So What you think?
I stopped watching because I didn't like the 12th doctor, so I'll have to catch up I guess.
Great news though. I liked her on Broadchurch and I'm excited for the show to change it up!
Also for people who get angry, it's really silly since the timelords naturally change into man or woman when they regenerate. I mean the Master was a female. So it's more weird that the Doctor has regenerated this many times and has never been a female.
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I haven't watched any of the twelfth doctor, I just never knew when it was on or anything, lol. I should start watching again, though. :P
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since the timelords naturally change into man or woman when they regenerate
That's something they changed in the later seasons, it's not the original cannon. So, being like "we can do this because we decided that we could" isn't too convincing.
Not that I mind.
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Yeah but any writing for Doctor Who is canon. At least they decided it with Matt Smith's run instead of deciding it the same time they announced the new doctor as a woman.
It's weird that people would say that the new Doctor can't be a woman because it's not in the original Doctor Who. The show is always being written and expanding on and all of it is cannon.
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Yeah, they took their time to retcon it slowly, but it's not like it was there originally. It is a matter of wanting to make it more inclusive and thinking that it's enough of to make the show fresh again (if you consider the lore and doctors that came before the reboot and even the first 2 afterward).
Clearly, Moffat wanted to introduce that for a while, and it makes some sense if the whole process rewrites their DNA. But it's the same with the Thor retcon and the Starwars retcons (etc.): people rewriting the lore others or they themselves wrote, which I'm not really a fan of.
I might take a look at it since I stopped with Cappaldi.
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Thats exactly how I feel.. I was excited when Moffat took over the series, because his episodes unter Davies where the best by far, but the newer seasons didn´t live up to what Davies produced.. I still enjoyed watching the series, but I´m glad that some fresh air is coming again.
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I stopped watching doctor Who two seasons ago, anyway. Not interested.
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I was under the impression Timelords couldn't change gender (especially considering how many times The Doctor has changed forms without such a thing happening). Does this mean the person who follow the Doctor will be male, or will they still be female?
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When regenerating, Timelords go through a complete physical and psychological change. The Master turned into Missy on one of the newer seasons.
I think it just hasn't happened yet because people are set in their ways. Everyone is used to a male doctor and they felt it was doing fine without the sudden change in the formula.
Good question about the companion. I think they will keep the companion they have now (unless she is gone, I haven't caught up.) and then who knows next time?
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Ah, its been a couple years since I last watched Dr. Who, so hadn't seen the Missy parts. I need to catch up it seems :)
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The companion that was with the Twelfth Doctor is gone. She went with the girl that uses water to get to places.
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It was confirmed back in 2011 that Timelords can change gender (when the Doctor described another Timelord, the Corsair). The Doctor himself just happened to go through a full cycle of regenerations without a sex change.
Later, the Master regenerates into a woman off-screen, and the General does so on-screen.
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Because the world has gone mad with political correctness,
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still waiting to see what they do with sportsmanlike conduct
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Mostly the ongoing and perpetual internet gender-wars. Todays tantrum is brought to you by the 'anti-SJW' army.
Give it 24 hours and flip a coin to see which army is up next.
The worst part is that these obnoxious reactionaries only ever spoil the hard work of more rational and civil people who are actually concerned about rights and equality and stuff. These people are just in it for the easy catharsis and don't care what the side-effects are. Kinda depressing really.
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Personally, I don't watch Dr Who, but I have a friend that has seen literally EVERY episode from the originals to now. He is going to be PISSED!
He claims it's a kids show and the kids will be asking their parents 'Why is the doctor girl now?'.
I know the Master is now the Mistress as he tells me every detail about the show, much as I tell him I'm not interested. And he accepted that. But this might push him over the edge.
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That can be easily explained to kids though lol
"Why is the doctor a girl now?"
"Well honey, because Timelords are an alien species that change their body when they are dying. They can be male or female."
Clownfish, wrasses, moray eels, gobies and other fish species are known to change sex, so it isn't weird that a fictional species can :P
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Because an immortal human-looking alien traveling through time and space, that dies and then comes back to life as a completely different man, is understandable? But dying and coming back to life as a woman is a mental leap too far?
"Why is the doctor a girl now?" Because when Time Lords die, they regenerate into a new person, and this time that person is female. "Oh, okay."
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Hey. Yell at my RL friend. That's him.
I don't watch the show so I don't really care if it's a man or woman.
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One of the first episodes I've seen contained bad CGI intelligent bat-aliens who made mind-controlling lard that they used on cafeteria food to control the schoolkids into a hive-mind to solve some really important mathematical (?) thesis.
But changing genders, oh my!
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"He claims it's a kids' show..." You sure your "friend" is a Doctor Who fan?
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(I haven't seen the early seasons myself, yet, so pinch of salt needed.)
IIRC according to Wiki was Doctor Who a kid's educational show when it first started out, it's not anymore tho.
If this is true, then maybe their friend is stuck in that sentiment and still believe it's a kid's show? I dunno.
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It's usually kids who have no problem with change. It's the old farts who feel threatened by evolution that have a problem.
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I stopped watching after Capaldi came in. I just forgot about the show. Then I watched the first season with him and I just got extremely bored. It's pretty formulaic and uncreative. Especially now that Netflix exists and Rick & Morty has become a thing.
As to the sex change. I didn't know that timelords could do that. I'm also fairly certain that it was actually only done to please a demographic. I'm not bothered by it, but people should have the right to be. In my opinion, they just should've made a spin-off to DW and have a woman there, if they really just need a female to look "progressive". It felt forced, but I don't really care anyways.
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I also found the first season with Capaldi pretty boring. I was very excited when they announced an older Doctor, but I got disappointed during season 8. Almost (all ?) of the season 8 has double episodes, which can be great for an epic mid/ending season, but not for normal episodes.
But Season 9 (especially the last part, just perfect) and 10 were very good imo.
As for the "only done to please a demographic", I'm not sure it's the reason behind that decision. Moffat really wanted a Time Lady, considering all the mentions about a sex change we had for years : one of the first things Eleven said was "I'm a girl ?!" when he saw he got long hair after his regeneration, the Corsair who turned as a Time Lady, and finally boom, we got Missy (who was perfect in that role).
After all, if they really wanted to please the demographic/minorities, we would have got a coloured Doctor instead. I see that as a "bomb" that Moffat dropped at the end of his era. Like a "Yeah, I wanted a Time Lady, I got a Time Lady, now love it or hate it". And I'm pretty curious about it. Wait and see !
I'm mostly worried about Chris Chibnall, the new showrunner. He worked on Torchwood (I liked that serie (except for the last garbage season)) and Broadchurch (loved it), but most of the few episodes of Doctor Who he made (42, Dinosaurs on a spaceship, The power of three, etc) were really meh imo.
I just hope the Chibnall era will be full of laughs and epicness, and not a Broadchurch in space, full of silence, moments of daily life and tears.
Still not a ginger Doctor !
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I liked Peter. I thought he was a great Doctor. I never liked Bill the companion. Always disliked her. I thought she was bad right from the start. Nardole was great. I enjoyed how he treated the doctor.
I have no idea who this new woman is. I have not seen her work. But I trust she will be a good fit. I have liked all the doctors so I'm sure I will like her as the new doctor as well. It will certainly be a change. It could be a very good one.
To bad Missy was killed off. She was becoming a very interesting character. I doubt it will happen but I hope she survives somehow and comes back. Not likely however.
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In fact, they could bring her back even after replacing her with a new Master. Because why should time-travellers always be sequential? If River Song can be alinear, then so can the Master.
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Unpopular opinion but I dislike the change really.
It feels a lot like pandering to a certain crowd (we all know which one I mean).
I get that people want "representation" but then they should have just made a spin-off.
Maybe another time lord that managed survive. IDK something.
I'll watch and see what happens next
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Switching a TV character's gender is your version of human equality? What a battle you have been fighting.
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Haha nice.
Sarcasm aside, everyone's got a preference.
Mine just happens to be that the doctor remain a dude.
The analogy would be like preferring a PS4 to an XBOX ONE. Just cause i prefer the PS4, doesn't mean I hate the XBONE
But yeah it was getting a bit formulaic.
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Thanks for your reply. That's a good attitude, and that totally makes sense! Personal preferences are obviously legitimate, but sadly many people are too arrogant to say something as simple as 'I like it better that way' instead of adding 'and everyone else should share my preference!' (which you're not doing).
There's also an important difference between re-imaginings that violate parts of the 'essential' character or the series' lore, and ones like this that don't. There's perhaps more of precedent for a creating a new spinoff or reboot of an old idea in those cases, such as CBS's "Elementary," which features Lucy Liu as Watson in a modern version of Sherlock Holmes (as opposed to, say, dropping her into Martin Freeman's role on BBC's "Sherlock").
As for the analogy, while your preference for PS4 makes sense, some people's objections seem to be more akin to getting upset if Naughty Dog made a made an "Uncharted" game with a female avatar (oh wait, they did) which is still a PS4 exclusive and within the same universe and similar to other Uncharted games, and then acting like they had made an Xbox-exclusive game that you couldn't play at all.
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Yeah, plus the show has survived what, two cancellations?
The show will survive a bunch of arrogant "fans" after this.
Looking forward to a New Sonic Screwdriver design though
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Nah, fans have been asking about the doctor being a woman for a while now. I always maintained that Helena Bonham Carter would have been a great doctor (especially if played with a doctor personality closer to Tenant). Hell the doctor has occasionally remarked about wanting to have a regeneration as a woman (and/or a ginger).
The only thing that matters is whether the mix of actor, written personality and individual plots is a good match. I found Capaldi to be a decent enough actor, but the personality they gave his doctor combined with the early episodes I saw him in? It didn't riff too well with me. Whereas Eccleston, despite being written with a more judgemental and angsty doctor, actually turned out much better. It's all in the mix, and an individual actors abilities can't often save an entire show. I mean, just look at Tennant. No matter who they would have picked after him, they would have seemed bad in comparison.
Maybe representation was a factor here, but that's not a bad thing. It fits perfectly with the lore and it's long overdue. If anything, staying as a gentleman for so long is kinda weird given the established stuff in the show. Right now, we have nothing to judge the new doctor on other than a reveal. Here's hoping it turns out well.
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I loved Tennant so much in the role that I still havn't even catch up with Smith ;___; I just loved how much burning passion is in Tennant's character, how eager he is to do stuff while still having a cool mind to it, so doesn't feel like a teenager or alike. I really should give a try soon ; I really liked Eccleston as well, and while the change was hard to take at first, it took only 2-3 episodes to really catch on with Tennant, and I think back happily to both Doctors :)
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I was in love with Smith from the first episode - which is a bit of a hit-and-miss episode, to be honest.
Then we get, in my opinion, much better writing in the episodes overall, even if the Ponds stay past their welcome.
11's my favorite doctor so far, but granted, he got much better episodes than 10.
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Hope it turns out well too. All I really mean is just I don't like the change. But that's why it is an unpopular opinion.
It still boils down to preference.
TBH, I would have preferred something like idk, the 12th Doctor finds a Time Lord somewhere on her first life.
The Doctor decides he's done enough for the universe and decides maybe someone should take his place.
He passes he mantle and name to Jodie. Who becomes the New Doctor and has like another 11+ lives.
But again just preference.
Surely no-one on the internet will fault another for having an opinion! /s
Any and all lynch mobs out there, put down yer pitchforks lol
I'm curious if they'll have a unique Sonic Screwdriver for her too.
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As long as she doesn't forego the Sonic, I feel I'd be mostly okay with whatever design they'll do
as long as it looks futuristic.
River's Future sonic, 11th's sonic and the War Doctor's Sonics are my favorite ones.
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It's all good. Most people are change resistant, and that's the main reason why there are such big divisions in the fanbase whenever a new doctor is revealed. Just when we get comfortable with a doctor, a new regeneration gets thrown at us. Some people are relieved, some people are worried. I hope this is all just an exaggerated version of that.
They could have taken the story in a new direction by having a different timelord replace the Doctor as the focal character, but that would cause a major disconnect given the Doctor is an active vessel for all the accumulated knowledge and adventures. A totally fresh slate would be far harder to deal with (even if it frees up the writers a bit more), but given they already abandoned the concept of the regeneration limit due to deus ex machina, just continuing on is easier. If they were going to make such a change, it would need far more of a lead-up and perhaps some time for the Doctor to interact with the new focal character, perhaps in a kind of apprenticeship kind of scenario. The formula they have still works though, the only thing that will really trip the series at this point is the writers ability, and how well the actress deals with the persona given to her.
Still, like you said, you're totally entitled to your opinion and it's not less valid than anybody elses. Just as I say the Doctor formula isn't broken, so we shouldn't 'fix' it by changing to a new timelord, I appreciate the notion of keeping the Doctor male as an extension of that in a way. If they did that, I would have loved for an actual canon nod to his lack of alternate regenerations though, like maybe it was considered a genetic defect among timelords that they were constrained to certain biological factors (with the tradeoff being more regenerations). Cheezy sci-fi is easy to fudge the lore like that, haha. I'm just glad we can finally de-lampshade this one little thing.
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Yeah! The Doctor's Apprentice sounds like an episode I'd watch over and over.
Especially since I can see the 12th being a sort of hard but fair mentor. But in any case that stuff can stay in
fan fiction for now.
I hope the writing for the episodes have the new Doctor coping with the regeneration in to a woman.
Maybe coping isn't the right term, but i trust you know what I mean.
That aside, I hope she picks a rad outfit
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Helena Bonham Carter would make a really interesting doctor - though I've always been partial to Helen Mirren. I've only ever seen the actress they chose in Black Mirror and I found her rather bland (she was a pretty hateful character to boot)... I guess we'll see. A young, imp-like kid would also be fun, but I doubt a child actor would be able to pull that off. Maybe in a book.
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At first I was very scared to see some kind of emo kid as the Doctor (got tricked by the slender build and black hood). I don't know her, but I don't think she should be a bad choice just because she's female. The Ninth Doctor was also very different from the Classic impersonations, so I look forward to how she's gonna play the character.
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Delighted that Moffatt is leaving - I wandered off the show early in 11, visited briefly for 12 (who I liked, but I didn't stick with it), and just started trying to watch the Matt Smith years again. Moffatt's vision of the Doctor was not one I shared or was interested in, and his handling of the companions puts me off completely. Coming off of Tenant, this was dreck and nonsense.
Looking forward to Whittaker's work!
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I dont really know her from anywhere, but I hope it will be good. I know from the story that it is possible that the doctor could become a women but didnt think that they would actually ever do it because they usually do the male doctor/women companion.
But now when we know who the new Doctor is Im more curious what gender the companion will have. Wouldnt suprise me if they do a male and female companion.
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Probably two companions indeed, male and female.
I sincerely hope they won't be children. I don't want a cheesy and reductive stereotype as a "Bah, that's a female Doctor, let's give her child companions, she will be like a mom/nanny for them,"
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Down goes another once great series.
Thank you political correctness and liberal feminists. You just ruined another popular show with a dedicated fan following.
I see cancellation of the series in the near future or a male doctor is reintroduced to bring back the core fans which are predominantly male.
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The 'core fans' are people who follow the lore and the story, and any fan who qualifies to that degree already knows the doctor wanted to have a regeneration as a woman and/or a ginger. It's long overdue that one of these things happened, and it would be more bizarre to continue the trend of caucasian dudes given exactly what the doctor is.
If people stop watching because of this? Oh well, no big loss. Meanwhile us mere cheesy sci-fi fans will be busy not obsessing over gender-warrior politics.
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I really am only upset about this decision because it kinda sucks that so much weight is going to be hanging on her shoulders to prove that a female doctor could do well AND people are going to expect her to bring the show back to when it was good. A lot of people had turned away from the show because of Moffat and I know that Capaldi left a sour impression in a lot of people's minds. That aside though, I'm somewhat excited for the new doctor. It's a nice little change that was very well waited for and it is great that they want to take a big step into some split territory. I've always really liked the show so if she does well, I wouldn't mind jumping back into watching it again. Can't wait to see how things go with the two previously mentioned gone and the new ideas coming in.
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Moffat was great as a writer - arguably one of the best, which is why he was promoted to head writer and executive producer after Davies. Unfortunately, many felt that the series took a turn for the worse when he took over the reins. I guess his skills lie more with making episodes than with entire seasons.
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in all honesty, I have no idea how to word it. I just kinda got tired that so many of the stories were taking place in 21st century Britain and that the only rule that the doctor should never break, he broke it and then gave some reasoning that sometimes things just happen that way.
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To probably half of the world:
"Political correctness" lol you obviously know nothing about the show. Time lords can in fact change gender and as Doctor said, they don't care about our gender stereotypes. I think that many people forget that when doctor regenerates, he goes through more changes than just his looks. He becomes a new person with new personality who just happens to be The Doctor and have previous Doctors' memories. Missy changed gender and now Doctor does, it's a completely normal thing that happened because it's a canon thing, not because "crazy feminists oppressing men wanted to change it to have their representation". Go to hell
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Thanks for the info, I stand corrected.
I don't know a Doctor Who from a Doctor What but either way, the gender change in 2017 screams of PC.
Personally, if it fits with the lore, then it's not a big deal but it still could have been done a lot sooner.
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If by 'PC' you mean 'People who stopped being Cunts', you're right. And yes, it could have have happened a lot sooner according to the lore, and would have been a lot more interesting, but the entertainment industry is ruled by dickheads, not by logic or what makes for the most interesting stories.
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