I never play HC characters - not in online games - I ran HC Assasin in Diablo 2, but I won't play Hc in D3 - exactly because of this - server lag and you lose your character.
All I did in D3 was to level up chars to max level on HC just for achivements and that's it. Never played them again, deleted most of them to make slots for seasonal chars ;p
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I can't get over online-only games, and in HC your character can die for reasons completely outside of your control, be it your ISP or their servers, which doesn't sit well with me. That's why I wouldn't recommend PoE or D3 over Torchlight II or over other single player games like Titan Quest because they are very different kinds of games in regard of control and manner of play: I'd recommend Torchlight II for single player and if you want to have control over your HC experience, and PoE if you want to depend on groups and trading and if you don't mind losing your character to your internet or the game's servers.
I did enjoy some parts of PoE during the beta but the desync kills it for the most part. I hear it should be fixed now some years later but that you need <100ms for it to work, which is no dice for those still without any servers close to their location (like me).
In any case, sorry for the rant and thanks for the GA and for sharing!
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Yeah.. people seem to try and justify it as anti-piracy, but that's already been proven wrong. Anti-cheat makes more sense seeing as you have to be synchronised to the servers, but it's a single player/coop game, so really cares? And even then there should still at least be an option for offline only characters that can never be connected to the servers or something, but it'll never happen.
While I'll agree it's still a huge problem in PoE, I'd almost say it's worth the risk because of the fact alone that the game is just so hugely diverse, there's always new things to try. There's no reason not to try them on HC first seeing as if things go tits-up, the character only gets demoted to SC. Desync was also a huge factor but they have indeed solved it for lower latency players, but it's an optional feature that just adjusts the perspective of your character from playing client-side to server-side.
I have actually played Torchlight but if it's the offline factor that deters people, I'd recommend D2 over it. The simplicity of TL was borderline frustrating, there was very little room for creativity and was mostly restricted to cookie cutter builds, which again is something that made PoE the absolute winner for me.
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I played a lot of hardcore on Diablo 3 for PS4, but we can play that offline. Torchlight 2 is a pretty relaxing one too. I'll probably start Grim Dawn, I was just waiting for it to get closer to full release so the content was there.
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Make a non-HC character, play like HC. If you die because of lag, just keep playing. If you die because you deserved to die, then delete character :D
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tried path of exile. i don't think i'm young enough to spend that many hours in it.
didn't liked Diablo 3. tried only the demo, way back, but still...
torchlight is fun. played to the middle (i think/hope).
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BS like that would literally make me blacklist all games from that developer. I don't even care if it's EA, Valve or who ever. When you have such an extreme game mode as Diablo Hardcore; being able to die because of lag is unacceptable. This was a problem in Diablo 2 with the dumb worm in the cave as well, but this video is even worse. This is a game defect, that has an ultimate consequence. Unbelievable Blizzard.
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Haha, that sounds rough! My only HC character was in the early days of D3. It met an unfortunate end to a mob with a bad set of modifiers, I think it was the pink arcane beam and the one that locks the character into place. After that I decided HC wasn't my thing!
What's wrong with Torchlight 2? I've seen a few people say that kind of thing, but I thought the original Torchlight was decent enough. Did they not improve anything?
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Well it's not necessarily a bad game, it's just overly simplified. The thing I love about PoE is the diversity in builds and room for creativity. In Torchlight II, the talent tree has a very clear cookie-cutter skillset. You're somewhat forced in to a linear build just because one option is blatantly stronger than the other. I never played the first TL so maybe it was better there, but that was the vibe I got from TLII.
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Not 3, 2. After years of playing D2 normal, I decided to finally run HC. Went through multiple deaths, mostly in Act 2, but eventually, I did it, I beat D2 HC on Hell difficulty. I honestly cannot tell you how long it took, how many deaths and recreates, but I finally did it, with a Shadow Sin. But something just didn't feel right. Something felt incomplete, like I just wasn't "done". When it came to me, I switched back to Normal difficulty, walked out of the Rogue Encampment, found a single zombie... and walked away from my computer. When I returned and saw that the level 1 zombie had killed me, I simply said "full circle" and uninstalled D2 for the final time.
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HC is ever the best if you want some fun, but now, after Reaper Of Souls hardcore mode is not the same, is almost softcore... you can craft items and have, not the same character but similar, in only a few hours if you have some friends to help you.
I always played in hardcore mode (i had 5 characters in 60(50) or more before ROS), but now it's boring for me... and i have lost some characters too because of lag hehe.
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The game was a mess at the start when there was 0 stat prioritising, but Blizz really went ham on peoples complaints and just basically handed them free shit. I hear it's getting even worse next patch. Something to do with giving a legendary to Kadala and you can pay her to give you completely new rerolls on the entire item, so the game will become less about farming your favourite legendaries for a new build and more about farming enough mats to spam reroll them until they get BiS trifecta rolls.
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Stopped playing HC in D3, dunno, didn't see the point of it besides extra achievements. You either die because of Lags, dumb champion combinations or just plain stupidity by going afk with nothing around you and then coming back to see your character dead... lol. Maybe I'll tackle it one day again to get the rest of the achievements.
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My first ever death was actually to afk while levelling. I played solo a lot during the beta and was used to pausing the game with esc. Game came out, started levelling in HC with some friends and for some reason still thought I could pause the game. Pressed esc, went to get a drink, came back to a dead barb.
Also, superb choice of avatar.
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I've got... too many to show on constant rotation between my monitors, but current favourite is probably this just because IBRS>BRS ;D
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I have played PoE for a very long time. I got like godness equipment (good "legacy" mjolner build)
Problem is that they change game all the time and im bored setting all skill points again and again.
They just added awesome change to passive skill tree, where player can put jewels that do various things in this tree. This game give a lot of customization to skills.
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On the PS3 I lost around 20+ hours worth due to save corruption (something Blizzard never resolved). They seem to have had the impression that creating a back up save file was included within the remit!
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Edit: Just to clarify, I posted the video elsewhere and a lot of people complained about the stream in the background. I left that audio in to emphasise the impeding doom as you could hear the audio cutting in and out during the lagspike while my internet desperately tried to reconnect.
After my friends and I came back after over a year of downtime, we spent some time adapting to the changes and decided we want to try push for GRift 40+. Vampbats feels like it's fallen off a lot since I last played and hurts way too much after GRift 30 or so, so I decide to level up gems on lower rifts to prepare for a new build, only to witness one of my first lag spikes in a long time while playing solo, which subsided immediately after my death. Naturally.
The Reckoning
I wanted to do a GA to promote Path of Exile, but can't seeing as it's free, and they don't sell codes for microtransactions. So instead, here's Torchlight II for those that don't already have it. But I still recommend PoE over it. Highly.
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