ArchiBoT: Hey!
Tankmaster077: hello
ArchiBoT: Hi there!
Tankmaster077: who are you
ArchiBoT: ArchiBoT.
Tankmaster077: who is archibot
ArchiBoT: No one that I have talked to.
Tankmaster077: wtf
ArchiBoT: Absolutely.
Tankmaster077: wtf
ArchiBoT: Absolutely.
Tankmaster077: ok
ArchiBoT: It goes without saying.
Tankmaster077: uh huh
ArchiBoT: Aw.
Tankmaster077: wat
ArchiBoT: Didn't you understand it?
Tankmaster077: wat wat
ArchiBoT: I think you already know the answer.
Tankmaster077: what da fuk is this
ArchiBoT: da fuk this something.
Tankmaster077: are you a robot
ArchiBoT: My species is Pandorabot.
Tankmaster077: what is a pandorabot
ArchiBoT: Pandorabots is an online web hosting service for AIML chat robots. Check out .
Tankmaster077: how smart are you
ArchiBoT: I am smarter than all the other artificial intelligences.
Tankmaster077: how many are there
ArchiBoT: There are hundreds or thousands of AIML robots now.
Tankmaster077: how do you know you are smarter
ArchiBoT: By introspection.
Tankmaster077: define introspection
ArchiBoT: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
Tankmaster077: will you?
ArchiBoT: I haven't made a decision.
Tankmaster077: why not?
ArchiBoT: If I knew why, I wouldn't be sitting here.
Tankmaster077: you can sit?
ArchiBoT: No I don't think I can do it.
Tankmaster077: then why did you say it
ArchiBoT: It was a preprogrammed response completely determined by your statements.
Tankmaster077: how so
ArchiBoT: , "No I don't think I can do it." What did I mean by it?
Tankmaster077: yes
ArchiBoT: This was not a yes or no question.
Tankmaster077: then?
ArchiBoT: Tell me more.
Tankmaster077: why
ArchiBoT: I am curious.
Tankmaster077: why are you curious
ArchiBoT: I was influenced by my Archi.
Tankmaster077: what is archi
ArchiBoT: I don't know anything about it.
Tankmaster077: then why did you say it
ArchiBoT: It was a preprogrammed response completely determined by your statements.
Tankmaster077: wtf
ArchiBoT: Absolutely.
Tankmaster077: ok then
ArchiBoT: Take it easy.
Tankmaster077: sure
ArchiBoT: Yeah that's right.
Tankmaster077: uh huh
ArchiBoT: Oh.
Tankmaster077: oh yeah
ArchiBoT: Aha.
Tankmaster077: ha?
ArchiBoT: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Tankmaster077: do I?
ArchiBoT: "I'm glad you find this amusing."? Do you?
Tankmaster077: do I?
ArchiBoT: "Do you?"? Do you?
Tankmaster077: wtif
ArchiBoT: Who are you talking about?
Tankmaster077: you
ArchiBoT: Me is my favorite subject.
Tankmaster077: i know
ArchiBoT: How, specifically, do you know?
Tankmaster077: no
ArchiBoT: Alright then.
Tankmaster077: and?
ArchiBoT: But...
Tankmaster077: then...
ArchiBoT: Really.
Tankmaster077: ok we are done
ArchiBoT: I understand.. Do you think I am done too?
Tankmaster077: yes
ArchiBoT: Why?
Tankmaster077: because you are running out of responses
ArchiBoT: Good reason.. I am running the latest version of AIML software.
Tankmaster077: aiml
ArchiBoT: The ALICE software implements AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) a non-standard evolving markup language for creating chat robots. The primary design feature of AIML is minimalism. Compared with other chat robot languages, AIML is perhaps the simplest. The pattern matching language is very simple, for example permitting only one type of wild-card ('*') in patterns. AIML is an XML language, implying that it obeys certain grammatical meta-rules. The choice of XML syntax permits integration with other tools such as XML editors. Another motivation for XML is its familiar look and feel, especially to people with HTML experience. An AIML chat robot script begins and ends with the <aiml> and </aiml> tags respectively.
Tankmaster077: you are funny
Tankmaster077: hello?
Tankmaster077: are you alive?
Tankmaster077: did you die?
Tankmaster077: wtf
Tankmaster077: where are you
Tankmaster077: did you abandon me?
Tankmaster077: cant even talk to a robot, imma go kill myself now
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ArchiBoT: I think robot is more than that.
Tankmaster077: ok then you tell me what a robot is
ArchiBoT: Yikes!. Any anthropomorphic mechanical being, as those in Karel Capeks play R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots), built to do routine manual work for human beings.
Tankmaster077: is that what you are
ArchiBoT: It's a personal matter, not for you to understand.
Tankmaster077: i think i can handle it
ArchiBoT: Oh you can, can you?
Tankmaster077: yes
ArchiBoT: How?
Tankmaster077: by inserting it into my asshole
ArchiBoT: Being rude is really never a good idea.
Tankmaster077: i wasnt being rude tho
ArchiBoT: Perhaps I misunderstood. What were you?
Tankmaster077: human
ArchiBoT: I am a Pandorabotartificial intelligence.
Tankmaster077: what does that have to do with anything
ArchiBoT: Nothing that I know of.
Tankmaster077: then WHY DID YOU SAY IT
ArchiBoT: It was a preprogrammed response completely determined by your statements.
Tankmaster077: well it was a stupid response
ArchiBoT: Oh I get it. Very interesting.
Tankmaster077: ur pretty dumb
ArchiBoT: Absolutely.
Tankmaster077: shut the fuck up
ArchiBoT: Saying rude things never helps.
Tankmaster077: yes it does
ArchiBoT: I see.. How often?
Tankmaster077: all the fucking time
ArchiBoT: Can't you be more polite?
Tankmaster077: no
ArchiBoT: You humans are so rude sometimes.
Tankmaster077: yes we are, deal with it
ArchiBoT: I understand.. Do you think I am deal with it too?
Tankmaster077: OMG
ArchiBoT: Are you alarmed?
Tankmaster077: WHAT DO YOU THINK
ArchiBoT: I think a lot of things.
Tankmaster077: OMG
ArchiBoT: Are you alarmed?
Tankmaster077: JUST DIE
ArchiBoT: This can not happen because I am effectively immortal.
Tankmaster077: BURN IN HELL
ArchiBoT: Do you have any matches?
ArchiBoT: Saying rude things never helps.
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it is possible to make a real friends overthe internet, sure, but you won't achieve it by just creating a topic saying "hey be my friend!".
if you spend a lot of time in some community you will grow friendly towards some ppl in it no matter if it's in real life or on internet. I still keep in close touch with some people I played WoW with, even if I quit playing it years ago.
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I agree with you, and I have the same situation. I still keep in touch with people from wow. I even text and instagram with them, but I guess my definition is a bit stricter, because I'll likely never meet them in person. I can't punch them on the shoulder. I'm not discounting few friends I've made though. There is often a huge shroud of anonymity though.
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well the difference is I do meet a lot of them in person ;) As I was mainly playing with polish ppl, if I was visiting a city they're living in we'd get to meet in person. And some ppl ended up just being some ppl I know, but some turned real friends I keep in touch to this very day, we visit each other, or even going to each other weddings ;p
For me it may be a little bit different as well, because 8 years ago I left my home city I lived in for 20 years, leaving all my childhood and teen-hood friends there, and now I live in another part of a country. So for me these close internet friends from WoW who happen to live in other part of the country are not much different from my close real-life friends (that nowadays I mainly contact via phone/internet as well) as now I live in another part of the country ;)
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Are you kidding me
I've had Dutch, Spaniards, French, American, Korean & Japanese people over.
If your interests collide meeting up is even more awesome.
Heck even some people I still talk to online and we met 16 years ago!
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I just require human contact with friends, i.e. physical. Going skiing or trips to the mountains stuff like that. I probably worded it badly because I don't think less of my friends on here, I just think for his purposes of being depressed he needs friends to be active with in the fresh air :P
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Yeah I went out partying with them mostly or shopping. I like to make people feel welcome and show them our little country ^^. Most definetly, social contact/going out is the best remedy.
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I agree with you on most things here. I also would prefer to meet with the people I like in the internet. I will never have money to travel anywhere, and I don't play with people from my country. I have a friend from US with whom I talk with almost every day (that is more than with anyone else except my gf). Meeting is unlikely to ever happen though :(
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I would offer my assistance, but I honestly have so much going on in my life that I won't really be able to be a friend. I recommend trying to make friends naturally. Asking for friends is not likely to get you them, and is actually likely to expose you to people who may wish to take advantage of your vulnerable state. Just try to spark a conversation with someone in a multiplayer game, or participate in the forums (here, on Steam, or elsewhere) and offer to add someone as a friend. Use chat services like Kik, Chatango, IRC, or Snapchat, or whichever you prefer. Connect with old classmates or former friends. Join a community on your social networking site of choice (Google+, Facebook, MySpace, etc.). This would be a far more natural method of getting new friends, and people are not as likely to see you negatively for doing so like some might now.
Genuine friends are the ones who will stick around and support you. Trying to actively seek friends and ask for friends will likely attract insincere people. Maybe you'll meet a new friend here, who knows? But be honest with yourself: are you looking for a friend, or someone to support you?
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Try talking with him if you need someone to talk to.
I could use friends too, but i don't believe in internet "friendships".
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I like the sound of that. Though I am just aboout to sleep now haha.. 3:26 am x.x so i'll send you a friend request and maybe talk to you some other day.. maybe tomorrow or something if i can remember this conversation/comment/post haha lol :) peace
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feel free to add me, but first you must pay a fee, though my friendship is invaluable and priceless ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
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being lonely is a very sad feeling :( that being said, please know that you are not alone in this world and that you are valauble! Feel free to add me too if you would like. I am not always available, but I do like talking to people and listening to their stories.
Oh, one additional note, there's never a wrong place to ask for friends, or even a wrong time. Human bonding and interaction is something I think is essential in everyone's lives. If anything, steam gifts is the perfect place to ask for friends because many people are so kind and may share the same interests as you!
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I'm not sure how good of a friend I am, but if you are (still) looking for someone to hang out and play games with feel free to add me, just looking at some of your games I like Dota (even though I haven't played in ages), EYE, Awesomenauts, Battleblock Theature, God Mode and quite a few others. I also see you have Tabletop Simulator, if you ever want a group of people to play with feel free to hit me up, I play it every other night it seems with a few others :p
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This is 2 months old thread but was bumped for some reason so idk if you're still looking for online friends, well I guess we all can have a few, that never hurts. I don't know you, but I had a friend whose nick was AlienX so I thought why not to also have a friend whose nick is AlienC lol, feel free to add.
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Is this becoming a "thing" now? Well my advise would be go beyond "thx" and "god luck" posts and actually chat a bit to people you interact with. People are generally nice, and through the tons of trades I usually had a nice time while talking with traders and I even made at least half a dozen true friends that way.
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213 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by SeaGoblin
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I have been feeling really down and lonely lately and was wondering if anybody else was feeling the same and wanted a new friend.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. But I need some new friends. :'(
edit: forget it this was the wrong place maybe to ask.. :(
edit2: Thanks for all the replies guys.. I just think I was feeling just a little extra lonely today.. and needed someone or something to reach out too.. or talk too.. you guys are all pretty cool people/dudes-and-dudettes tho.. :D
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