I would recommend waiting and seeing what kind of library each will get before you jump in.
If you refuse to wait, get a PS4. I state this because Microsoft is pissing me off with recent changes which now prevent me from using my 360 account (and all the stuff I bought on it).
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What changes are those? :-o That sounds crazy Delta.
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After all these years, they want people to log into their account again, even with saved passwords. Unfortunately, my account with all my purchases is linked to an email I haven't had for the last few years.
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Ah ok, thats not good. I actually called M$ support recently and they solved my problem fairly quickly. The only problem was it was a costly phone call that had me on hold for quite a while.
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I'm just hoping the local service has someone who can do more than read off a checklist.
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I thought nothing purchased on 360s would carry over to ONE?
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No, this is my 360. They have decided that my account now needs to have the password entered again, and unfortunately, that was lost years ago when my account got hacked with a number of others and Microsoft proved useless to fix it. I'll be calling today hoping they get off their duff and finally do something about fixing it, or I'm selling the lot and getting a PS3. I'm not giving them another few hundred dollars for DLCs.
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I had a similar experience only my entire 360 was stolen. I had to call that stupid support number and have all sorts of shit verified and changed. Surprisingly, they were helpful when I finally got to talk to someone who knew what they were doing.
Then... Found the asshole that stole it and got it back. Repeated the process of calling in support and it was a nightmare. If you've ever paid with a CC or paypal for any transaction on Live or for Live itself, it makes it a bit easier if the password is forgotten or changed. You just have to be lucky enough to reach a representative that wants to solve your problem.
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No purchases that way, but got a few keys from DLCs and digital games that were used on the account.
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Some PS4s had failures too. I think when 1 million+ units are sold, a few with problems are to be expected. Would be nice to see some actual figures for failure rates a month after launch though!
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As history showed us last gen, neither console was perfect.
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the PS$ was a HDMI connection issue bad plugs and some bricking issues. the Xbox is bad lenses discs not working, not being able to turn console on, not being able to connect to internet even though nothing is wrong on your end, not being able to download the day 1 patches to be able to play off line and share games, the kinnect not working properly. well Xbox sold 1 million day 1 in 13 countries, PS4 sold 1 million on day 1 in North America
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I'm not judging anyone for buying a One or PS4.. or a kilo of coke. It's your money, do whatever you wish with it.
BUT, there's no way in hell I'd want "ONE" or a PS4. If one were given to me right now, I'd sell it for best offer. I regret to this day investing money in a 360 and the wasted expense for live and games. It was/is a gigantic piece of shit that was/is plagued with issue after issue.
Then there's the whole Live membership. Need it to do anything worthwhile with this piece of shit. Then let's say you play a MP game, and you're decent at it, let us hope you don't piss off too many people. If you do, and they are ruthless shitheads, they can file complaints on you and you can get banned from Xbox Live (which you are paying for.) This has happened 3 times to me in the past. If you think Steam support is slow or doesn't provide any info with vac bans or any matter, just wait til you get your paid subscription banned from live and have a $600 machine sitting there. My bans were from shitty people who got pissed off because I knife in BC2. My account was fully private. No messages, no profile viewing, no in game chat. There's nothing you can do about a ban. You logon, find out you've been banned, and then you're just fucked. HA!
You and everyone else can build a rather decent PC that can do ALL the bullshit these consoles can do and more. What you might spend extra in hardware, you'll get back when you pay less for games. If you're buying one without a Live membership, then that's just throwing money away. If you buy Live, then you're looking at almost $10 a month to $6 a month. Do the math.. It's an utter waste of money and time.
This gen of consoles are basically computers with learning disabilities. Gimped up and retarded. I ain't judging anyone.. Not everyone can build a PC. I'd just recommend thinking about it.
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I completely understand.
Have you looked at any of the comparisons? One thing that would push me over to PS4 is the ability to upgrade the HDD. From what I understand the HDD in the ONE can't be upgraded.
Another would be the online features. PS4 needs a paid membership to play online MP, everything else (from my understanding) is ready to go. Like Netflix and all that. ONE, membership to do anything. If you don't get Live and pay for that, it's a big dumb box.
There are many reasons why I'd go for the PS4 over ONE, but basically I'd be in the same boat as you. I don't know firsthand and can only base my opinion on past XBOX experience and features stated in product reviews.
But, if your kid's friends are all on Live, he/she will be disappointed if you get the PS4. This is the reason my home was cursed with a 360. That's what everyone had in our circle, so that's what we got. Regrets..
Also, for the record, it makes me a little sick to my stomach saying I'd go for the PS4. If the youngster is little, I'd grab a PS3, activate Netflix for Kids, and grab one of the 32" led televisions about to go on sale. If they were a bit older, I'd build a m-itx pc, so they can game, do homework, and be able to BS on a nice, small box of wonderful.
Honestly, you're probably not going to go wrong with whatever you choose. Good luck!
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If the choice is restricted to PS4 - Xbone then my suggestion is for PS4. If you are willing to, you might prefer building a gaming PC though.
Either way, waiting is the best thing to do so both games and consoles gets patched enough and prices start to decrease.
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They have already explained this buddy... resolution will not be a issue... It is like COD Ghosts, most of people just play COD in multiplayer and this game runs 720p on ps4 in multiplayer too... So basically 1080 is just for campaign mode. At this moment Xbox One looks better than ps4 if you consider all the features that those consoles offer.
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Well, PC, but if you're gonna choose between one of those, I'd say PS4.
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That's a matter of taste... personally i prefer PS4 for the exclusives (o well &hardware), also i like the psmove more than kinnect (kinnect is an amazing tech, but for gaming? i go for move).
also its cheaper and stylish =p.
both consoles have reported failures in their releases... (i'll not read/write about how much, but you can go to you store and change it for guaranty... thats not a big deal i think).
i'll wait some time until sony release more games. meanwhile i'll enjoy my current ps3 games.
PD: pc is the best... but in most cases you'll not have the games or the tech PS4&XBO have, same as nintendo.. you'll go for games or technology, not for the performance itself; i have both PS3&PC... and it's great.
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Killzone (i loved KZ3), Infamous, Gundam (i guess only in JP);
and maybe in a future some PSAllstars, motorStorm, resistance (not a big fan but the game was good for some), don't know about final fantasy, aaand another new game from square but i can't remember the name right now).
PS3 also have a wonderfull list of exclusives (and PSMove exclusives), but that's another thread.
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just wait a couple months and see which one have more games that is interesting for you and which console have less factory problems...
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I am intrested to buy one of them ?? but which i dont no !!
Xbox:One Retail OR PS:4
some who already hawe it just tell which is better
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