Wich one should I buy?
While it's not logical to talk about an upcoming game like I already know about it, I believe that Life is Strange 2 is the best option.
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I already know what you mean, but I still call it Life is Strange 2. xD
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"Life is strange before the storm"
Definitely not, game will unluck at late august, and afaik only the first chapter. Also not even discounted, tbh 0 reason to buy that now.
I'd go with the dragon Quest + Dishonored option, or the one with Crypt of the Necrodancer
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you already know which game you want the most. try this. eliminate by randomly choosing a game and if you feel comfortable go on. you will feel kind of regret if you eliminate the game you want the most and then you know which game you want the most. of course quality of the game varies and has nothing to do with your own choices.
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I don't know what you would enjoy the most but personally I am enjoying the hell out of Oxygen Not Included and Klei have a fantastic track record.
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It's better to grab several (higher quality) games than one good one that just came out and is still expensive. Prices will always drop.
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Batman telltales is nice but not the best game of the genre, I would wait for a bundle tbh
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I'd say if you want the most for your bucks from that list, go for Dragon Quest+ Dishonored.
Also, I've just finished The Walking Dead: New frontier, and as someone who really loved the 2 first seasons... I'd say wait for a better discount on that one. I really wanted to love the game but it's only so-so and I ended up with mixed feelings about it. Maybe go for batman who got a better discount? (or if you haven't yet, The wolf among us or Tales from the borderlands are way better).
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Well, if you want length then DQ Heroes and Dishonored are your best bet. If not, Telltale games are pretty cool, although I'm pretty sure they're mostly 6-8 hours long.
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Kind of suprised Dragon Quest Heroes has such a following here.
I got it when it released and was able to refund thank gaben.
It was OK combat wise, story/lore was not very deep and childish almost.. not sure what their target audiance was.
But the reason I refunded was the game crashed to desktop several times.
I have a fairly new computer <2 years with up to date drivers of course, so it was definitely the game.
AAA release from a huge company that cost 49.99+? and crashes to desktop is extremely fucking unacceptable.
That being said I'm sure it's been fixed and was probably just a rare bug related to my exact hardware configuration and effected 1% of gamers blah blah.
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You should, it really is great, specially if you enjoyed Thief games in the late 90s. Or if you missed them and don't know why people praise them so much. But it really deserves to be played slowly, patiently, without the fear of your friend/family member throwing you out of the game.
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you haven't played dishonored yet? the fuck is wrong with you?!
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Batman telltales is a let down. I'd skip it.
Dishonored is awesome.
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Dragon Quest +dishonored wining? how?
I mean dragon quest heroes might be the most lackluster musou ive played. I love the characters and monsters designs but thats it. I generally don't recomend musous- for me they're fancy time killers. I enjoy killing time but they're also lowered compared to most games.
I get that dishonored is good. I enjoyed the heck out of it also i played it to beat at once... for me thats a bad sign. The best games i struggle near the end because i kinda try to extend then so they don't end too soon. Also despite the game being good i couldn't get myself to play the expansions to the end. I will, someday... it just lacks something.
Its a amazing setting. Idea. Everything... its just too easy. Feels more like a amusement park of ninja parkour. Even on hard i couldn't feel the need or urge to stealth because i could just kill everyone save few enemies. Playing on harder don't change what is essentialy the thief series core loop- if garret had teleportation, crazy spells, guns and could outmatch most people by the bulk. I had to force myself to stealth or kill everyone blasting through- wich is fun but gets old fast. I ended up enjoying more finding collectibles and lore bits and staring at pixels (do that a lot with games) then enjoying the gameplay itself.
It feels to me like this amazing game that could be one of the best ever if they had the care to match all their features with on par game design. Its a dream coming true in terms of cool, empowerment, production values and feedback using the magic- but on actual game design... Idn about the second one and they surely made up for this overly casual game with Prey. The devs are good- heck i think people from looking glass (makers of thief) were involved with Dishonored- so my guess they purposely made an effort to make the game the most aproachable and broader audience as they could and the core concepts of the game suffered from it.
I mean, for a game thats supposedly about stealth pretty much every other stealth game is better then it. Metal gears, styx, even the new thief with its many flaws is more of a stealth game.
So go for it if you're more of a fps player looking for action adventure and pretending to be a ninja. For stealth theres plenty better options.
Given the options id go with batman telltale (novelty gameplay here with his plans), moonhunters and hyperlight.
But thats my taste.
Now if you really want Dishonored(and its great, just not stealth good) then remove Dragon Quest and mix-match with some/any from option 3. Thats probably you best option, more inline with most opnions and Dishonored have a stella setting that far outshines some praised contenders- like Bioshock 2 for example. It is a must for gamers i just wouldn't put it ahead of some more well designed games(in gameplay).
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Thanks! great answer , I think I thought the same before you wrote in here I've choosed HLD and Moon hunters now i'm thinking between batman or dishonored, it might be batman in the en since my friend have dishonored with the dlc and he let me play as much as I want ( great person if you ask me) so yeah , now I have to think about it a little :P Thanks again!
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Gotta love steam family sharing. Mine is full. Theres this friend who sometimes gift me instead of buying to himself since im ou groups 'account' so to say(bigger library etc- nerdier, more gamer). I end up buying the few games i play from sharing sooner or later but im so glad another friend is sharing Dark souls 3 with me... XD
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Minecraft telltales 1 is not worth it without the season pass. The base ends on a cliffhanger that is explained in the dlc, so unless you wanna deal with that, avoid it till you can get both at once.
If you can get the story dlc for Dishonored do so. It is usually not worth getting base only with Bethesda games due to their dlc practises, but it seems the current base + story dlc price is cheaper than the goty edition. Not sure if this will ever repeat itself in the future, but it is worth keeping in mind.
Haven't played the rest so I can't speak about those. I wish you the best of luck though :D
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What should I do :S I only have enough for one of the options >< Please give me some advices!
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