you have to re-download the game, it detects your OS and downloads the OS specific version of the game. I think cloud save games are crossplatform trough :P
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yeah thought that would be the case, thought some may have been more generic. Steam cloud games are crossplatform? just as far as the saved data goes? or the game can run on what ever without issue? speaking of which if I install a game on my new Win OS can I copy/pasted the save game files to keep my save or are this specific to the OS?
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Steam Cloud will take care of everything if the game allows it, if the game dosent support cloud saves, then it depends of the game really, no way to know for sure, my experiece was with CS:GO and Half-Life 2, moving from Linux to windows and vice versa it kept my progress.
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It doesn't target power users imo. Firefox, Opera and Vivaldi are very good browsers for advanced users.
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the difference is that edge doesn't have all that backward compatibility stuff that companies who wrote their internal web stuff before the year 2000 rely on. if you load up a modern site in ie vs edge they should be identical (at least for now -- they may have stopped adding features in ie)
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I found Edge to be slower and less user-friendly
To be fair, I haven't bothered trying it in quite some time. But then, IE was lagging behind chrome/firefox for quite a while, and Microsoft's approach to software isn't exactly inspiring crown jewels of Office excepted
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i have barely used either to be honest, that was just what i'd read. i only use either of them for checking my web development to make sure it doesn't break too badly.
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As far as I know all windows operating systems use the same version of the game. The first time you run the game on a new windows os it will install the appropriate runtime libraries needed if any. If this wasn't the case, each time you upgrade operating systems it would require a different version of the game (which it doesn't). If you dual boot windows and linux then those are separate versions of the game obviously.
To answer your second question yes you can. For example I have my steam account on my desktop set up on a raid array but I also have some of my games installed on a hard drive that I connect to my laptop through a sata to usb adapter. In order to transfer games back and forth between the two all that you need to do is copy the game folder under steam\steamapps\common\ and also copy the corresponding .acf file located under steam\steamapps. You will need to copy over the save files manually to the other operating system unless the game supports cloud saving.
While I havent tried it you should be able to setup a partition that both windows OS's can use.
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that was my understanding. besides drivers i've never heard of different versions of any software for different windows versions. if you're talking windows vs mac or linux though that probably is a different download, and it might sometimes be different between 64-bit windows and 32-bit windows.
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yeah thought there was a difference between 32bit & 64Bit at least, I guess I can give it a try, it shouldn't do any damage should it?
right Drivers check about from a few which wont install :( & mb utilities that there isn't win10 versions :(
chrome installed, next is steam..
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There are a few games that are 64 bit only but other than those other than those though it shouldn't matter if your version of windows is 32/64 bit as the games should work regardless
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Isn't there registry edits to do if your just copy pasting?
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:) okay i did a test & coped one of my steam games (aoe2) to the new steam dir but failed to copy a file due to it starting with white space so verified files in steam but it didn't pick it up :( but it did turn on, second game testing h1z1 seemed to work fine, GTA IV is more of a problem though but think it's due to not liking wins 10
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Are you actually dual booting or are you booting one os and loading the second in an emulator such as virtualbox? If its the latter, Virtualbox only installs a basic display driver that doesn't fully support all of opengl/direct 3d functionality by default. You will have to install the experimental WDDM Direct3D video driver guest addition. Even that might not support direct x 9c functionality.
If that doesn't work a possible work around is to disable anti aliasing in the Aoe 2 settings.
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Hopefully someone with the great knowledge of steam can help me out
When You download a game from steam does steam detect your OS & install a specific game version eg Windows XP 64bit or does it download a general game files that works on all windows OS, xp,vista, win7, win8, win10, 32bit, 64bit if your running windows.
second part to this question is if it is a general for all OS can one use the same game files for a dual boot setup? or does one have to redownload the files & new install for the other OS?
PS Edge is a piece of shit
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