Is this XBOX 360 Controller real/genuine?
I'm thinking the same. Then it changes like "hmm maybe not". Unfortunately, we can't hold the package in our hands. That would be a great chance to identify it better.
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If it makes any difference I have purchased many knock off PS3 controllers that looked near perfect except some small changes to font and they worked fantastic. Much better then those cheap knock branded ones that are sold at official stores like Sources, those are the reason I checked places like Kijiji for a cheaper alternative.
Edit: Hmm this one gives me a bit of a bad mojo, the reflections in the controller look a little shopped. The joy stick reflections don't look like they match up with the one on the Xbox logo. It's a chick on the joystick/D Pad and a guy in the middle.
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I had on of them. I bought it around 5 years ago and it worked for me for ~2 years.
If you can buy them for a cheap price, then i will say yes but if you can find a ps3 controller for the same price, i will say no to xbox360 gamepad high quality copy model.
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If it's cheap, it's a replica. Analogs seems cheap.
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trow it at someone, if the controller brakes its a fake, if the person dies, then is genuine.
it looks genuine to me..
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Real talk the 360 controllers can take one hell of a beating.
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Probably better off posting the link to the listing if you want more than a "I have no good way of knowing at all" answer.
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the details at the bottom of the box seem off (missing background stripes (or just blurry?), different size of the copyright R for the Xbox symbol - although that might be region-specific)
how much is the price difference between this and a regular one from a store/amazon/etc.?
Edit: Reading the price, it seems okay ...
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Hmmm... symbols are really bad in "mine". Especially Windows logo is warped. XBOX logo has a notch at bottom-right.
It seems like there is 8.25 EUR difference. But Turkish vendors are greedy, so i dunno.
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Looks the same to me, any perceived warped-ness might just be because they're holding it, I put it down on a desk. I don't know how much they cost in your country originally, but a slight mark-down to sell more units online for a console hardly anyone still buys seems okay to me (would be weird if it was only half-price, then I'd definitely say they're fake)
I really don't know though, just wanted to provide something you can compare it to and make up your own mind.
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Not neccesarily true. White ones were also sold in "For Windows" packaging before the black ones came out.
The whole "For Windows" thing only applies to the wireless ones anyway, as those are the packages that have a USB dongle as receiver. (And you will only need one of those to host 4 controllers).
Wired controllers just plug in, download drivers and play.
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Actually they might. Please read my comment below. What do you think?
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Especially if we consider Turkey isn't a country for console gaming ...or at least i never heard there is somebody who played on XBOX360. Even XBOX360 came officially to Turkey really late. I don't know about its' controllers though.
tl;dr: These controllers we see on pictures might be an old stock since no one cares to buy expensive controllers but Kontorland-kind of cheap ones for PC.
Even though i still don't know if they are counterfeit. :/
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Amazon in the USA has the black wired ones for $28* (might charge for shipping but not sure because I have Amazon Prime) and it might be worth it to pay more and be sure of what you're getting IMO.
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I think so. I hate my Logitech F710 but i guess i have to stick with her for a while.
I have to pour 200+ bucks in my country for an XBONE or DS4 controller :/
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IMO F710 is literally better than X360 controller, I have both and I only use F710.
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I'm having a hand cramp when i use it for a while (after 10 mins.), especially because of those weird triggers. Otherwise i wouldn't hate it.
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I love my XBox 360 controller. It's still rocking after so many years.
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The packaging is right but I'm not entirely convinced. Everythings been black at least since they introduced the slimmer models and at the time they were manufacturing white consoles/controllers I don't think they were marketing them for windows. They also seem to be missing some detail around the centre buttons but it could just be the picture.
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I have a white one, a white Wireless Xbox 360 Controller for Windows.
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70 TRY, approx. 21.75 EUR. I assume they couldn't sell their stock to anybody since no one cares gaming in Turkey (ofc there are a big community who plays games but... they don't care about controllers). But i -still- don't know.
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I got a fakey one the last time i bought one, the only downside is that the Dpad is a lot worse than it usually is, other than that is pretty nice :3 the way to know if the controller is original or not is after you open the package and check the sticker behind the controller D:
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the box is not the same as the one I bought in a microsoft store some years ago, so no. Its fake. Also u can tell cause iof the windows logo thing that is not the logo that microsoft uses for compatible hardware
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Looks pretty much genuine to me. The only odd thing I notice is how shinny the Home button is. But maybe the new ones come like this.
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Shiny and aluminum-ish, right. That bothers me as well since MarvelousMax mentioned that detail.
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I just checked my girlfriend's. She has a wireless black one, and the Home button is as shinny as the one in your pictures.
Hers has an XBOX360
carved were mine (a white one) has Microsoft
instead. In both cases, the stickers at the bottom seem to indicate they are both genuine.
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Hmmm... a video said that XBOX360 carving shouldn't appear on genuine ones but... it seems like Microsoft changed it like "SkyDrive-OneDrive"
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Bought it. I'll inform you with details (because it seems fun)
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They sent it here today. As i see the sender's address, it's from an infamous place named Doğubank. I hope they won't send second hand (at least i can send it back since eBay's "money pool" system). Impatiently waiting right now.
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there is a windows version that is red i am talking from experience cause i have one
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Official XBOX 360 wireless controller for Windows box is red, not white or green
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From the pictures, looks like you went to a store so I want to know if you went to a cheap store?
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I didn't went to this store. It's a listing on eBay. So, pictures taken by vendor, i don't know the store myself. :)
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We'll see soon. I'll post pictures here. I hope it's not that bad or used one ^^
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i do have a wired xbox 360 controller i cant find atm my box but i think it looks close to that if i remember correct it did said microsoft on the top (you cant fake that name cause its a brand and walk away with it) and it said windows and xbox 360 at the bottom the cost it was 45 euro and when i got home the instructions was legit plus you can download a software to adjust profiles and its direct from microsoft , if you wondering if there is a legit product like that then yeah there is if there are scams around it yeah there are my advice is dont buy it from ebay it may be a litle difficult but try searching local stores one must have it
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I want to buy a wired XBOX 360 controller (wireless ones are pretty expensive). I just encountered this one on eBay (actually Turkish branch of eBay):
Here is the link
image 1 (blurry packages on shelves)
image 2 (close-up)
image 3 (black)
What do you think? Please answer on poll and if you should, please consider to leave your kind comments/advices. Thank you :)
edit: Spellbindinggnome, thank you for formatting topic link. Somehow i couldn't find it under announcements.
Bought it. I'll inform you with details (because it seems fun). Some giveaways might pop-up here when the controller arrive.
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