Are you pissed with the quality and chemical adons in food products that are available?
Can't say for sure but I guess its pretty much the same everywhere. Its like "fuck people, we need to sell"
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Go to see your doctor, maybe it's not in the pastry. Or you have becomed gluten intolerant so the more flour in there the more it burns.
Nothing against your friend, we all heard these stories (I would actually be more concerned about Bad Rats and mold in the bakery etc.), but unless he's a chemisist/dietologist I will keep shoving 2 rolls a day to my face.
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nah don't need it always happens when i ate some baked food shitty quality, about bad rats and mold that is just a myth in most cases, but i've seen once working in a big store magazine cat's / rats pissing on how do you say it, plate or crates of food.
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If it's any consolation, I didn't kill it myself. I'm no hunter, but i have friends who are.
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Ah, I always wondered how I ended up this way. Thanks for clearing that up.
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That's from college. People used to call me 2D because they said I was too skinny to be considered as having a third dimension. To this day, many of my friends still call me that even though I have packed a few pounds over the years.
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Yeah, I grew found of the nickname over time. And when I started to be unable to register myself as simply Zomby on websites, I just added the 2D at the end.
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I know, right! One of the worst chemicals is something called dhmo, also sometimes called oxidane, which is actually hydroxilic acid. It's a very strong industrial chemical, yet it's often used in the food manufacturing industry too, despite how many deaths there are related to it.
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are you sure it not some problem with your stomach ? a lot of person react different with different foood
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Living in Italy may have some disadvantages, but eating healty food is rooted in the culture here, so I'm not really concerned about it. You should try to find some trusted places where to buy your food, it will cost more maybe but it will be worth it in my opinion, after all we are what we eat.
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Living in Italy may have some disadvantages, but eating healty food is rooted in the culture here, so I'm not really concerned about it.
Same goes here in Greece. Mediterranean food culture is too stronk.
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Our economy is bad because we don't put fertilizers and bleach in our products?
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I wasn't asking with hostility. Im more than fine with Greek Economy jokes. Just didnt understand what had to do with it, but I understand now since our economy is a joke itself.
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Is it just me, or are all of the world's governments spiraling downward?
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Pretty much the same here. If you want better bread buy at small bakeries, their bread is more expensive, but the quality is better. Or make your own bread, but who has the time to do it every day.
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Luckily enough we have the great privilege to have pure and chemical free products in the countryside of my country. Villagers dislike chemical add-ons (mostly) and thus they food quality is extremely high. Tomatoes do smell and taste like tomatoes, daily products have an extraordinary taste and the burgers we make from the farming animals do taste much better than McDonalds.
It is a fact that these products are 10-20% more expensive than Mosanto's products but at least they are healthy.
As for our bread, we export our grain as it is considered high quality and we import grain from Balkan countries as it is considered low quality. It doesn't make any sense, right? Sadly, it is the truth.
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In Serbia 1kg of bread weighs 300 grams, so i'd say our government is doing a fine job keeping us in shape :)
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happens to me too. i had changed my bread to whole-grain bread and it stopped the heartburn. but it's more than double the price and weighs less. so i had to go back to the white bread. but if you can afford it, i highly recommend you to eat whole-grain bread.
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do you buy it from the same place? maybe it's the problem.
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Carnivores are murderers. You kill cute fluffy animals to feed yourselves.
Vegetarians are hypocrites. Plants are living beings too. Just because they don't have a face doesn't mean they don't feel pain.
Chemicals are the only humane source of food. Stop murdering those poor animals and vegetables and switch to a 100% chemical diet.
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That's for the best anyway. That way you can be returner to the earth and transformed into fertile soil. (Assuming the amount of chemicals you ingested doesn't kill all the wildlife as you decompose.)
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i highly doubt plants might feel pain without a nervous system, but i liked the idea anyway. let's die on overdose everyone!
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Actually, experiments tends to say otherwise.
At some point we just have to accept as living beings that we require other living beings as a food source, no matter their origin. Let's all eat insects, no one cares about those, right?
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That reminds me of the joke: If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
One way philosophers answered that is by defining sound as the psychological experience when we are exposed to sound waves. So, if pain is just the psychological experience when exposed to certain strong stimuli, it seems reasonable that it requires sentience to experience it.
Do animals have sentience? Do we?
It's easy to ascribe emotions to animals when most of our exposure is to other mammals, which obviously have faces relatively similar to ours and share a few similarities in basic facial expressions. But could we be just as certain if we only based our observations on reptiles or fish, or even insects?
Ironically, I recently read something about how cruel it must be for an insect, say, a fly badly wounded after being swatted by a human, or a cockroach half-crushed, being so resilient as to not die from the wounds, yet crippled and unable to move, not knowing what is wrong, and having no memory to know that their life was ever anything but the hell they're in.
They might not have a mouth, but must they scream?
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Supermarket bread is the worst, it feels and stretches like rubber or sole and it tastes like cardboard. Bakery bread is better, as long as you watch out the kind of bread you choose (in my small hometown anyway). Nothing beats home baked of course.
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And a lot of non commercial places still use refined flour ie, garbage.
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Unless you have scientific evidence to support your claims that the chemicals used in the baking process are causing you heartburn, there is no rational reason to believe it does. It's probably just a false correlation based on your own unfounded suspicion that the bread is causing your heartburn. It's more likely a reaction that your body is having, or your body's response to something else in your diet or lifestyle. Coincidence of occurrence is not sufficient reason to assume there is a correlation or causal relationship.
There is too much bullshit about eating all-natural and avoiding processed or non-GMO products. The scientific evidence does not support such claims and the fears are often the result of disinformation. In some circumstances, it is better to consume the natural or unprocessed product, but this depends on the product itself.
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That is not a scientifically credible source. It is a blog post on a site of little notoriety with hardly any citations or links to published studies confirming their statements. The information therein is riddled with speculation, FUD, and misinformation from someone who hardly understands that which they are talking about.
I wouldn't trust any of the information on that site for a moment and would consider it a disservice for anyone to be relying on such bullshit to substantiate their arguments. With all due respect, that link tells me nothing. Unless you can provide me with credible, scientifically supported research studies and articles verifying your claims, I have no reason to pay them a lick of attention.
I did a quick search myself and all the articles I'm finding in relation to bromide and flour is the use of methyl bromide as a pesticide for ridding the flour of bugs and other infestations many years ago. Its use as a pesticide on flour has since then largely ceased and is no longer commonly used to treat flour for pests.
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I live in Germany and the organic food trend is getting stronger and stronger here. We are known to have very high bread standards anyways. Buying it in an organic shop makes eating bread an even bigger delight. I'm enjoying my bread very much here (and sure do we have the junk too, but it's easy to avoid).
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In my country, your friend would be hanging from a piano wire right now for doing that.
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4,712 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CommissarCiaphasCain
So now day's in my city buying food especially from the bakery stores or just bread in regular stores that don't give you heartburn is hard as hell, went to a friend that works in a bakery and he said that now day's their is just a little amount of flour in bread or bread rolls or any other baked product, they stuff so much chemical ingredients he wouldn't give that even to garden worms.
So how does the situation look in your city/country?
I know the problem affects most of the food now day's but srsly a couple of years back i ate 6-7 bread rolls - nothing. Now when i ate 1/5th of one bread roll i get heartburn immediately.
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