So i like being a hunter.I thought monster would be fun to play.But it seems hard to me.

Care to play ?

10 years ago

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hah, it's totally different for me - I find monster much easier to use and navigate than hunter. Not only less skills to learn (it will take a while to get used to all skills. As I am whithout Season Pass for now it's still 8 different hunters, meaning 28 skills in total to master, while monsters are just 12 skills ;p Also as for navigation - as the game is full of giant rocks, trees, bushes, fences etc I find it much easier to navigate with giant free-roaming beast seen from 3rd person perspective, than in first person - in first person mode half the time I see nothing because of all enviroment elements being in front of me ;p

10 years ago

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Half the time I have no jetpack fuel and fall behind so quickly

10 years ago

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still i find hunters easier :D, hunters seems so tiny in monster eye.I can't aim properly.

10 years ago

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that's why I find Goliath wonderful :D: basically all his abilities are AOE, not to mention extra mobility Leap Smash and Charge gives him :>

10 years ago

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It doesn't help that the FOV is extremely low.

10 years ago

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this as well. honestly - it's one of the most confusing FPSes I've played in a while. narrow field of view + big enviroment elements (usually much bigger than your character) + shitload of things everywhere that obstructs the very little of what you can view anyway... At least as a monster I can easily orientate myself around the map ;p

10 years ago

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They are trying to claim that the low FOV is a feature to make it more immersive. It just makes me more nauseous =/

10 years ago

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just add me; got the game recently and i find both the hunter and the monster very hard xD

9 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by GodWreck.