That's been in the pipelines for many years now, although in 2011 they showed off some artwork for it. You will miss the chance to play the PLUS DISC content, the sequel/side story collection kagetsu tohya and Melty Blood as well if you wait, there's so much to that universe which feeds into the Fate/Stay night storylines as well
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I play a few in English. And I own Sakura Taisen 2 which I can't install without the Japanese language pack installed. Not that I could play it. :P
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Well sakura taisen is rather a mix between dating sim (as you have to keep the moral of those girls up -but you can be an asshole and still get to the end) and T-RPG (rather easy).
Damn Sega should release those internationnaly, especially since those have been released on PC up to the 4th, just need to work on the translation.
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If you do this, either install Applocale or whatever the appropriate equivalent is for your OS, or be damn sure everything on startup is Japanese friendly if you want a bootable OS in the end. I found this out the hard way trying to switch locale for UTAU a couple years ago.
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I think applocale has some problems. East Asian language pack + Japanese Unicode is the way to go.
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The writer from those games also was the writer for the Infinity Series of visual novels, of which Ever 17 and Remember 11 were particularly good, complicated out there storylines involving time travel and dimensional displacement, body switching and people disguising their identities, very emotional scenes as well.
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Yeah, I know. I've been watching a play through of Ever 17 on YouTube (since it seems to be pretty much impossible to find for under ~$100). It's not as awesome as 999 and VLR, but it's pretty interesting, and I've seen a few things about the ending that make it sound crazy/awesome.
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well since there's also 5 or 6 manga related to it I think it's safe to say that there's place for something new in the game too. but I rather enjoyed the anime, more than the chaos;head one at least that didn't really get far into the hero crazyness or I don't know what you could call it.
And I believe the anime adaptation of R;N was already settled when the game was announced
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Yes it is explained SPOILER ALERT Senomiya's sister say to him that "real man" go in space when they watch a rocket launch during a flash back, if I remember correctly SPOILER END
But, yes there's tons of stuff not really explained in the anime, I would say that's what happens when you've a limited time to tell a story, whereas a visual novel only have characters limit, so almost none.
damn you made me want to watch it again >_<
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Not really a VN but Sengoku Rance was glorious.
I have katawa shoujo but I haven't played it yet. I have heard good things and it is free and legal to download.
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I've probably spent over 24hrs playing it and I'm still not done
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Nah I like doing all the endings I still have several I need to get like Ran. I just finished a Keshin run.
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+1. It's by far the best turned-based strategy I've ever played. It beats Warlock, Fallen Enchantress, the Civ series, etc out of the water
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Also if you like visual novel style games with RPG gameplay an old game called Brave Soul is surprisingly addictive, the old translated versions of it still work on modern operating systems unlike a lot of the older VNs. Swan Song is a more modern game with a more disturbing look at insanity, is a series of festivals where a load of freeware visual novels were translated, which are quite interesting in their own right, with Moonshine and Ballad of an Evening Butterfly highlights for me. Even in this collection I believe there are 1 or 2 with some adult content in them, but not as a focus of the story, more to serve it if you know what I mean. I used to be really into VNs.
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I tried Brave Soul but just could not get into it. Katawa Shoujo I liked and I've played a few others I liked but Brave Soul just felt painful to play, sadly that may have been the only true Japanese VN-RPG game I played while the rest I don't believe were made in Japan
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Not strictly classified as VN. It's a logic puzzle mystery with VN elements, not a pure VN.
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It's a visual novel. It's not that hard to understand.
Is Borderlands not a FPS or an RPG because it incorporates both, are videos not video games anymore because they have stories in them?
999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and it's sequel Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward are both considered visual novels with gameplay, yet for Phoenix Wright it's different.
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You are exactly right. Borderlands is NOT an pure FPS or a pure RPG because it incorporates both. It's an FPS/RPG hybrid. Not sure what you don't understand? Videos are not video games, and I'm not sure why anyone would consider a movie to be a video game.
Visual Novel Definition (courtesy of gabezhul @ VNDB):
-It needs to tell a story. Whether it's a token-story of a nukige or something extensive like FSN doesn't matter, the only important thing is for it to be there.
-It has to use text to tell its story.
-It mush have an audiovisual aspect.
-It must be presented in either ADV or NVL (edit: or its variations, like floating textboxes and such).
-It must have narration.
-If it's a hybrid, it should have at least an 50/50% story/gameplay ratio, the less gameplay the more clear-cut whether it fits in the DB or not.
The PW games fail in the last two accounts. They don't use narration, only dialog (and a very, very few lines of inner monologues every now and then) and 70-80% of the playtime is about gathering clues, interrogating people and presenting the clues in the court, which is all just dialog-heavy gameplay. With other words, the PW games are NOT VNs.
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have played many of visual novels one question did you install chaos head with an english patch? if so could you give me some pointers?
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Yes, I have the English patch but I don't remember well how I got it. I think the TLWiki English patch is still floating on torrents.
Also make sure to use Applocale for run Chaos;Head. Without it, it won't work, even with the English Patch.
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I have windows 8 applocale doesnt exist hehe but thanks anyways
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Played Analogue: A Hate Story. It's on Steam. It's a peculiar type of game, but I enjoyed it.
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I usually play VNs that haven't been translated to English. I think the last one I played in English was Kara no Shoujo (and I played the Japanese version beforehand)
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I have played MANY Visual Novels. The ones I can list off right now are:
that's about all I can remember off the top of my head
EDIT: Sengoku Rance isn't a VN series, but it is a good game. In my opinion it is one but... psh.
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Most people classify anything out of Japan with heavy text elements as a VN. I don't agree with that definition, but it can't really be helped. Otherwise, I would say half of the games mentioned before your post aren't technically classified as VNs.
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How is Corpse Party is VN at all? Would you consider Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc visual novels? Just because a game makes you read text doesn't make it a visual novel.
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Corpse Party is not a VN? It very much seems so... At least according to the wiki it has limited interaction other than moving in a 2d-ish environment and looking at stuff. I think it really comes down to how you think it is.
You aren't necessarily wrong either: "Visual novels are distinguished from other game types by their extremely minimal gameplay. Typically the majority of player interaction is limited to clicking to keep the text, graphics and sound moving (most recent games offer "play" or "fast-forward" toggles that make even this unnecessary)."
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The moving around is a pretty integral part of the game though - there are definitely places where if you run into a ghost, you die. It has a bit too much "gameplay" to be considered a pure VN imo.
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Same here. My first and last VN. I was absolutely blown away with it in almost every aspect. for the record, I can't stand anime and manga. I've tried to watch and read quite a bit of it, including all of the "oh, you hate anime and manga? Don't worry (insert some name here) is totally different and I'm sure you'll love it!" out there, and have always ended up wanting to throw up through the entirety of them. KS though... man. It made me list of now two anime related pieces of work that I've loved, right there with Akira.
Good work 4chan.
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Not sure if it counts but years ago I played flash web game 'Love Hina'. It was fun and after that I interested also in manga and anime of the same title :p.
Actually I played some other games of this kind too but it's the only one I remember, that stayed in my mind.
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Only one I have actually played was Hatoful Boyfriend. And I'll just say that one is very weird and not for everyone since it involves pigeons and all.
And considering some answers others have given can also add the whole Ace Attorney series (at least the localized ones) and Lux Pain. Also Magical Diary technically counts, though I don't think that one is Japanese.
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Played Clannad . . . . . haven't actually played any other VNs because of how long that one is. lol
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Hatoful Boyfriend - This one was hilarious and it's definetely worth 5 bucks.
Saya No Uta (This one got an official uncensored US release recently, but be warned, it's for adults only) - I really liked this one, the story is extremely original, the length is perfect and the presentation is stunning (Particularly the OST, which only haves songs that starts with the letter S).
Fate/Stay Night - One of the best VN's out there. It's extremely well written, the artwork and OST is awesome and it's very accessible. Too bad about the lack of an official release of the updated versions (Realta Nua for the Vita looks awesome).
Kara No Shoujo - This one is dark and fairly graphic but it's also very well made (And it's a horror game that takes place on the 1950's). You can get it in Manga Gamer without any cuts.
999 - I don't need to say anything about this one. It's virtually perfect and it's the perfect VN for a VN beginner.
School Days - It's one of the most horrifying visual novels I've ever played, it's about a guy that ends up in a love triangle with some absolutely psychotic women. It's worth playing just for how insanely gruesome it gets.
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I like how you say "adults only" only for Saya no Uta >.<
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Ever17 - Really amazing VN. If you play this, I recommend skipping 999, as playing it after this it seems kinda dull.
Saya no Uta - Pretty good horror, although I wouldn't play around most people.
Yume Miru Kusuri
Phoenix Wright - It's not 100% VN, but the whole series is a goddam masterpiece.
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Right now I'm playing G-Senjou no Mao and it is amazing.
Other visual novels I have played are:
-Fate/Stay Night
-Chaos;Head (haven't finished it yet)
-Little Busters
Have anyone played visual novels too? Which one is your favorite? And which ones do you recommend?
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