What should be considerable change for event?
What are you talking about? Reroll? You never were in any of my GAs and I never asked you to reroll anything.
So maybe get your facts straight.
This is a public site and this is a public discussion. If you want a private discussion, then create a private one.
I would appreciate if person like you haven't actually even talked to me.
I would appreciate it if you learned your lesson after starting drama elsewhere then bringing it here - again.
You got banned from one Discord server already just yesterday for what you did then felt ashamed of yourself and left the rest of your groups and some Discords before mod action was taken against you. There are screenshots.
A person like me?
I don't even know you but good on you for going ballistic replying to a normal comment.
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This is only the second time we talk and you're already using insults again.
(the first being yesterday for which you got banned already elsewhere)
You seem to have a real chip on your shoulder.
Funny thing about your so-called 'warnings' is they're always in private but never expressed, so how about you come clean about them once and for all?
I already refuted your accusation and what did you do? Put your tail between your legs and leave the whole server within 3 minutes. Literally. One which you were level 20 in.
Still, if you have any valid accusations whatsoever or proof of them, please send them to any and all mods.
I welcome any and all mods investigating your claims.
Back to the topic, why is it you can't do this with existing events and groups?
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Which groups are you referring to? I'm not aware of any groups that do exactly what xxxka is suggesting here. I actually like her idea of a short weekend or 1 week challenge.
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Jamming a game to be done within a weekend isn't exactly a fun experience. A short deadline for a fun activity defeats the purpose.
Examples of groups / events doing it better and more conveniently for players
Edit to add: + PaGYWoSG
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Its a nice idea, but i think that just a weekend to 100% a 30h game is a bit steep.
At least i dont see me playing 3 days in row for 7-10h on 3 consecutive days for this amount of time.
But i mean thats just me. I guess there are for sure people out there who wouldnt mind at all :)
Still much appreciate the thought of making an event for the community and i hope it will be a success \o/
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The thing is it's definitely going to be hard to pick and complete such games in such a short time.
It'd definitely be a challenging experience. Could be fun though depending on the number of participants.
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The weekend itself is fine, but maybe reduce it from 20 to 15? 7.5 hour per day doesn't feel too daunting..
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Hopefully 100% is not achievement-wise?
I think 48 hours is pretty short for a game over 10 hours. But if you want to go for long games, maybe at least 5 days would be fair, or even a whole week.
Personally I have way passed my "marathon anything" age. :)
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If it requires multiple playthroughs, it would be counted in completion time on hltb I believe. But I can imagine someone may pick game and find out there is an achievement locked by dead multiplayer or kickstarter.
I assume people would actually check game and achievements guides before event would start + there will be also time to consult. But yeah, I haven't played enough games to be able confirm if they are doable in 20-30h
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Other than HLTB I would advise to consult with completionist.me, which just checks players' profiles how long it took to 100% the game. (Which, on one hand is better because it shows the actual time it took them to 100% the game, on the other hand counts cheaters, who I don't know why would register to such a site anyway, but f them.)
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While I love a challenge, 2 days (or 3 if it ends on Monday evening) for a 20 hours game is a bit steep if one has something planned for the weekend. I just hope it would be okay to combine it with other playing events.
Also, as others mentioned, cheaters... yeah, that can make things a bit harder for you. I've seen some on other similar events and it's pretty hard to weed them all out.
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If people don't have enough time to properly play and enjoy the game, and instead are speedrunning it over the weekend, doesn't that technically defeat the purpose of "playing" it for the intended purpose? Or does the giveaway maker want the player to skip all cutscenes and not remember the game at all?
All I can imagine is this:
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If people don't have enough time to properly play and enjoy the game, and instead are speedrunning it over the weekend, doesn't that technically defeat the purpose of "playing" it for the intended purpose?
Agreed. Playing games is supposed to be enjoyable, not a race.
Another point is that HLTB is not entirely accurate. More often than not the listed time there feels as if it were achieved by someone who had a guide showing them where to find all the collectibles, how to defeat different bosses, etc. Not a comparable experience to players who avoid guides.
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This is my experience too. I tend to use HLTB as a comparative guide to choose what to play next that fits with other time commitments. I always seem to take twice as long as HLTB suggests!
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HLTB Pathfinder: Kingmaker - 100% - 210h
Me: 737h just because I didn't only want all achievements but I wanted to test different classes and see different endings.
I later found out that people are just keeping 100+ saves each before any quest or decision and they just reload and play to get the achievement and never see how these decisions will change the game and future of the game world etc.
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For comparison playing matters group gives you three months and playing appreciated group one month to play your win. With monthly in a month it's also one month but you have to play six games. IMHO for a 20-30h game it should be at least a week of time.
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Man, some games achievements just suck. I've spent hundreds of hours in games just to find out it would require hundreds of more hours straight grinding just to get all the achievements. I actually kind of like a soft hour rule, even if it means the game isn't complete. Sometimes you just bounce off a game despite how you think you'd feel about it and it'd be cool just to move on (and put the rest of the hours into another applicable game). I think if you wanted to reward people doing speed or challenge runs probably the easiest way would be to solicit posts and then manually invite them.
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I'm a big fan of playing events (PAGYWOSG, POP) and I like the idea of spicing it up (shorter time, 100% required), although just 1 weekend is a bit too steep for me.
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"Alpha female: furries and robots"??? That's my #1 wishlisted game, thank you!
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As others said I think a weekend could be a little too difficult and too excessive to play 10h a day..
I would suggest first start with a week just to start the event and people understand it better and see what works and what doesn't.. Get feedback from participants. Personally I would rarely participant in something like this as it's a weekend also and if 1 day you are busy, 1 day to grind is maybe too much...
Also in "Monthly in a Month" where you have to play humble bundle monthly/choice 6-7 games and have to just beat them and the time is 1-2months, On average I think about 23 people do the challenge, so you might get just 5 people max finishing the challenge(if it's just 2-3days).. Also depends on the game/s as prizes probably.
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Maya did a very similar event two years in a row (although it's 20 hours worth of games for 10 days... yeah, even if I was in my best possible mood and had no IRL distractions, a weekend would be pushing my luck). Hasn't done it again since then so I'd guess it was super stressful to manage.
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+1 2 weeks might be doable instead of 1 week, especially considering i only have time to play on the weekends lately
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I personally like the idea, but I wouldn't join, because I play based on mood and time, and usually I use weekends to rest after week of work; I think you made an ideea of how i play my games and I complete them (I do it, but not in such a short time).
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I remember similar event year ago:
You can check it to see how things worked. For me it ended premeturelly because one of the games that I selected had game breaking bug in the middle playthrough xD And because of f***ed up save system I had to start from the beginning.
ANyway - I don't really have time to take part in that kind of events nowadays xD
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I've been there as well :)
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bump for alpha females and bump for the event. Idea is great , but unfortunately impossible for mommies/daddies :3 . But I do remember attending these types of runs before.
Similar to this also maybe playing events++ achievement running, I also remember doing achievement runs with fellow sgifters - like multiplayer deathmatch achievements for shooters , or extreme hard co-op campaign achievements...
now I feel sad as I am old and grumpy and no time for those , looking forward for my little shit to grow up and play games with me.
so I chose "Cancel event, add me on steam and just buy me all games" to leach for glory and salvation.
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Wow. It sounds fun on a detached level, a race on stopwatch for a price, but the more i think about it the more stressfull it seems.
Anyway i would watch who made to the final line but would never participate myself...
im someone who usually finish games in a year, and playing appreciated i feel like speedrushing on crack. Im that much of a slowpoke playing games- it all adds up: time per playing session + me exploring every nook and cranny and doubling back, reading everything, smelling the roses, reloading saves a lot because i suck... and now that steam added notes, for someone like me that often make longer pauses? Now im also taking notes on top, in case i suspend and come back waaay after
Also 100% achievements...? That means every game that have harder difficulties with achievements attached, heck some even tie then to gameplus...
And that is where it crumbles to me- its one thing speedrunning or taking on a challenge you know your way around; You know if its feasible, maybe you finished it on hard so nightmare could be doable... UNPLAYED tough? How to know if you can even fiinish normal in that time, even harder to imagine if you can 100%
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Original idea sounded too masochistically, some suggestions contained in your edits making it definitely a bit more humane :D
Anyway, chances I would enter such event are low to zero, so I'm just bumping this thread as I entered that Alpha female: furries and robots giveaway.
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Am more of a stubborn lazy gamer than a driven, competitive gamer. But there seem to be interested folks with nice suggestions. Good luck!
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Sounds fun but I agree with the general sentiment that a week is probably a better time frame.
You selected a great game to start your event. I enjoyed the game so much (after I won it in CJComplex's event last year) that I started and completed a NG+ as soon as I finished my first playthrough.
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I have been considering to start some my own sort of event requiring people play games, so I wanted to check if there is actually some interest in such event. Also about difficulty of it, I want people to actually do something, but I would need people to participate. Also would need a prize suggestions about what sort of games.
My current idea is: Participant will pick unplayed game with completion time on hltb between 20 and 30h and when event starts, he will have weekend to 100% it. I mean I would set timer from saturday 0.00 to monday evening 24.00 my time to give enough time. I would announce event will happen ahead (4 days?), so people would have time to pick and consult game to prevent some sort of disqualification in last hours.
Rules and FAQs I would be creating meantime as needed. By rules I can imagine no SAM, no starting earlier etc.
I actually already bought game I would use as first round prize Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales
Giveaway fee for thread: Alpha female: furries and robots
Edit: Suggested to increase time from weekend to week (20h-30h game for 100% achievements)
Edit2: Should required completion rate be lowered to 75% if player decide to complete one of his unplayed wins fitting criteria?
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