So I loved the idea in this thread. I think it's a nice idea to play games that you've never wanted to play before, and I want to repeat it with me.

The rules: You see what games I haven't played yet here. Then you post the one you think I should play here in the comments. I'll make a list with the first 20 suggestions; those will be the games I will play, and later make a mini-review of them.

Only suggest games that I haven't played but I've got.

Credit for the idea goes to ageofarmageddon :D


1) Ironclads games - suggested by DackXYZ

I'm unhappy with these. Ironclads: High Seas didn't launch, neither did Schleswig War 1864. Weird, because my computer meets the minimum requirements... don't know what to think.

2) Cave Story+ - suggested by kanga the rooster

I really enjoyed playing this game. From the beautiful pixel art and the 16-bit music, to the Metroidvania style, and the lovely characters. There are lots of moments that make you like the characters, like this and this other one.
Bad things appeared very soon into the game, as I got a map, but didn't know how to use it. Controls aren't well explained; I had to look for them in a website.
There's a high amount of achievements that make the game longer, experience points, levels, powers, lots of items, cool boss fights and other things that are common in Metroidvanias.
So, my conclusion is: this game is awesome. It was in the last Humble Bundle, so there are lots of people who have it but haven't tried it yet (like me some hours ago). Give it a try; you've got nothing to lose.

3) The Ship Singleplayer - suggested by algiesha828

4) Don't Starve - suggested by me, can't wait to play that awesome looking game!

5) Worms - suggested by Cha0sSt0rm

6) Hitman: Blood Money - suggested by bibboorton

7) Revelations 2012 - suggested by zelghadis

8) Waking Mars - suggested by GristlyKingster

9) Company of Heroes - suggested by gonsi

10) Commandos: Beyond The Call of Duty - suggested by RotiKering

11) Broken Sword games - suggested by Julianne

12) Ceville - suggested by FogFrog

13) Codename: Gordon - suggested by Caerbannog

14) Hinterland - suggested by Azelka

15) World of Goo - suggested by ageofarmaggedon

12 years ago*

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Play Ceville and let me know how good it is! The description including Terry Pratchett's Discworld by name intrigued me

12 years ago

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Will do.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I second CaveStory+!

12 years ago

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I'm having a bad time with Ironclads, so I'll play it very soon (right after posting my mini-review).

12 years ago

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Minecraft Duh:P

12 years ago

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Nah, I've got +100 hours in that one =)

12 years ago

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Tribes: Ascend

12 years ago

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Only suggest games that I haven't played but I've got.

12 years ago

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you have Tribes, everybody has it, it's free...

12 years ago

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Hotline Miami!

12 years ago

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Only suggest games that I haven't played but I've got.

12 years ago

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Metro 2033 and it should be streamed x:

12 years ago

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Amnesia: The Dark Descent

12 years ago

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Codename: Gordon - You have the game already, you just haven't installed it yet. ;)

12 years ago

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Play with your balls next

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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People, no more games to suggest?

12 years ago

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Why do you need other people's opinions about what to play? You don't trust your own?

12 years ago

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I like to see what people think that I should play and make mini-reviews of those games. I trust my own, but let me put an example: I was too lazy to install Cave Story+ until yesterday, when I installed it because kangaroosted had suggested it, and I loved it.

12 years ago

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Why don't you just play the games that personally interest you and avoid the inevitability of installing games you won't like? Just because someone makes a suggestion doesn't mean it's going to be something you'll like :S Using this logic, I would choose my own games without asking others.

12 years ago

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I'm not interested in some of the games I have (bundle games mainly). If I don't like it, at least I will play them with some interest for making that review.

12 years ago

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Play LIMBO. its a fun short puzzle platformer.

12 years ago

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Installed it and my PC can't run it xD

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Added it.

12 years ago

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Woo my idea caught on! I hope you have fun with it, I know I am :)

I suggest World of Goo! And if you've played it already, then Superbrothers S&S EP!

12 years ago

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I've already played Superbrothers, so I added World of Goo.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by beep23.