what you need to know is simple, winning GA is a low chance, that chance is increased by invite only, group, whitelist and levels.
the higher and more restrictions the less participants, iirc most of the website is level 0 users, so i'd advice making at least one giveaway for even a bundled game, to increase your level and odds.
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Check the last graph, 85% is lvl 0
Most of them are inactive I guess, like new users only entering couple ga to try the site and never coming back or just giving up because they're not winning fast enough.
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Dont remember exactly but think it was after 2K entries or something.
Join groups if you want to win more. Exclusive groups if you want to contribute and have greater chance.
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you can also look at the group recruitment discussion tab for more groups there are a ton here and some are without any requirements
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Welcome to sg! I highly recommend checking out FAQ if you haven't already.
So what i mean is people are making events, jigidi puzzles putting invite only giveaways which you can only enter if you have the link after that. You can check them out in this sub forum.
Also there are lots of groups but they have lots of different rules like "if you win you need to share one" or "if you win you need to play in x amounts of time" etc. Also values of giveaways are important to some groups like reduced value stuff. You can again check it under FAQ what reduced value is. Also another helpful link for that CV.
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Within the first month I joined I won You think You know Jack 3, but I threw my points at EVERYTHING. Plus I was super lucky because I didn't win anything after that xD
You win more if you do puzzles and join groups.
It's not how much you win, it's what you win.
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Around 2k giveaway entered id say. Seems correct considering the amount of people entering. winning with only 119 ga would mean you are either super lucky or carefully choosed giveaway with low amount of entries.
Easy math : your probabilty to win is 1/number of people who join the giveaway.
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not really, but a lot of people restrict their giveaways to a certain level threshold. therefore with a higher level you can enter more giveaways and those also have a lower entry count.
=> better odds of winning.
but to be exact, that level stuff is implemented in the backend's code...
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it all depends on what GAs you enter. if you only join GAs for super popular games that are also for level0 you will have at least 2000 people joining so yeah you wont win that but if you just join cheap games then it doesnt take too long. plus the easiest to win is if you check Steamgifts frequently and join the GAs that are just 1 hour long.
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Just do the math. You see the number of entries, every entry has the same chance to win, add the chances to get expected number of wins.
You should be at something like 0.05-0.1 expected wins.
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Two weeks after joining. Here's the thing. NEVER think you are going to win. It happens. For some more than others. Try making some GA's. Share with the community. Also, as someone posted, try and join Unlucky 7.
But remember. It can take time. There are people that haven't won anything in months. EG- I'm at 53,022 entries with only 240 wins over 6 years.
Also, don't enter wishlist only GA's. Try some games you might never have heard of or thought of.
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When you joined, the site should have synched with your account. On the main page, there are sidebars for GA's wishlist, recommended, group, entered ad won.
Wishlisted shows all the game on your steam wishlist that are available to enter. EG- Hitman 2 is on your wishlist and it was just put on the new HB choice. So there should be a few available to enter.
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I won seven days after registration. Maybe I was lucky :) I can't remember my total entries until then, though.
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Everyone wins eventually, just keep hitting the "enter giveaway" button, try to level up and join certain groups.
Also maybe you will earn a spot to someone's whitelist. :)
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March 21st, 2014: 6 years ago.
Bioshock Infinite.
48,336 Giveaways Entered
I've won 289 games in these 6 years, not including the reroll requests.
"Overall, you've been unlucky, and won 18 fewer gifts than estimated since you first joined."
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9th of Feb. 2013, The Binding of Isaac.
I think it was quickly after I joined, a week or two maybe. Interesting is that I won Counter Strike GO two days layer, my first AAA game won, I was so happy
EDIT: I just checked, I registered on 4th of september 2012, so five months later, but I started actively and more often checking the site around january
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dont worry youll win at some point .. you just dont have to raise your hopes to much .. cause youll never know when your going to win ..
this only makes you sad :) and hopeless
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my advice for you:
Good luck and welcome, friend
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about half a year after joining this site, an d half a month after joining Unlucky 7 and playing appreciated........most of my wins are from both of those groups....
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i pushed my lvl to 4 with GA mostly to those 2 groups, i haven't won a thing outside those groups.....and Unlucky 7 you get kicked out after the seventh win...unless you stay as a "Gifter" wich then means you only get to join GA that allows gifters...and to stay as a gifter...you gotta gift stuff, so yeah......Playing Appreciated on the other hand you commit to play within a month of a win more than 4 hours and using their app you gotta get a score above 60-70 to not get kicked out, so no iddlers~
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1 month ago i guess .. its not like youll won so fast mate .. it depends on the system that works randomly ..
mine was 3 days after i got here
in other way it depends on your luck !
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Keep in mind that we get one of these "Why haven't I won?" threads every month or so.
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What the Mod said. Regardless of the rudeness/politeness from some SG members; past , present and future, the theme of this thread is common and to be blunt... old.
The fact this thread has been so helpful to you, should be taken as a big compliment (and will be as your SG soul matures. ;) )
If you check your profile, don't be surprised to learn you may have already be blacklisted because of the (or any post, it seems sometimes lol) post. The fact I've written this will probably earn me a blacklist or two. lol Don't be surprised if you have been whitelisted too. Even though your asking "noob" questions and making 'noob' "I want to win a game" type comments (which can all be found in the FAQs and multitude of other threads) you've been nice. So this is why I'm guessing your getting more supportive answers on this thread than many often get. ;) Maybe we are all bored in Stay At Home Orders. ;) In my case it is way too early and I'm on my first cup of coffee. :D
There are basically 2 kinds of generalized groups of people who enjoy SG.
There of course is a huge 1.5 middle area of balance and polarities between the two, but in general most people who just join SG to win games and not gift are loosely considered selfish/greedy by those who love to gift. Again, generalities, but it will help you see how to tap into the vibe of SG.com. This is also why your ratio of gifts/wins comes into concern for many. This 1.5 area doesn't even touch on the promotional potential and use of this SG site for devs & pubs or how SG.com gains revenue.
Bottom line, keep being polite and try to learn to enjoy gifting for the sake of gifting and you will find SG and community far far more rewarding, even if you don't win any or few games. :) Read the FAQs and follow the good advice in here, like the post from JaayDee above.
On an aside, tangent memory, loosely related...
When I use to be a Bartender & Server decades ago, I had a couple girlfriends at the time who would complain about tips where they worked. My advice to them was, Treat everyone the same and simply don't think about tips until the end of shift closing your bank and receipts. Act as if your base pay is just fine and $ isn't a concern "of yours". What comes comes.. what doesn't doesn't. Remember your job title is "Server", not "Tip Receptacle". Your troubles are not your customers concern, but theirs are yours. They both did that.. Said their tips each went up about 25% that first week. :gearthumbsup: A short lesson in how attitude influences your actions and other's views on them, unknowingly. ;)
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I know the odds are little but I have entered 119 GA so far and I got nothing xD
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