On SGv1 it was possible to see which groups a GA was for. Now this does not work anymore. There is no mouseover or anything, and clicking the GA or the group lock icon (which in general shows the groups it's available for) only shows that it's locked for groups you are not a member of.

Is this by design or was it just overlooked? You could, for instance, allow access to the groups subpage...

I kinda liked this, if people promoted groups with group GAs i just clicked the GA, it was nice being able to stalk a user to see which groups he's active in, and if you get a like to a GA you think you should be able to enter but can't, you can check where the problem is...

Or do you think that it's better to hide the groups?

EDIT To clarify: this is only relevant for GAs that are for groups that you are not a member off. Well, the mouseover part is true for almost all GAs (only found one where there was a mouseover, weird) but if you can look at the GA you can figure out the list of groups it's for.

10 years ago*

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Now I'm confused... I stumbled across a group locked icon that did have a title (i.e. mouseover text)

10 years ago

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I too wish we could see groups

10 years ago

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The green button the the far right has the group name inside it, at least for me it does.

Example: Clicky

10 years ago

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Oh, I was not clear enough... That only works for GAs you can actually look at. So I had no was of figuring out that you made a GA for the group "Nerd House Gaming" until you showed me the picture...

10 years ago

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I think this is good as it is. Group giveaways are intended for members of that particular group; if everyone on SG could see that group, then they'd all just join the group and enter the giveaway.

10 years ago

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Not if the group is "invite-only"

10 years ago

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