I only played OOT.
I mostly only see anyone referring to that one too.
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You should definitely play MM then. It might be a bit harder to get into at first though.
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I agree mostly with this. I couldn't personally pick which one is better, because to me they have always gone hand-in-hand. Like Episode 1 and Episode II of N64 Zelda. They might as well be played in sequence, Majora's being the only direct sequel in the Zelda series as far as I know.
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Adventure of Link is a direct sequel to the original NES Zelda. The two aren't as cohesive as the N64 titles due to differing artwork and gameplay though.
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OoT was revolutionary when it came out, but MM trumps it in every way possible.
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I've recently read an interesting study about Zelda, Zelda players and their preferences.
There was a lot of data. About your question: when they had to put Zelda games in order of preference and decide which is the best, it came down to which game they played first.
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Understandable. That's how it is for Final Fantasy or other things like movies or books too. At least in general. OOT was the first I played but I don't consider it the best. Actually I'd even say TP is better than OOT.
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I guess I would be the exception to that study as the first Zelda game I played was The Adventures of Link, but my favorite is actually Majora's Mask, with Ocarina of Time being a VERY close second and AoL being tied with OoT or in a very close third, depending on which I played last or if one of the bosses in AoL pissed me off last time I played. lol
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I kinda have this with everything, like, the first COD I ever played, the first Pokemon game I ever played etc etc
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As a 26 year old who had Red and Blue when they were the only games in the series and Yellow on release date, I cannot understand how people think older Pokemon games are better. Yes, some of the Pokemon are dumb, but shit, some of GenI were stupid too. A half dozen eggs... evolves into a coconut tree. Wat? Regardless, even if there's only a few good Pokemon in a generation, each has gotten mechanically more complex...
Anyway, I think OoT was overrated as hell. Fun game? Absolutely, but Zelda never needed to move to 3D, and ALttP, Link's Awakening and even the Oracles were much better at keeping my attention away from my school work.
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Well I did play the older ones first but the first one I owned was Pokemon Emerald and that's been my favourite since, as with Zelda I played a Link Between Worlds first so I don't think I'll end up liking any of the others as much, I have the others though I just haven't been gaming much since.
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That's such a difficult question, they're both so different, yet so similar. o_O
Personally, I liked and still like Majora's Mask more and I played Ocarina of Time before Majora's Mask.
I bought them both at the same time and played OoT first because I read that Majora's Mask was it's sequel.
They're both such awesome games, even to this day and I visit them every few years and play them through, either on my N64, my PC or on my PSP, which is really fun because I can play them in the waiting rooms of my various doctors that I have to visit on a weekly basis.
So yeah, I'm going to say that IMHO, Majora's Mask is the superior game, it was darker, felt like there was a lot more on the line with the world being destroyed and all. Overall it just had a way more ominous tone to it that I really liked and hadn't seen in a previous Zelda game.
I never owned a Gameboy myself, so the only Zelda games I'd played prior to OoT were The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventures of Link. Zelda II also holds a very special place in my heart, it was the first NES game that I ever owned, I got it along with my NES on Christmas in 1988, I was 7 years old.
I spent MANY hours each day after Christmas playing that game. It was and still is a great game. I honestly don't understand all the hate it gets. Yes, it's different from the first game.
Honestly, who want's a sequel that's just like the first game? Doesn't look too hard and MM lol Doesn't count >_<
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I'm also hoping for a remake, but a re-release would be fine with me too. They did that for OOT soooo many times. But with the new Zelda title coming I guess we will have to wait a bit longer for that.
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Yep. When I bought the Wind Waker for the Gamecube a year ago, I was excited to see that it came with a bonus disc with two other Zelda games. Turned out they were OOT and OOT Master Quest, that I already had on the 3DS. I was hoping the second one would be MM.
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I knew that existed (though I didn't know it came with the first two Zeldas too), and that's the disc I thought was included since it said "2 classic games". But no, they consider Master Quest a completely different game. And I'm not paying the price they ask for that game nowadays.
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Yeah, I've been wondering that I haven't entered the Wii shop to see if there was anything interesting in there, just the WiiU eshop. I'll have to take a look, maybe I can even buy it with the club Nintendo stars I find no use for.
Edit: Wow, I can actually do that. Damn you, I didn't want to buy any more games, now you have me wondering if I should get it right now of wait to see if they decide to make a remake. Goddammit, now I would have TP, WW, and MM to beat, and I also bought Hyrule Warriors a week ago.
Nah, I think I'll wait. I've been savind these stars without redeeming them in case they make a promotion for registering some of those games or a WiiU, and I'm sure I would need a new controller to play MM since I can't use the WiiU gamepad on Wii mode.
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Is that all that rare? I have that one (IIRC it came with my platinum gamecube) and I had seen it in Gamestop a few times before. The one I never found in stores (except at $100+ price ranges) was the OoT Master Quest, which is a shame because I actually wanted to play that one.
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That's actually how I got my copy.
(Never owned an N64 personally)
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i like OOT and MM for different reasons, because they play a bit differently to me.
in OOT, there is basically just this huge quest that you go through, and it's mostly a streamlined experience with not that much to do on the side. when i want to play a huge epic story from beginning to end i would generally turn to this game.
MM mask however is (IMHO) a bit smaller in the main quest scale, but there is so much more to do on the side. there is no need to collect all the mask on the side, but it is none the less a very fun activity. i would play this if you're more into a story with lots of stuff to do on the side :)
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OoT was awesome, I've played it through even on my phone... I like it more, because MM is so dark and sad. All dem feels.. ;-; You know, when OoT being about saving the world, MM is the same, but is ALL about death. Just death in different stages. I still like it in it's own way, but OoT is better. Here's a small video about what I'm talking about, very interesting. :) Clicky for an awesome theory
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The ocrarina of time might be better for beginners. It will explain everything for every of them. It will also work as a tutorial of some sort: The first dungeons are easier. The MM has a great story, but it's a little less.
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I tried to play MM but i didn´t enjoy redoing stuff because i run out of time.
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Part of that is the fun though. Having to plan certain things in order for them to work was great, at least to me. It made the whole thing seem more alive too because people actually did things at certain times.
Did you never find the two songs that either slow down or speed up time? Those two were pretty much making everything a lot more convenient.
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I played ocarina as my first zelda game. Had seen a friends brother and his mother play it together years before. after Ocarina I figured I'd try MM but the timelimit and redoing of days just isn't my thing. So I ended up just cheating through the game with the emulator and that kinda ruined it. I don't have the patience. Probably also didn't help I had no clue where to go.
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I Love them both. I vote very close for MM, it's a kind of playable Version of Grundhog Day which is very unique, probably the Best Game I ever played , and OoT Could be on 2nd Place.
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I never got the fuss about the MM water temple. The hard part about the OOT water temple was the fact that some things were irreversible and therefore could break the game to some amount (even if it was just about collecting all skulltulas). Nowadays I have no problem with it and even the master quest version I managed easily on first playthrough. Things are a lot harder when you are 10. xD
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OOT. It's just so... awesome. The music, the story, quests, the little side activities and games (the fishing especially), it's all just so cool. MM is a great game as well I'm sure, but I could never make it past the first temple xD
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I always hated Majora's Mask. Which is too bad, really. I always wanted to get into it but I just couldn't.
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The other day I realized I had never actually played the master quest of OOT before so I did that. Nostalgia caught me and I decided to play MM again too. This made me wonder: Which do you think is better?
In general OOT is considered one of the best games of all times because of the new standard it set for its time which I totally agree with but to be honest I think MM is even better. It's basically an improved OOT to me. The soundtrack as well as all the quests caught me even more, so many side stories that made the whole thing a lot more emotional. The difficulty was higher too. The overall tone was a bit darker which I like as well. One of the best parts was definitely the added game mechanics like masks and their abilities or the different dungeons which needed such genious things like the elegy of emptiness.
In fact I think MM might even be my favorite 3D Zelda game closely followed by OOT and TP (which's darkness was phenomenal).
Would be great if you could explain why you think either game is better.
(oh and if anyone wants to get "The Ship" gift or "Dead Island: Epidemic Beta Gift" for free just add that to your comment and I might contact you)
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