I know the odds are little but I have entered 119 GA so far and I got nothing xD

4 years ago

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It's been half a year since I won something. But it is not a problem that others can win :D
Chances are that it is calculated as follows. Offer something ... maybe you get something?

4 years ago

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that's the spirit

4 years ago

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Am here 7+ years, won just 26 games. Consider chances urself :D i won first game after thousands entries, i dont remember exact.. like 2000
last year i entering... won totally nothing. I seen user who is here 6y and won 800 games... i lost hopes its all random.

4 years ago

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Hey there, 7+ years and 26 wins here too! High five!

But we've won some great games, so I feel like we've been very fortunate.

That person with 800 wins, how many of those would you actually want to play? Even with just 26, I still haven't played through all my wins yet.

4 years ago

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U entered 3.7k, i got 15k. Still even more lucky :)

Great games but still 26 in 7 years.. Y-E-A-R-S.
Dont know what guy will play, most likely not 99% of them, i also dont need 800 games to win but aswell not to wait to every game for year :D last 3 won games 1 year ago 1 year ago 3 years ago... thats pretty poor, years of entering and literally nothing, isnt?

unlucky 7 year guys high five back

View attached image.
4 years ago

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you guys are the real unlucky 7+

4 years ago

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It actually is all random. Just keep entering those giveaways with fewer than 100 entries if you want to increase your odds of winning.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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I can't join now I have to be a 7 weeks old member

4 years ago

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Mine is after a month

4 years ago

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was is a great game ?

4 years ago

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The game I won is okay-ish

4 years ago

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i literally won the day after i registered XD i have been pretty lucky so far

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Just keep entering. Eventually space cat will pay a visit. Best of luck to you!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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To echo some good advice here and add to it:

1) Only enter for games you actually want. Don't enter for stuff you don't want just because it's free.

2) Be active, check the forums for puzzles and private giveaways, be a member of the community.

3) Join some groups. Many people got their first win through Unlucky 7, a group specifically for new members.

4) You get out of SG what you put into it. I didn't win anything until after I made my first giveaway, but as I made more giveaways I started winning more games too. Contribute what you're able to, and within your means, and you'll quickly gain some levels to open up more giveaways and more groups. Basically, whenever I get a bundle, the games I'm not interested go up on SG to find better homes.

5) Be patient. Statistically, there are about 1000 entries for each giveaway and only one winner, so you'll have to enter about 1000 giveaways before winning your first game. This requires patience. Gaining some levels, joining groups, and being active greatly increases your odds, but you'll still have to enter a lot of giveaways and get lucky. But luck is random - sometimes you go 6-12 months without winning anything, and suddenly win 2 things in a month.

Welcome to SG, and have good luck. :)

4 years ago*

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I now shall take on your legacy

4 years ago

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First Win after 3 Days.
But i was not always that lucky.
Some Years went by without a win, some years i had 1 or 2 Wins.

But as Timobkg already said: Be patient.
AND: also give something back.

Steamgifts is more about giving then winning. ;)

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

4 years ago

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Thanks! :)

4 years ago

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If I had something to giveaway I would give it to you in your cakeday
happy cakeday ;3

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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is ti bad now ? what have changed

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago*

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It takes a lot of time. I myself have won 79 games. First I tried to join every give away. But you should only join if you actually would like to play the game. Made that mistake myself.
If I did my math correctly I have only won around ~0.30746477776% of all games I joined. It's probably lower if you're a lower level too

4 years ago

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why would you concider it a mistake ?

4 years ago

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When you start out, it's very tempting to just enter for everything because it's free, so why not?

But then you think about it, and what's the point of that? So you win a game that you have no interest in, and what? You don't want to play it. So you now have a game you have no interest in playing, and you potentially took it away from someone who would actually play it. So there's no benefit to you, and a potential negative to someone else.

I'm of the mindset that when people are being generous and giving away games for free, then we as the recipients of that generosity should do our part and try to play the games we win. Otherwise, why did we enter for the games in the first place?

As far as why it's a mistake, well, there are groups like Playing Matters and Playing Appreciated that have playing your wins as a requirement. To join PA you have to play a game you won, and if your only win is a game you don't want to play, well, that's what you have to play. To join and stay in PM you have to play most of your wins, so that game you don't want to play will be something you'll either have to suffer through or be a permanent negative bringing down your average.

Then there are events where you have to play your wins to participate.

Some people check your played wins history when deciding to add you to their whitelist for special giveaways with better odds (Kelnage made a tool to check that).

And finally, if you're like me, you'll care about trying to play through all your wins (and I could certainly be doing better, but I'm trying). So that game you don't want to play will be a permanent stain on your win record, and when you look over your wins you'll look at it and think, "Oh, why did I enter that giveaway. That was a mistake." :)

4 years ago

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I joined PA when I had 0 wins. Instead Mouse let me play a game I already had in my Steam library.
So Kuyf10 can join too.

4 years ago

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That's certainly true. But if you do happen to win something before joining PA and it's your only win and you don't want to play it, too bad.

4 years ago

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Haha. That's true too.

4 years ago

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I won my first GA the same year when I joined, 7 years ago.
So far these are my stats:
Gifts Won - 454 ($3,617.63)
Gifts Sent - 78 ($737.29)

4 years ago

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you're by far the guy with the most games

4 years ago

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Not even close. We have other members like Zhelgadis on this site, and I doubt he even has "the most."

4 years ago*

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I won the GA number 75 that I entered.
I think it's fast enough.
This happened almost 3 months after I registered.

4 years ago

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I've noticed that you don't enter in a lot of GA why is that ?

4 years ago

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Becauze I whant so.
I don’t see the point of winning a bunch of games I do not need.

4 years ago

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After almost a month after joining here? I think

4 years ago

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i think it was like 7000 entries into steam gifts. i mostly used steamcompanion, the point system was far better.

4 years ago

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Most users on this site have won at least once by the time they have entered 3000 giveaways and/or spent five or so months on the site. Winning is random, so it may (or may not) happen whenever you enter a giveaway. If you wish to increase your chances of winning, I suggest you read DeltaBlade's Guide to Winning on SteamGifts for New Users.

(Yes, we see this topic so often that an actual Guide has been written for it.)

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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After 5000 or 6000 entries over several months.

4 years ago

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My first win was yesterday, after 630 entries.

4 years ago

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You give, you get. If you want games for nothing, you can try visit some of sites these give games for watching trailers and playing online games.

If you want just win game in giveaway, i am sure you will get one soon, but noone likes level 0 with 200+ won games which never say even Thank you. Be careful to not become one of them. Good luck;)

4 years ago

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March 2015 ;)
For now 56000 joined and 535 won

4 years ago

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Registered: September 22, 2011
First won: June 19, 20012
I don't know how many I entered during this time

4 years ago

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After around 800 entries.

4 years ago

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I entered 3,837 giveaways before I won my first. I don't know what the record is, but damn I've got to be up there.

4 years ago

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It was soooo many entries ago that I couldn't possibly begin to guess how many entries it took, but I can say that I won my first game roughly 2 months after registering. :D

4 years ago

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After one month from the registration if I remember correctly

4 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by kuyf10.