to tank with warrior will also have to learn how to tank with a paladin.
3)good PVP structure.arena, rated battlegrounds, attack enemy cities,etc. whatever the type of PVP you like you can get it.
4)good PVE structure. 5 man dungeons and raids for the more hardcore.
5)easy to use sistem but dificult to master. This always more casual players to play while it gives more core gamers a reason to "train".
6)Gives a clear reward.the game rewards you for your time. you grinded rep now you can buy a special mount to show off. you defeated a boss at a raid now you can get a new equip stronger than the people who didnt defeat that boss.
Does this mean that WoW is perfect? no, it has a lot of things that should be improved.Even so WoW is the only MMO which offers such a experience and thus it's the top of MMO.
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2 days ago I was wondering if I should pre-purchase GW2. After a brief research, I'm certain there's going to be a decent number of players but I'm really curious about the claims that WoW has found it's true rival. Will we witness the ending of an era?
Share your stories and discuss.
Cheers, Positive D.
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