Imagine there's no monthlies, it's easy if you try
Really FFS.
First month in so long that I will skip :))).
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I've got early unlock and i really enjoy it! Now i hope season pass will be in bundle too!
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You can skip this month :D aka pause it.
You paid for 12 months subscription so you can have 12 month, you choose the 12 months :D.
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Nevermind, there's a faq on the website:
"Q: Can I skip multiple months?
Yes, you may skip as many months as you'd like, however please note that this will affect your membership benefits and you will need to continuously pause after every skipped month! Once a month has been successfully skipped, go back to your Settings page and pause again."
Thanks anyway
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Yes you can. They have to be paused separately, but can be consecutive as long as you pause before the next payment is due.
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I think I might be in... it's weird Activision would let one of their big games be in it.
They probably have a big expansion planned for the end of the year, to make the base game irrelevant.
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They have a big expansion planned for next week. And the game is like the worst MMO i ever played.
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Didn't people love it when it first came out, but then it started getting really bad updates?
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If you think in this game as FPS open world is nice, if you think in this game about FPS MMO is just really bad, the game gives you everything you need, only 2 possible raids (they will add the 3rd next week), in just 2 months you can have basically everyhing in the game and get full best equipment possible...
They are adding updates, but this game is basically an MMO with end, and really fast end. If anyone want to play something like that just get Warframe (even better because it's free and you will have more hours to enjoy it).
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BROTHER! :D For real thou there is so few of us...ofc that makes sense otherwise those games would not be sustainable.
Still...lot of people seems to be unable to play ANY multiplayer game like regular game. It's like they feel that since it's MMO, endgame grind is most important part of the game. Part that you NEED to just keep playing for months and years. Otherwise there is no point in playing the game at all.
I played pretty much every damn MMORPG released since WoW. How? Cause I played each one only for like a month :D It's not that there is enough content to play it longer than that in either of them. Unless you enjoy just doing same stuff over and over again. I rather start playing new game.
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People loved it for a few weeks. Then they ran out of content...
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Bungie initially announded two DLC expansions for Destiny 2, with the first titled Curse of Osiris releasing in December 2017, and the second Warmind expansion releasing in May 2018. Later however, Activision CEO Coddy Johnson revealed that a third DLC expansion for Destiny 2 will be launching at the end of 2018.
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Nope...Activision is hoping on real money purchases of "silver" for micro-transactions including Bright Engrams and event-special Engrams (read: loot boxes).
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I have 3 month subscription... Gonna ask my brother if he wants this game because i already have it, if not i skip this.
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Asked my brother, he don't want the game, so this months skipped.
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Pasue-a-month option, if you don't redeem the first reveal game you can skip that month, or more months, until you activate the subscription again.
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It got harder for them to find the biggest steaming pile of shit possible on Steam so they had to change platforms to deliver the true, IGN-approved experience.
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I was actually hoping for games like Shovel Knight, Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Witcher 3, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, Dying Light, Darkest Dungeon, Subnautica, Cuphead, Salt and Sanctuary, Metro series , Space Hulk: Deathwing, Wings of Vi, Shadow Warrior 2, Hollow Knight .... that type of games ... those would make me subscribe without thinking
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+1, my thoughts exactly!
Might skip this month.......
Destiny doesn't even come with a steam key!
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Oh man, I'd go for almost any of these mentioned. Maybe one day...
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It is a shame - HB lost a track - we don't need AAA game every month, majority of us would actually prefere well done indies that were never in any bundle :/ Honestly Destiny 2 can be 60$ game, but I would take 15$ Hollow Knight over it any day of the week
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I would not be so sure about the majority. Just check any discussion about new Hunble Indie Bundle, if it does not have bunch of AAA games (no matter how old), majority of people actually complains, despite there being quality indies in the bundle.
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you may want to wait till may 23 or 24 or whatever the day before your billing date is to pause, that way you keep the trove and humble discount you already paid for as long as possible
see billing date
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Humble Monthly - How to Pause
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No one knows the contents beforehand, but I assume that at least some of them will be Steam.
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Soon, we will get PS4 and XBox titles in monthlies ??? !!! ??? o_o
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Hey I actually really liked the Capcom & Sega PS Network bundle from last month. They have no business taking the place of regular bundles and if I was still a monthly subscriber and I didn't have a PS4 or any console, and I got stuck with a PSN game, I would feel very cheated. Like ask for my money back upset.
HB knows better than to do that but I wouldn't mind seeing another PS bundle somewhere down the line. They've only done 2 or 3 and it's for a good cause (I current'y go with 100% to charity) and I think they could be much more successful if people worked a little harder to get the word out. I messaged a few dozen people on my PSN friends list and not one of them had heard about it and many had never heard of HB before. I only found out about the bundle because, and I swear this is true and I might even be able to find a comment somewhere that proves this, for a few weeks leading up to it I was going on message boards and asking when the next Playstarion bundle was gonna be because I thought we were about due for one.
I hope they keep doing maybe 2 or 3 PSN bundles a year but giving people anything other than games on Steam for monthly bundles feels like a rip off to me. Today it's BattleNet, tomorrow it could be Ubisoft or EA's platform or some other doomed download service. I hope that enough people skip June or cancel their membership that HB will take note and realize what users want.
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Destiny? Heck no. If there are some awesome early unlocks later on, then I might jump in. But until then, I'll be pausing.
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so after the rebundled/free stuff on monthly (Superhot,Red Solstice)
now we have game using other drm than steam (but this can happen but the first nope , HB promise only new game if i remember ... )
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β Purchase the JUNE 2018 Monthly Bundle! β
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Destiny 2 with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF JUNE (1st JUNE) for $12* to receive the JUNE bundle
Also, it's too late to buy the May Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: β οΈ Region lock β οΈ
Destiny 2
For Destiny 2 activation, your and Humble Bundle account regions must match. available regions:
Destiny 2 PC Retail Region Definitions
Customers in China and South Korea will receive Prototype 2 as a replacement.
Customers in North Korea, Cuba, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Myanmar (Burma), and Syria will receive $5 Store credit which will expire on July 6, 2018.
The key is region locked for the following regions:
Pay early and get: Destiny 2 (Non-Steam) (REDEEM ON BLIZZARD BATTLE.NET)
Destiny 2 redemption instructions
Note: If you were missing Yooka-Laylee from your bundle pageyou might want to check again, it seems that the keys have been added in the meantime.
Note: Only Bear With Me (Episode 1) was previously given away for free.
The Collector's Edition featured in this bundle contains all 3 episodes + full soundtrack + a 90 page digital art book + the complete puzzle & script design docs
Customers in China and South Korea will receive Prototype 2 as a replacement for Destiny 2:
Humble original: Subserial Network
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Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Thanks to luckz for the poll!
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