Will you buy this bundle?
88,479$ considering it's all bundled and none of the games were giving away! :)
$589.86 x 0.15 for future notes
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Btw. I realized a mistake in your calculation because on SG games / tools above 100 $ will stay at 100 no matter what. That's why the max you see for a giveaway is 100P. So I edited it to be correct :) Especially since they added two more DLC's!
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I can't even bring myself tyo get Tier 1 and i am missing all but 1 game.
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Except the Rock Rock Rocket Sourcecode, yes. And you will get an additional DRM-Free copy of Tick Tock Isle and Oniken
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Well, good question. From reading at HB's site it says following:
If greenlit Rock Rock Rocket will be published to Steam by ClickteamLLC, creators of Clickteam Fusion 2.5, the engine used to build the game.
By searching at the greenlight section on Steam it is greenlit: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=519954941
But reading the comments it seems the developer (or one of them) bowed out of the project so it doesn't look like it would actually be finished. However it does seem like he's thinking about getting a team together and finish it.
Let's cross fingers! :)
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Right, but doing the math you'd beat tier 2 by buying 3 times tier 1 already and that's $3 compared to $7,
so the main exploit is Tier 1. Wondering if I should buy it, I kinda feel I deserve a little boost, because
EA took away like $60 of my CV by removing Alice from Steam, but then again, I don't like exploits and
who know maybe they just put this crazy Fusion software on the list of free games to stop it?
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Well, it's not that bad. Plus there has been good anime IG bundles where if you bought during Happy Hour you would pay $1 and receive $16 CV, so it's nearly the same.
If you want to, go ahead. :) But I don't think it would be added to the list of free games though. That would be weird.
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Buying a game or a piece of software in a legitimate bundle for the asking price is NOT an exploit. You're misusing the term.
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Merriam Webster's dictionary defines "exploit" as follows:
Considering that, buying that bundle just because it gives an unreasonably high CV might as well be considered
an exploit. It does help the creator of the giveaway unfairly compared to other giveaways, even when buying a
legitimate bundle itself isn't an exploit, of course.
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Unfair would be taking advantage of something other people on SG don't have easy access to. This is a bundle everyone can purchase. Nothing unfair about that. There is also nothing unfair about the disparity in pricing between different games or programs. That just is.
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Fair enough, you do have a point with that. I'm still shocked by how
this boosts CV compared to a giveaway for some nice game that the winner
might actually enjoy, especially as this software may be even harmful by
giving us another flood of bad pixel-junk games from wannabe game-makers
on greenlight (note: I'm not saying that every game made with this software
will be bad - I just fear, that it'll be the case for the majority of them). Oh well,
I might as well jump the bandwagon, since it's like it is.
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Ummm. The more I look at tier 1, the more I think: Profitz™
Not sure how long I can resist the call of the dark side.
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I really wanted to try concrete jungle but.... too expensive at that tier, might end up grabbing tier 1 though, plantera seems like a good game to put a few hours everynow and then
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Wrong bundle mate. This is what you're looking for: Humble Jumbo Bundle 7
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Just a heads up for people that might be interested in using Clickteam Fusion in a more professional capacity:
This bundle does not come with the $50 Android export or the $300 Developer DLC, which is required to remove Clickteam logo and distribute royalty-free as well as a few other restrictions: http://www.clickteam.com/compare-versions
It is rumored that version 3.0 will be coming out soon, so this is likely a kind of "get your feet wet and try the IDE" type of deal to entice people to pay for the developer DLC and then upgrade to 3.0
If you want to use standalone (non-steam) versions of the program or vice-versa, there is a $10 fee for each component you would like to use in this fashion.
That said, even though it's basically just a demo/hobbyist/personal version, I think $15 isn't bad for someone more serious about development to try out a different set of tools to see how well they fit into your workflow. That it includes source code of finished and marketed games offers an excellent look at its capabilities and examples at how others have done things. I'll be nabbing the full bundle mostly because I'm curious about the workflow/limitations/differences in comparison to GameMaker Studio, and feel it may be an interesting alternative to make very specific sorts of games with a very rapid development cycle. However, the GameMaker Studio bundle was by far the better deal and the more complete package that allows for a lot more versatility -- if you were unsure of which one to get and you only wanted to try one, I'd probably say you're better off with GameMaker Studio.
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It's a bit ambiguous what the "runtime distribution agreement" actually entails, but it appears that it does not restrict commercial distribution for profit: http://www.clickteam.com/runtime-agreement
So without the Developer DLC, my understanding is that one can still market and distribute the software commercially but it might not be royalty-free (you might have to pay Clickteam a percentage of your profits) and you can't remove the Clickteam logo.
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Developer says it's royalty free.
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Sorry, I didn't intend to make you feel ignored, I should have acknowledged your comment earlier. Thank you for the information update on the royalty-free part of the information, it was pretty unclear from the description and runtime agreement so it's really good to have first-hand developer info.
It's pretty awesome that ClickTeam Fusion crew decided to include the Developer & Android DLC's! A good move on their part I think, at least for me personally it has raised my opinion of them a lot going forward and I'm much more likely to purchase/upgrade to 3.0 in the future if I end up liking their tools.
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The Yawhg is a good game. Not worth buying the whole $7 tier for it, but it's good.
I've been wanting Tick Tock Isle for a while, and Plantera looks cute. I'll think about it.
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The Humble Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Bundle ends in 14 days! Also no region lock afaik!
Pay $1 for:
Pay $7 for:
Pay $15 for:
NB: Steam forum thread about the new additions!
Tier 1: $1
Non-steam stuff:
Tier 2: $7.00
Tier 3: $15.00
Non-steam stuff:
Retail: $989.84
Note: On SG the games / tools above $100 will stay at 100 no matter what. That's why the max you see for a giveaway is 100P. However you do get the full cv for it (e.g. the 'Developer Upgrade' gives you $44.9985 CV)!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
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