The Risen games are currently on sale in Steam, but I'm unsure as to wether I should get any. The poll is limited as it doesn't allow for combinations, but could you maybe throw some thoughts about this?

I think I'd enjoy the games, but don't currently own a windows pc, nor plan to in the near future :/

Thanks for all the help guys!
I'm probably gonna go for 1, maybe for 1 and/or 2, and if not just pass...
Because it's likely they will all get bundled together soon and it'd piss me off if I already had one :)

OK! The result is I bought Risen 1 as a gift to store for now, and I've added the Gothic games to my wishlist.
Looks like Risen runs ok with wine, so I hope I'll be able to play with no problems :)

9 years ago*

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What should I go for?

View Results
Risen 2: Dark Waters
Risen 3 - Titan Lords
Risen Franchise Pack

First two were bundled, I think? And had pretty middling reviews too.

No idea bout the third one.

9 years ago

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Uh, didn't know that
That'll add to the 'I don't need this right now' feeling :)

9 years ago

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First one was actually really good. It's not quite "Gothic 2" good (and it's really similar to Gothic 2, as if the developers were trying to re-make their own game with their new IP), and it's a lot easier, but I quite enjoyed it.
Risen 2 was just "alright".

9 years ago

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Good deal, if you like RPG and can play it.
Just a warning you can't create female character, and that's a deal breaker to me.

9 years ago

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you really care that much about your game character being female, that you skip games completely because of it? ^^

9 years ago

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I love The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, which is male only protagonist.
But he have this sexy babe aiding him all the time and very good diablo style gameplay.

One of my most fave game is The Witcher series which is male protagonist only until The Witcher 3, although I prefer Dragon Age Inquisition.

I guess the contents is important too.

Still female character weigh more when I valuing a game lol.

9 years ago*

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You prefered DA:I to The Witcher 3?! BLASPHEMY.

Just kidding, while I disagree with your opinion I respect it completely and all other opinions.

On another note, are you actually female or are you male and prefer playing as the opposite sex? Even in your display picture.

9 years ago

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Does this apply to all games, or only certain types of games? I completely understand this for games where you play as an avatar of yourself or customized player characters, but it seems silly to expect the ability to change the gender of the main character in every game.

9 years ago

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There are games that better suited for female protagonist, and there are for male protagonist. For single player oriented games I mostly don't care with either, except like male char for Parasite Eve series.

Now for MP games, Diablo 3 is great in this regard.

9 years ago

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This is easy question, of course that's apply to all games.
I like to see females for hours than males for hours,
I prefer woman boobs than man boobs too.

Dunno about you, I think that is perfectly obvious.

9 years ago

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You're right. I hadn't checked your profile before. Definitely obvious.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i... think i'm getting a copy of that game.

9 years ago

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The character development and plot is amazing!

9 years ago

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Some people like playing as members of the opposite sex because they want to explore their gender identity as an example. I recently read an article about it (I can't find it atm), but it revolved around this guy who grew up identifying as a girl and so he would play as female video game characters in mmorpgs to figure out what it's like to be treated as a girl. You never know.

9 years ago

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If you're gonna spend 50+ hours looking at that third person ass would you rather it was some middle aged balding dude with a gut. If I want the I can go to work and get paid for it.

9 years ago

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but you could just enjoy the game as it is and pin a picture of a nice ass right next to your monitor!

9 years ago

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I've known guys more guys who won't play as girls in any game.
I've also known guys who given a choice prefer playing as women.

Choice is important in rpgs, right? :D

9 years ago

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this is quite interesting. there was a study recently, which showed that men generally don't care as much (whether their game character is male or female) as women. i have to see if i can find a link for it.

9 years ago

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Really? That is interesting. Maybe its a regional thing, or an age thing?
Girls seem to get less choice in general, or at least that was the case in the past before the indie gaming boom. So that might have had something to do with, them just being sick of being generic burly white guy, haha.

9 years ago

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If it's the study that I've read, it specifically looked at fighting games. Makes sense in a way, as they tend to have a wide range of characters, both male & female, but on the other hand, you don't tend to immerse yourself into fighting games "as the character" in the same way as you do in say RPGs.

For the record, I prefer to play male characters in CRPGs, but it's not a deal breaker if I can't (and there have been occasions where I've found the male character model so hideous that I've opted to play as a female). In party based games, I tend to go for a 50/50 split.

9 years ago

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Specifically for fighting games... well I can see why the girls were picking girls. A lot of the guys are absolutely hideous with the oversized walnut look. :s

9 years ago

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i really don't remember where i read that, but i am pretty sure it wasn't just about fighting games.

9 years ago

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Ah, then it might have been a different study. I just remember some people from the Gamergate movement making a big thing about how this (rather poorly done) study proved that they were right and that inclusiveness was bad somehow, which was why I noticed the study in the first place.

9 years ago

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I think I'm quite in the minority. If I'm playing an MMO where my character is more of a representation of me, my main char will always be female. But in single player games, I quite often like to play male chars! I like to give them cool beards :-) Probably because I don't have one...

9 years ago

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Why should I play as a weak ugly (cause all characters in Risen look ugly) whiny female character, when I also can play as a strong heroic male character that fits me absolutely perfect?
But it would be great if you could play Risen as a squirrel as well

9 years ago

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"strong heroic male character that fits me absolutely perfect" You, man, have self esteem xD

9 years ago

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I can understand that.
To me, it has nothing to do with "exploring your sexuality", "identifying yourself as a girl", or "seeing what it feels like being treated like a girl".

It's just that the game is played from a 3rd person view from behind your character. Assuming 40 hours of gameplay for each game in the trilogy, would I enjoy being forced to stare at some wimpy guy's wiggling butt for 120 hours? Nah.

9 years ago

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Neither - not very good games and the first two were in bundles already. I bet that the third one will be bundled in one year max.

9 years ago

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I didn't know that before posting, I'll probably not buy Risen 3 or the pack for that reason
Still thinking about 1 and 2...

9 years ago

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I only played first one long time ago and I didn't really enjoy it. It wasn't an awful experience, but it wasn't good enough for me to bother beating the game.

While I haven't played Risen 2 and 3 it does seem like majority of people that did say the first Risen was the best one in the series.

Taking everything into consideration I'd probably recommend not buying any and saving money for halloween and winter sales.

9 years ago

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IMO, Risen has the better story, Risen 2 has the better gameplay - haven't played 3 yet but I've got it ready.
No point waiting on a sale if you're going to get Risen either way as its unlikely to drop below 80% discount.

9 years ago

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"I'd probably recommend not buying any and saving money for halloween and winter sales."

I think it's pretty clear that I was saying he should completely pass on those games and save money for other games.

9 years ago

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And I think its pretty clear that the OP intends to get the game anyway. (Else this thread would not exist.)
Just a matter of when, because they don't have a PC available to run it at the moment.

9 years ago

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"I'm unsure as to wether I should get any."
"I think I'd enjoy the games"

He hasn't said he wants the games, he just said he thinks he'd perhaps enjoy them but that he's unsure about it. He made the thread to see what others think about the games and are they worth buying/playing.

9 years ago

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all risen are good if you like exploration and discovering secrets (it has some quests that you have to find with clues, no map markers or anything like that).

just have in mind the voice acting and dialogues arte terrible. also, combat is pretty hard at first but later you are so overpowered that you just kill anything with 2-3 attacks. :3

9 years ago

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If I remember right nothing gets marked on the map, including towns, villages and dungeons. That was the main reason I gave up from the game. While I LOVE exploration, having to remember where everything is located is just too much for me to bother, especially in a game that's not really great.

9 years ago

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i can't remember risen 1 since i played it years ago. but risen 2-3 had map markers and fast travel.

9 years ago

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I got all the Risen games because Arcania was not the sequel I wanted to the Gothic series (which were amazing). I haven't had the chance to play any of the Risen games yet. I really hope they didn't do the same thing Arcania did orz

9 years ago

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risen is almost the same as arcania, i played the original and tried the expansion but it was so boring i couldn't finish it.

9 years ago

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I've heard something about crappy combat system, is that true?

9 years ago

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it was terrible when it came out, since you didn't have a way to evade attacks. they released a patch later with a dodge option so it was much easier. still, combat is pretty poor.

9 years ago

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Alright, thanks for the info.

9 years ago

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I got them with Deep Silver Humble Bundle, never played them.

9 years ago

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Fable 3 map is confusing too/ don't have real map.

9 years ago

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I bought the Risen 3 Titan Lords Complete edition during the summer sale. Although, due to the lack of time, I didn't get to far in the game, I can't say it's bad. It's deffinitely different, especially for somebody like me who never played the Risen series before. One is for sure - great graphics and nice pirate-caribbean atmosphere.

9 years ago

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an opinion about Risen 2: ^^

9 years ago

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I loved them. However, they're no games for everyone.

I'd say buy the first one for 2$, play it and see for yourself. If you like it, buy the others on the next sale.

The franchise pack is kind of pointless, as it has the same discount as the rest. And there exist gold/complete versions anyways, so not having to worry about missing DLCs.

9 years ago

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The first one was remarkably fun! Loveed the exploration and suspense when meeting powerful enemies (you can easily wander into high tier regions from the beginning).

Risen2 i couldยดnt even play enough to get all trading-cards out, it felt all out cheesy.
No idea about third part, havent played.

9 years ago

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You don't have Skyrim ? Forget Risen, get Skyrim.

9 years ago

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forget Skyrim, get Witcher 3!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Forget The Witcher 3, get The Witcher 2. (because it's 3โ‚ฌ during sales)

9 years ago

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Worry not! I have played Skyrim, over 100+ hours in fact... just not on Steam (so no awesome mods)
Again with the not having a windows pc atm :/

9 years ago

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Use the skyrim nexus to get mods

9 years ago

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played Risen 1, not as good as any of the Gothics, wich was the idea, 2 is awfull, 3 idk.

9 years ago

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Came here to vote "No", but that option is missing, I'm dissapointed :(

9 years ago

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Would you believe me if I said I tried? :'(
Game polls only let you put well... games (unless I missed something)

9 years ago

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Risen games are very generic rpg games. The first one was only good when it came out, but they haven't improved the game much in sequels. The storyline and world is okey(not great though), but the gameplay is pretty samey and repetitive.
I would only recommend this series if you like rpg games of this type. Otherwise it will be pretty meh and mediocre experience. Atleast games like Two Worlds 2 offer some interesting game mechanics.

9 years ago

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The first two both suck major balls. Don't know about the third, people say it's better. I say skip them altogether. Playing a game series from its third installment is not something I'd recommend anyone. The Sacred games I understand are a better alternative

9 years ago*

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So no Witcher 3 until I finish the first 2? :c (The combat system in the first Witcher is... let's just say strange)

9 years ago

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I liked it, a lot, A little too easy at times, but the game's more than worth it for story alone. Witcher 2 is the one I have a major problem with. Didn't get past Chapter 1. The transition from classic rpg to action-rpg has been rough around the edges and Geralt seems to be swinging his sword in slow motion. Not to mention that now you can't drink potions in combat, so you need to know in advance what's ahead, which is only accomplished through annoying trial and error grinding. Oh yeah, and Quen has become this amazing "have it on or die" tool, while the other signs are almost useless. I will go back to it, though. For story's sake, at least.

9 years ago*

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Risen are kind of...Different from other a typical rpg the important things are the story and gameplay and have the player make a bond with characters.Risens doesn't care about these things.instead it gives you a VAST AND BIG environment to don't need to explore most of the areas but man it feels so good for some unknown's not like assassin creed or skyrim which you explore to find some hidden content and Risen you strangly find yourself exploring the environment because it feels good.
other then that,story and gameplay are just average or below average.

9 years ago

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hmm it says for Risen "This item is currently unavailable in your region" I guess that's why I can't see the Franchise Pack well guess it's not worth getting for me, if i can't even buy it

9 years ago

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That's weird :/
We're you from?
Try entering on the store page for just one of the games, see if that works?

9 years ago

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I'm From New Zealand & I just looked it up & lucky it's not banned at least
yeah 2 & 3 are on steam just 1 & Franchise Pack aren't :(

oh we have a R20 rating here, didn't know that how come some games at least get that instead of being completely banned

9 years ago*

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