Hello everyone!
I win a giveaway and received a wrong key, i already contact the GA creator and he told me: probably i copied wrong key because i was doing mass giveaway yesterday. He dont have a extra key, is there anyway to change the game on the giveway for the game i received?
I do not want to take suspension for picking the wrong game
I won Small Town Terrors Pilgrim's Hook Collector's Edition giveaway and received Sunny Smiles key
What should i do?
Sorry for my bad English :/

6 years ago*

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I think you can only mark giveaway as "Not received". If you check "Received", you can be suspended as not activating won games. But maybe SG support can help you in that case

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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If you allowed, write a post on giveaway with the game you received, so moderator can change it.

Don't mark as received first of that, if you have marked as received click another time and leave the giveaway with no feedback.

6 years ago

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What should I do If I win a game that cannot be activated in my region, or if I receive a gift or key that does not match the game I won?
You should contact the giveaway creator to return the gift, and to inform them of the situation. If the giveaway creator is able to provide you with a replacement gift or key for the same game that can be activated in your region, then you should mark the gift as "Received". In all other cases, the gift should be marked as "Not Received". When marking a gift as "Not Received" it's recommended that you leave an explanation in the giveaway comments as a reference for both the giveaway creator and our support team. If the giveaway creator is not able to provide a replacement gift or key, they may ask your permission to delete the giveaway.

from FAQ

6 years ago

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You can agree with the creator to delete the giveaway. That would be the best case for both(you don't need to have a bad feeling for false game and the creator not the penalty for not giving the right game).

6 years ago

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We're totally willing to help you out, but I'm curious why so many users jump straight to asking on a site's forum for site-related topics, when both [Support] and [Help] links are prominently featured on the site navigation menu. It just feels very counter-intuitive to me, is all.

Anyway, to answer you:

Short version:
Mark as Not Received and, if you're inclined, leave a comment in the giveaway stating that you agree to a deletion; Otherwise wait and see if the GA creator can get you a key later on. Do not mark as Received for any game other than the game (and version) listed in the giveaway.

Long version:

  1. Always mark Not Received if you get a game that doesn't exactly match what was listed, else you're guaranteed an eventual site suspension.
  2. Substituting games has only been allowed by staff when it's for a different version of the same game or for an identically named game, due to confusions being understandable in such circumstances. This allowance allows GA creators to bypass certain Steam bugs, as well. That said, these allowances are mostly related to changing the game while the giveaway is still running, not after it ends (notably excepting where the GA creator adds in additional content [and the winner confirms receiving such] or reduces content based on the winner already owning some of the content).
    Substitutions are never allowed for entirely different games, though a GA creator may [at their discretion, do not beg or harass other users for any reason] decide to offer you a game in exchange for allowing for a deletion.
  3. A deletion is allowed in any circumstance where both winner and GA creator agree to such, and is the normal response when a GA creator cannot deliver a game [but it is not required that a winner agree to a deletion, should they not wish to].

As an added tip, consider noting any changes in the status of the giveaway within the giveaway's comments, even if you're primarily discussing matters with the GA creator over Steam, as this gives staff members an easy way to reference the giveaway's circumstances.

6 years ago*

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I already resolved with GA creator, he will delete the GA, Everyone thanks for helping me :D

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by KamoChi.