Or, you know: You could just check your activated game against the advertised game instead of just rage clicking it into your account and therefore missing it is the wrong game over and over?
I mean, it's a lot of work to fulfill all your requests just so you can be as lazy as can be. And maybe next user can be even more lazy and there will be more work needed to be done for them, and so on in all perpetuity...
Just check your wins man, problem solved.
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sorry I didn't get your idea in first part of the comment. At receiving a key, I can check if it's from "promised by giveaway" game or not only by activating it in Steam. So I did (I don't see at which part of this simple process I was or even could be lazy). And I instantly saw that's wrong game.
But this is not the point. The point is that from my POV the entire UI and even guidelines are about just "receiving a key", not about "successfully activating the very promised game". Thus at receiving a key, even if it was wrong key, I answered "Received".
The difference between Received and Successfully Activated is highlighted only at FAQ section. But still can cause suspension.
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Maybe it is off topic, but how do you check a steam key without trying to activate it? I know if I try to activate it via the browser and it does not work, I can see the game's name in the response of the AJAX request. But I really like a method to identify a game by the steam key that does not require possible activation.
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you cant check what game a key is for before actually trying to activate it.
but i believe what RCSWE meant was that after activating a key you can check if the game that you activated and the game you won the GA for are the same. just go to the the GA and click on the steam logo after activating. the games steam page opens and you can see if it tells you that you already own it or not.
the reason behind that is that sometimes names can be similar or even the same or some keys have some weird description when activating and you can never be 100% sure that what you receive is the same game that you won.
if its the same game, all good. if its not the same game then you need to contact the creator and work it out with them. if they arent responding or not cooperative then you should mark the GA as not received
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Yes, like I wrote: You could just check your activated game against the advertised game
As there is no way (that I know of) to check before you activate, you activate the key. If the key activated a different game from what the GA advertised you contact GA creator for a solution, or mark it as Not Received.
The issue here being you marked the wrong game activated as received. It's an interpretation error perhaps? You read it as "I have received a key" but it is written as "You have received the correct game when activating the key"?
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All this, which means the most of the work of the mods, a lot of the user reports, your suggested things etc., wouldn't be needed if a automatic check, if a win got activated on the winners account or if it don't got activated after marked as recieved, would happen.
A small thing for the owner + only programmer, that would save thousands of hours of work.
The interesting question is why it never got implemented....
And never will...
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Not saying this as a mod, but as someone who can see what automated or AI driven tools can end up with, it would be a terrible idea. It would only take a another mass store delisting as happened recently for automated tools to ban thousands of users, because they won't have the information beyond X = missing = banhammer.
People aren't perfect, but if we respond on a ticket, you know someone looked at it and thought on what needed to be done before deciding to act. A mass store removal is something we will notice as users and won't ban outright the moment people are missing those games.
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Point 2 seems silly. The support button is big and obvious.
Points 4 and 5 are redundancies. They do beg the question of what you're planning to do with a won key if not activate them though.
And, Steam tells you what license you just redeemed when activating a key, so you know immediately if you received the proper license. If you didn't receive the proper license, then your win hasn't been received. Marking it as received becomes a user error scenario.
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yes, it's user error scenario. I was dumb enough to go through it. Now I'm looking how to improve the situation for moderators.
IF they receive a lot of tickets about suspensions like mine, and IF additional reminder right next to Received / Not received columns will reduce number of tickets to X%, then they should be happy to add that reminder
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I think 99.99999999% of users understand to only mark a game as received after receiving the game they won.
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sadly i came across multiple ppl who failed to do exactly that... so yeah... OP is not the only one with that problem
the problem is that the site is used by ppl all over the world, some with good, and some with bad english skills. having everyone need to read between the lines to understand the rules even with bad englsih skills leads to problems, so im all for clarifications.
i actually have for a longer time now thought that the rules are in need of further work on them. the fact alone that the FAQ contains information that isnt avaible in the guidelines and vice versa, meaning you need to read both of them to complete the lacking information for the other to understand the whole picture, makes the guidelines/FAQ worthy of redoing.
and i believe the problem OP had with receiving the wrong key is one of those parts that isnt clearly stated like i explained above.
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Nah. You win game. You redeem game. You immediately realize game you won and game you redeemed aren't the same. You reach out to the giveaway host to fix problem. If problem remains unresolved, you put in a support ticket. At no point in that process do you think, "let me mark this as redeemed despite not having received the game I won."
Let's not pretend the process is mysterious or in any way vague. It's definitely not. And the OP has been here for many years and many giveaways. Any issues users might have with really, really basic site rules is their own. Nobody else seems to have these problems. It's less than a fraction of a percent of users that don't seem able to grasp the simple concepts outlined above.
And the OP also doesn't seem to have any issues with English or English translation.
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Thanks for your kind words about my English. I check my writing with help of Google Translate
If you want to believe that I'm the only one with this interpreting issue, I'm fine with that. AiKirika says, I'm not alone - well, okay too.
Only moderators know how often they suspend people for similar reason, so it's on them to decide whether described is a real problem or not, and if it should be addressed. I actually don't know if discussions exist to highlight the most anticipating fixes, or it's only a way to store suggestions in one place (in that case comments will be ignored). Do you maybe know?
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The only one? Probably not. An incredibly incredibly tiny fraction of members? Certainly.
The reality is adjustments or fixes to the site almost never happen. There are many discussions about fixes. Nothing really ever gets done.
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Nah. You win game. You redeem game. You immediately realize game you won and game you redeemed aren't the same. You reach out to the giveaway host to fix problem. If problem remains unresolved, you put in a support ticket. At no point in that process do you think, "let me mark this as redeemed despite not having received the game I won."
well, like i said, i met ppl who didnt think that way, some of them being winner of my giveaways i checked for not activated wins.
the ones i can think of were simply happy to have received a game even if it was not the same game advertised and were thankful either way, so they marked as received.
when i told them about the rules, they were confused because they misunderstood or said they couldnt find the rules i was talking about. at that time i had to piece together passages from both guidelines and FAQ to explain it to them. they were on SG for many years as well.
also apart from getting an outright different game, there are also cases of games having similar or even same names, different versions or editions, wrong part of a series, etc. where the GA creator mistook the correct game when creating and the winner might not have noticed it being a different game. this is the reason why i always check my wins beyond just reading the activation message on steam. but some ppl may have not come across a situation like that and dont double-check.
btw... once a GA creator also tried to make me mark as received after his first key failed and giving me another game as "compensation/apology" (i wasnt interested in that game but still activated because i didnt knew it was a different game) but still wanted me to mark as received because i received "something of similar value" from him. after explaining that i cant due to the rules he was quite butthurt.
yes these are just my experiences and im not trying to generalize. im just trying to say, that there are ppl out there who may not understand the rules like you and me do. and there might be not that many... but if i happened to encounter a few already.... how many more might there be out there who never were corrected or have never voiced themselves in anyway.
And the OP also doesn't seem to have any issues with English or English translation.
yeah he seems good enough for that... but my point is, there are ppl out there who arent as fluent and might have more problems understanding those rules.
also im only advocating for changes in the rules here. i dont see why someone would be against further clarifications to the rules if it might help even a few ppl... its just changing some text, not the code (we know that might never happen), and changes t the rules have already happened before.
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Suggestion: add to that message pretty standard (at least for mobile games) text ~"In case if you think you was accused wrongly you can create a Support ticket (link)"
Do you know it's standard because you get suspended from a lot of mobile games?
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This seems more like a you problem if you cant understand simple instructions and follow the rules.
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if you get steam gift instead of steam key... You can't mark it as received because you didn't recieve a key??
The rule is quite simple, you need to activate your wins and you enter giveaways for that game(and you get it by gifting trough steam or get a steam key)...
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What can I say, simple thing can be confusing too.
Now I know there is the rule a question in FAQ about handling the situation.
Now I can see between lines what the rule was about.
Before that I saw only question whether I received a gift/key. I received one so I answered Yes
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yep. AiKirika covered the issue in that huge comment slightly above, when part of people just happy to get any key even if it's not for promised game. Since I didn't noticed The Rule explanation in FAQ in time, I even answered the giveaway's creator that I'll cover his mistake by answering "Received" to don't make him troubles with moderators. Now, 2 years later, I experienced troubles instead of him )
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Did you receive the game that the giveaway was for or not? I didn't think that this is confusing, but here we are.
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I was temporary suspended for not activating a key. The thing is I received wrong key and didn't remember the rule "When should I mark a gift I won as Received or Not Received?" Below are my thoughts on how the site's UI can be improved to highlight the rule, and few follow-up suggestion.
I hope at least some of them will reduce amount of time moderators spend on handling issues like mine.
If suspended, user receives a message about suspension's reasons, suspension's end date, and link to the problematic giveaway he/she can't visit because Suspension limits the site functionality.
Suggestion: add to that message pretty standard (at least for mobile games) text ~"In case if you think you was accused wrongly you can create a Support ticket (link)" - I overlooked Support button at top menu and tried to contact moderator on Steam, and via comment at Steam group (because of #2)
The first place to look for Contact information at sites is at very bottom of a page. Knowing that, I overlooked Support button at very top of a page.
Suggestion: duplicate a link to Support page at bottom of a page, at Help section
While suspended, user doesn't receive Messages notifications because the site's functionality is limited
Suggestion If it's impossible to unlock Messages for suspended user, maybe it's possible to add the same red counter above Support button
There is a message at the page where user marks gifts as received / no received: "Please remember, all games you receive need to be activated on your corresponding Steam account to remain in good standing. Users failing to do so will receive a suspension."
Suggestion: I see that place as a perfect place to remind the difference between "Receiving a key" and "Activating the key". Twice I marked wrong key as Received because, well, I received a key. I forgot about the rule I mentioned earlier, shame on me.
Suggestion: Additionally, I suggest to rename statuses for gifts user won from Received / Not received to Successfully activated/Not received or something like this. I'm not native speaker so I bet you can find better option to highlight the need to Activate the proper key on your account, not just Receive a key from any game
Suggestion: highlight the difference between "Received" and "Activated on winner's account" at guidelines.
Currently it goes like this:
"Winners will need to correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the gift being marked as sent by the giveaway creator. It is also necessary to keep this feedback up-to-date if the status of the gift changes."
Should be like this:
"Winners will need to mark their gift as received, if a gift corresponds to giveaway user won, and successfully activated on winner's Steam account, - or as not received, within one week of the gift being marked as sent by the giveaway creator. It is also necessary to keep this feedback up-to-date if the status of the gift changes."
I think that's all. Thanks for your attention.
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