Many userscripts aren't working on Greasemonkey 4.
As the creator has not been online for 9+ months now, I hope that someone could use the code and make it work on the new FF + Greasemonkey 4.
Tested with Tampermonkey and works like a charm. If you didn't uninstalled the script from Greasemonkey it even uses your custom preset ^^
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I have two things to say.
First, the setting page loads without layout.
Second, please add DLC tag <3
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thanks for notice...ended up going with
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Maybe someone will do new script someday... untill then we have none D: It was really helpful if You wanted to browse games and know where they come from or what does they have.
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Actually I found alternative.
I would use downgraded version if I could set it myself. Or does my previous settings works If I already had them in newer version? If so, I will downgrade. If no... I prefer not D:
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Someone can fix script?... Or may be only need to replace with equal...
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Just need to add site to use with vpn or proxy. Worked perfect for me and my friends from Russia.
Comment has been collapsed. this version of script seems to be working, can't access the settings page tho
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Nice script.
Because we can't access "", so if you can open the setting page( ), you just have to uncheck the "Bundled" and "Not-Bundled" options it will works as usual.
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To fix the existing issue either disable the bundle tags from the settings page or manually edit the script
You need to comment the getBundleList function (and correct the if statement).
Lines 203-205 in version 3.4.2
//if(cbBundled && BundledCache < - CACHE_TIME) // Check if need to request bundle list from ruphine API
// getBundleList();
if((cbWishlist || cbOwned || cbIgnored) && UserdataCache < - CACHE_TIME) //6 hours. Check if need to request steam user api
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What's better in this script than ? It's still updated and works on plenty of other sites than SG as well.
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I guess mainly personal preference but compare the list of features to know what functionality is different.
I like the tagging colors and style and prefer the trading cards and achievements tags. Though the script you mentioned also has trading cards tags since v.1.6 I see.
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Well I'm happily using it and not looking for an alternative, meant more that others should compare the lists to see if it would work better for them. Since it works on any other site that has Steam Store links, it's just superior for buying games as well as checking deals here.
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After more than a year haven't login to this site...
I got notified in github after you forked my repo ^^
Thank you for updating the script
For bundle tags, I updated it everyday for 1-2 months after I left this site, and I don't know why, suddenly my crawler being rejected by SG and thus couldn't sync the bundle list anymore.
IIRC it was request timed out, maybe SG blocks my script.
So I just let my host expired after that.
For people that installed older version and it works, it is because older version doesn't fetch data from my server.
It gets the game title and ID,
if ID is not found on localStorage, opens['gametitle'] and check if the ID are on that page, and save the result in localStorage.
if found, then just show the badge if it is bundled.
The downside is, the data is not shared globally, so 1 game will be scanned by all script user, and new user will scan for 50 titles at once.
Is there still no one built open API for SG bundle list?
I currently have 3 projects, 2 of them should have done before this November, than maybe I can take a look about the script.
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I guessed that was the case. But I didn't want to bother comparing what other changes came after that old version and implementing those, so I just forked the latest version, and removed the bits that caused it to crash, or modify them so it would work as it used to, or as close as possible.
Bundle code was the first thing I deleted/commented in the code since as I said I didn't really want to bother reading all the code and understanding how it works, I just wanted to make it work.
Working on someone's code without proper documentation can be very confusing and time consuming.
But it's already awesome that you can make it work again.
How has been life treating you, by the way? Hope fine.
Doing fine, thank you for your concern. It's just that I have less free time that I prefer doing productive things instead of playing games like I used to be.
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Did you manage to land a job as a dev then? I can't remember if you were going to college or if you were just self-taught.
Yes I got computer science degree and work as a website developer since 2016 (I signed up to SG just around when I graduated). How nostalgic.
Oh, and if you use Discord you should join the SG Discord and hang around 👀
Not an active person on Discord, but sure, I'll take a look.
Btw, IIRC, the bundle page was about ~210 pages when the last time I maintained my server. I had to loop over all the pages to get all bundle list every morning. And I just realized it is now 550 pages.
I don't feel like doing it again. Idk what to do anymore.
Oh man I really hope there is an official API for this.
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if so just mention it, what it was supposed to do, and where, and I'll look to see why it's not working anymore and see if I can fix it.
Could you please check why the wishlist tag does not work?
EDIT: "owned" tag doesn't work neither.
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Firefox console output (loading
[SG Game Tags] Unable to get user's steam data. User is not logged in to steam. SG Game Tags --- Sighery's mod.user.js:727:13
[SG Game Tags] Invalid json format for UserdataAPI SG Game Tags --- Sighery's mod.user.js:242:11
I'm logged in on Steam so I don't understand that error. Thanks!
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Also, if you're logged in, you should be able to access this URL and see lots of IDs:
This was the problem, I did not see the wishlist IDs in that list, I deleted all the cookies for, logged in again and now it works, thanks for the tip!
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He wrote about it up there
Also, the main issue was bundled tag. Ruphine relied on his own PHP back-end solution he coded a long time ago to provide the bundled data. But at some point he disappeared, and I'm guessing he just didn't care to renew his host where he had that PHP script to gather and serve the bundle status data, which meant that the SG Game Tags script broke, since he didn't write code to handle cases where his host was down or similar. So don't expect that to work.
I used to save all the bundled games in my server, and the script just request the list of bundled games from there. But something broke, and so I didn't extend my server subscription, so it's not working now.
The bundled tags is broken now, unless cg would implement API to get list of bundled games.
Some users install v2, which obviously the bundled tag would work because it doesn't use my server to get the list and just use link directly to search for each game. But I don't recommend it because it request data for each game you encountered, so if you open it in home, it will do 50 requests, and it will put a strain to steamgifts server, especially if many user uses it.
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unless cg would implement API to get list of bundled games.
It would be great if you reconsider to update the script, I still use it a lot and I miss the bundle tag. Thank you in any case!
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Doesn't work for me either on Firefox (last version)
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Steam userdata api ( is down. It's been down for a few hours or so now.
Many scripts/extensions rely on it, including the Steam store itself. Steam won't even filter or show what you own in the store at the moment.
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This is not perfect for you (only works on Steam Store page), but I love it because it shows cards, achievements, and also mentions when a game is not single-player - all right at the TOP of the page (don't have to scroll down to check). And if you click the word achievements, it jumps you down to the Achievements section of the page:
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For ESGST, did you enable the feature 8.2.33 and allow the add-on to sync your wish-list?
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This has stopped working. it doesnt show tag anymore. Can you fix or check it please? Thanks btw for it so far.
Or is there another for tags like this one?
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"Or is there another for tags like this one?" -> There is ESGST's Game Categories, if you don't mind that bloated add-on. You can disable all other features if needed.
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ESGST is a mess. assuming it even loads in firefox, it causes firefox to be unresponsive, prevents other pages from loading. hasnt been updated in at least 2 years. wouldnt recommend it in good faith.
SG Tags does still work, sort of. mostly on the View Entered page. if you need something for the front page, take a look at
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It works for only the first game on main game for me atm. Thanks for reply! I mainly use chrome
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There are other scripts broken (like "Do you even play, bro") "because of a change to outgoing Steam links":
Probably the fix is similar to that one proposed by cg.
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I have fixed the code asking Microsoft Copilot (AI). I pasted the code, explain what it was wrong and the first changes it suggested were right. I have uploaded it here:
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I have fixed an almost 7 years old bug too.
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I'm getting less and less free time. This project comes from my hobby as a programmer, I made this out of my boredom and used my free time to do productive things in a while. Now, I don't have that free time anymore, life happens.
I can't play my games anymore and I stopped entering giveaways because I haven't even touched some games I won, eventhough they were so high in my wishlist. I'm very sorry.
I have to do part-time job in additional of my current primary job.
So, I'm leaving SG and Steam for a while. I hope I can return here someday and play games again.
I will try to keep updating my bundle list, but all planned features are being on hold indefinitely.
If for some reason SG changes so much that the script broke, I'm very sorry I won't be able to fix it. The script is open for everyone, you can copy, change and host it with your own greasyfork account. No need to ask my permission.
Minimalist version screenshot
Current Tags
The script requires :
"Hidden" tag is only shown inside giveaway page. It is useful for invite only giveaway. Still thinking a way to optimize the way to get list of hidden games so that I can make it appear outside giveaway page.
The script now can get list of bundle games with just 1 request, and will request again every 6 hours.
Trading cards, achievement, linux, mac, early access still have 24 hours cache data.
It doesn't save data for hidden games, because you can always remove the game from filter.
Some games with wrong store page link won't show some tags, e.g Left 4 Dead Bundle and Portal Bundle since the store page itself is gone now.
I can't do anything about that.
If bundled tag doesn't appear at all, check if you can open this link, maybe my server down.
If wishlist tag doesn't appear at all, make sure you are logged in to steam with the same browser, and then check this link if there are some number inside [] after "rgWishlist" :
You can also see the code and maybe help me with the development at github.
Feedback and bug report are always appreciated. Though I may not reply to each of your comment, I do read all of them. And thank you for the compliments. :D
To do for next update :
See more changes
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