7 years ago*

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" I'm new to Steamgifts and have achieved level 5 in 3 weeks.:"

"I am at the point where I want to join a smaller (< 100) private GA group for mutual benefit."

"I have experienced some snobbiness from some smaller GA groups, even though some were happy to enter my giveaways. In my SG GAs you will notice many bundled games and lower quality games with a few better offerings mixed in"

to be fair, it appears you hit level 5 by doing 5 GAs of a game that went from an incredibly low price point, to a trollishly high one and reaping the CV reward. The snobbishness you think you're experiencing could well be distrust of that as "gaming the system" - especially for somebody so new to the site. Whether or not that was your intention, it is how smaller groups may well look at it - and is often the reason theyre small and closed.

The wording of your post is also unlikely to be helpful.

7 years ago

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I think he got 0 cv from those 50p giveaways, but I agree, his whole statement sounds contradictory and hypocrite...I think he will fit very well in this site.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Well done on avoiding observational feedback on how you may appear.

7 years ago

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Actually, I agreed with some of what you wrote and thought that you might want to hear my POV.

7 years ago

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why do you have so much copy of 1 game? just asking, or you just bought lots of copies just for GAs? just curious.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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You are supposed to find groups yourself and ask to join. Not create a random thread that no group owner will bother looking at.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Where is that rule? This is the recruitment forum.

7 years ago

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  • I am at the point where I want to join a smaller (< 100) private GA group for mutual benefit.*

whats your benefit? not trying to be smart just wandering why you would join a small group.What would you get from it?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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the return is i get making someone happy.Decided to give my games in smaller group cause then i would know the person i wouyld give the game too.

To a point you are right.i do take games from the large community withouyt giving back to the large community but what does it matter?

if someone give's a game away that person has the right to decide who gets it(to some point).If someone didnt want a leecher to get it he/she should blacklist them/give to white list ect.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Ah, somebody who tries to 'benefit' from SG. Always happy to have more of you here!

7 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by boloxer.