5 certainly is the most simple one and easiest to get into. However if you want depth, I would recommend Civ 4. Not only is the basic game(with expansions) already pretty depth in civ 4, but it comes with many preinstalled mods too(or scenarios) which modifies the whole game to a different level. The mods for that game doesn't stop there, there are many to chose for your liking. Many are still under active development such as Caveman2Cosmos mod.
However if you start with 5, you might not be interested of Civ 4 due older models and style of combat. And the way the game works is a little bit different, because in Civ 5 the world has to adjust to the 1 unit per tile limitation.
So in conclusion, I would say Civ 4 is the better the game. But Civ 5 is more beginner and casual oriented than civ 4.
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I wouldn't mind spending more time with 4 but i don't own it.
But even in civ 5 I turn animations off and spend most of the game in grid view with the resources of each tile on, its just easier to see if things are damaged or uncompleted and which tiles to focus and where roads aren't complete lol
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in my opinion the 4th is simply the best civ out there (even tho every Civ is a great game), the only real problem with civ iv is unit stacking.
As Sagey said, the 5th is more casual but with Gods & Kings it offers pretty much the same depth as previous games.
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V is not bad, III is not bad (but a bit old now). Go with Civ IV+all DLCs. It's the best. (but not for noobs)
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Civ 4 is the best game. Civ 5 is like "Civ 4 lite" with better visuals
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All of the titles are unique in kind of how they are played.
I played every single Civilization from the very first when it came out (how I loved the look of the game).
I would recommend to start with V (easiest to start with, as you get a lot of help).
I do prefer IV with both Expansions, but they are harder to master.
III is nice as well, but AI is really tough. Tried it again a few weeks ago, and sucked completely gg
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Civilisation 2 is all you need, to be honest. It perfected the mechanics and structure. With 3, 4 and 5 elements were changed for the sake of change, rather than making the Civ 2 experience better.
If you definitely want to get an in-depth view of the series as a whole, I'd recommend you start with Civ 2, put a few hundred hours in, and then move on to 3, 4 and 5. You'll see what I mean with the nature of the changes applied throughout the series and how the later titles are really more about cashing in on an established franchise than anything else.
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i only played civ1 so far, and i would like to know which one is best too. since my last civ1 game was back in the 90ies, i guess i'm right now noob by full right, so i'll go for civ v!
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Civilization 4, main reason: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb-jk6Ftx7o
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They are all pretty good and have their ups and downs, but I´d reccomend you to get Civ 5. It is the most noob-friendly game of them and gained the necessary dephts with the Gods&Kings-Expansion.. the base game was "nice fun for a quick round of Civ", but I got back to IV very fast.. IMHO with Gods&Kings it is just as good as Civ 3 or 4. Every one of them has features I´m missing in the other installments, but I could not realy decide if one of them is better then the others.
So I´d say: Get Civ 5! If you got a nice deal for GOTY + Addon, take it! If not you could get the base game first and play some rounds and if you find that you like it, upgrade it with Gods&Kings as fast as possible ^^
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start with 5, move on to 4.
5 is great but more shallow than 4, it's a good way to get used to the game as it's much more noob-friendly. Move onto 4 if you have any time left to waste!
In all seriousness though, don't play Civ if you have stuff to be getting on with, it's the most addictive & time consuming game in existence.
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3, 4 or 5? Includes all dlcs.
Normally, for any series, one should start from the first and so on but Civ... Opinions from long time civ players please? Thanks.
EDIT: I have all 3 actually so it's just a matter of which should I start with rather than which is more worth it. Also what I am worried about it like someone said, if I started with 5, I may never play 3/4 due to their age and such. Dilemma...
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