August 2024 Humble Choice

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Next bundle: September 2024 Humble Choice

📅 Important dates

  • 💳 August 27th 2024: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)

  • 📆 September 3rd 2024: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)

⚠️ Region lock ⚠️


Gotham Knights

Astral Ascent

This Means Warp

No region locks (everyone gets these): High On Life BLACKTAIL Diluvian Ultra Universe For Sale

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To PAUSE a month: go to this link -> Skip A Month

(or: Settings -> Manage Your Plan -> Skip A Month -> Continue -> Skip A Month)


Also includes:

  • DC Universe Infinite 1-Month Free Trial (USA subscribers only), must be redeemed by September 13th, 2024. – Redemption Instructions here
  • a 66% off Humble Store coupon for Saturnalia
  • a 30% off Humble Store coupon for High On Life: High On Knife

🎮 Games:

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Sifu 93% of 9943 - 🏆 6.00 CV app/2138710 W D✅ 0 $39.99
High On Life 89% of 14238 - 🏆 6.00 CV app/1583230 W D✅ 2 $39.99
Gotham Knights 68% of 13362 - 🏆 9.00 CV app/1496790 W D🟡 2 $59.99
BLACKTAIL 84% of 1293 🏆 4.50 CV app/1532690 W D✅ 0* $29.99
Astral Ascent 93% of 3155 🏆 3.75 CV app/1280930 W D✅ 0* $24.99
This Means Warp 75% of 378 - 🏆 3.00 CV app/1269300 W D🟡 0* $19.99
Universe For Sale 96% of 64 - 🏆 2.25 CV app/1627840 W M L 0 $14.99
Diluvian Ultra 83% of 74 - 🏆 1.50 CV app/1306970 W 0* $9.99

💸 Subscription + Bonuses

One plan for all
Starting Feb 01 2022, Humble Bundle offers only one plan, which will allow you to receive all the games included in that month’s lineup for the price of $11.99 (regional pricing may vary, see below):

Per month $11.99 €9.99 £8.99 AU$16.95 CA$14.99 NZ$17.95 ¥79 699₽
Per year $129 €109 £98 AU$179 CA$159 NZ$189 ¥850 7,459₽

Humble store discount:
The discount rate is based on how many consecutive months you had your subscription active, as seen below:

Consecutive Months Discount %
1 - 2 10%
3 - 5 15%
6 - 11 17%
12+ 20%

The stacking discount will reset back to 10% when skipping a month or canceling your Humble Choice membership.

Changes Coming to Humble Choice FAQ

USD regions: In some regions of USA, a sale tax is applied (example).
Non-USD regions: regional pricing is a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.

📝 Note about referrals

SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.

📖 Informative links

Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles.

🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!

1 month ago*

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Is this lineup hot like a scorching summer day, or does it leave you cold?

View Results
[Very happy] Think I’ll get High On those truly glorious headliners. I have a hard time imagining how anyone could consider this selection bad.
[Sorta satisfied] This Means Buy! Except, I would much rather have received some leaks beforehand.
[Unsure] I love that they have a quite colorful Universe For Sale here, but I’m not really sure how many of them I would dare to try.
[Pausing] They won't get to take one of my subscription months, they'll just see my BLACKTAIL from behind!
[Disappointed] The generous coupon offers from last month should have warned me that we will get some rebundles ASAP.
[Coupontato] NOW would be a great time for a coupon. And please let old users benefit from it too!

Happy cake day, Lilly! :)

3 weeks ago

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Thanksies! 🍰

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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I've never heard of a cake with leeks. But I think Germans do onion cakes (Zwiebelkuchen) - I wouldn't dare to try them though... 😭
(no leaks though, we probably won't have any but if we do, that would happen around next Monday)

3 weeks ago

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wouldn't dare

read that like "i would try".

was so worried!!

3 weeks ago

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It's basically just like a quiche or a tarte flambée.

3 weeks ago

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I love quiches, although I haven't cooked one in a while. Goes on the menu for the next week I suppose, although I am still not brave enough to try the actual Zwiebelkuchen. I did try Flammkuchen at some point and I found it too onion-y for my taste, even though onions and garlic are for me essentials that I use in pretty much every dish.

3 weeks ago

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I found it too onion-y for my taste

I can understand that, even though I personally love Elsässer Flammkuchen. Onions are great additions to meals but them being a main ingredient is definitely an acquired taste. Zwiebelkuchen probably won't become your new favorite either. ^^

3 weeks ago*

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A lot of places don't cut the onions fine enough so they're left pretty raw by the fast cook.
Sorry, I tend to barge into any conversation that includes food.

I missed your cake day! Bad Fluff! Happy Cake week, Lilly!

3 weeks ago

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onions and garlic are for me essentials

a m o r e 🖤 p u r o ! ! !

2 weeks ago

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There's leek cake (Lauchkuchen) too! I haven't had one in years, thanks for the reminder. :)

2 weeks ago

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Happy B, Sensual. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

3 weeks ago

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Thanks! 🙃

3 weeks ago

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Happy cake day!
Thanks always for your contribution.

3 weeks ago

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Thank you! 🍰

3 weeks ago

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Happy cake day!

3 weeks ago

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Thank you! 🧁

3 weeks ago

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Happy B day without leeks!

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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Happy cakeday !

3 weeks ago

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Thank you!

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3 weeks ago

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Happy cake day Lilly!

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3 weeks ago

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Thank you!

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3 weeks ago

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happy cakeday

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3 weeks ago

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Thank you!

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3 weeks ago

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I was wondering what's all this commotion about.Seemed too late for autocharge warning to early for leaks.
Happy cakeday!

3 weeks ago

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Just another factory day, nothing to see here, move along, move along... 😄
(Thank you for the wishes though).

We don't have Choice leaks (yet), but we have some tiny leaks on Reddit about the Humble Bundles that will be released this week.

Thank you for the wishes!

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3 weeks ago

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Thats clearly a small icon of a factory with 3 chimneys.
Happy factory day shakti! :)

3 weeks ago

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Aye, a factory producing cakes!
Thank you for the wishes.

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3 weeks ago

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Happy cake day! :)

2 weeks ago

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Thanks :)
I'm suprised too each year because I can't remember the date and usually don't look it up :D

2 weeks ago

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How about "right when the community train starts"? ^^

2 weeks ago

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Well...I usually don't participate much in that event and since ~1 year it would be difficult for me too.
I have wigglenose on my blacklist and he usually puts lots of cheap games into those trains.
I would never want to participate in one of his giveaways, not even for money, but I can't even see the link for the next card on the carts of his. So I would have to skip further ahead...try to go back a bit...and forward again, until his next...
That time and work is just not worth it for me.
Plus I don't do long giveaways...usually just an hour to get it over with...with just some exceptions.

2 weeks ago*

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Oh, you just open a private browser window and you can see the carts =)

Happy Factory Day btw!

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for both :)

2 weeks ago

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Or you use ESGST, it does that automatically when detecting a blacklist giveaway. It makes navigating mixed trains sooo much easier.

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for the advice, but I usually don't install/add to much stuff to my OS/Browser.
For me ShannonA81's method would be better suited, but I think I'm even to lazy to do that.
I already got to many games to play.
Probably stay to just clicking the giveaways on the main page :)

2 weeks ago

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I get that. Remembering the community train could still be a good Eselsbrücke for remembering your cake day! :P

Ich mag Deinen Bender Toon Avatar btw.... Nostalgie! ^^

2 weeks ago

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Maybe, but I usually don't know when the community train starts either :D
If you hadn't said anything, I would not have known.
All I knew was that there was a topic created a few days ago.

I think a better Eselsbrücke for me could be: two days after Shakti :D

Danke :)

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Happy cake/factory day to you too!

2 weeks ago

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Happy cakeday!

2 weeks ago

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Happy cakey day Shakti!

Really appreciate everything you do on SG <3

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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Happy Cakeday Shakti !

3 weeks ago

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Thank you!

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3 weeks ago

Comment has been collapsed. This Means Warp LATAM

2 weeks ago

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(sorry if this is not new, but won't be that bad to share it here)

i've got "charged" (annual sub) for one month/this August even if was sure to have paused Choice. wrote Ninja Support and they quickly fixed it, got refunded. but there's this tiny bit of info (in our conversation) that wanted to share:

note It's important to note that skipping a month of Humble Choice only lasts for one month at a time. You can find more information about skipping or updating your membership in this help article.

edit: bold is mine :P

2 weeks ago

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That's nothing new. The very moment you skip Humble already tells you immediately the next date you'll be charged again.

2 weeks ago

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oh man, so true :|

completely removed that bit from memory :D
but this also means is not my fault as thought. system wrongly charged me.

thank you, Golwar

2 weeks ago

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was sure to have paused Choice

You get a conformation email when skipping, which you could also use to prove it, in case support refuses the refund. If you don't have an email for skipping August, you're probably misremembering. Wouldn't be too surprising with how long Choice has been a thing and how often you probably already skipped before and how confusing the start and end dates can be due to not simply being on the first of the month. Good thing Humble support is usually very accommodating. :)

2 weeks ago

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so very true, Humble Support does rock. a lot. more than Humble itself :P

2 weeks ago

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They are not very accommodating when you demand the game keys you paid for over a year ago, which have been „out of stock“ for 14 months.

2 weeks ago

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That is however not an issue of support not trying to be accommodating, but rather a problem between the higher-ups at Humble and the respective publishers. Like icaio put it above your comment:

Humble Support does rock. a lot. more than Humble itself

2 weeks ago

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I don‘t know enough about their inner workings as to where these problems might originate but you are right. If it is administrative stuff, support do help a lot!
As to Humble stocking goods they already sold, that is quite shamefull…

2 weeks ago

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I absolutely agree. Haven't had it happen myself, but I also tend to buy and reveal early. The few ones that were out of stock for me, were restocked pretty quickly.

2 weeks ago

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always cancel. how ive got almost every single coupon they send out and right now have the multi month 8$ deal. you can still keep your stacked humble discount if you cancel and buy the next very month at some point. never use the store so i dont care about it

2 weeks ago

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yes, you can also do that but i'm really more for a lazily relaxed buying experience. can still totally agree with you, tho :D

2 weeks ago

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I bought a year-long humble bundle with a discount. I don't think I can cancel.

2 weeks ago

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humble shafting its long time buyers regularly. because NEW subs look better on paper and in board meetings

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2 weeks ago

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Any trace of leaks this month? The price on Steam of Hogwarts Legacy dropped to an all time low (I think the last HL for Steam was 25 euros and it's now 18) and other stores have it under 17 euros, and their steamchart numbers are not what they used to be.
I know WB has a complicated relationship with IGN but could it be in the next Monthly? What do you think?

2 weeks ago

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I am sure you will find traces in here:

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2 weeks ago

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Wow no leaks to go with these fine traces? What kind of sham is this?

2 weeks ago*

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Gotta dig deeper...

2 weeks ago

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Food humor is just another reason why we are great SGfriends you and I

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Alright but you're the one with the mustache. I'd rather be Loretta than Herb?!!

2 weeks ago

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Don't let Mr. Esdeprovence hear that...

2 weeks ago

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Haha HerbesdeProvence and I are cool... I think. Or we were until now. I don't know.

2 weeks ago

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I thought my ears were feeling red 2 days ago!

2 weeks ago

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Haha I blame Waxy

2 weeks ago

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Why you little... if you weren't so god damn fluffy...! ^^

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Don't know of any leaks, but I guess I'd take Howgwarts Legacy :)

2 weeks ago

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Fingers crossed then.

2 weeks ago

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I don't really see Hogwarts Legacy this soon on Humble choice, if i have to guess WB would rather put in games that are less successful and/or have a lot of dlc's e.g. Mortal Kombat 1 and Suicide Squad.

2 weeks ago

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You have a point. Suicide Squad is a prime candidate.

2 weeks ago

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Suicide Squad dropped down to $20 in a US store (Newegg) this weekend.

I still think it's too soon, but...

2 weeks ago

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Not necessarily now, but Bramble: The Mountain King, and Weird West were both given away with Prime gaming. I personally expect the games to appear in a Monthly this year

2 weeks ago

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I bought Bramble and haven't played it yet, which would prove again that I should just wait & hope :D
We'll see. Otherwise I can put it off another month. But considering the theme it might make a bit more sense for the october bundle?
I like speculating apparently :D

2 weeks ago

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That would be awesome

2 weeks ago

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I hope for Bramble its an amazing game. I got hogwarts before some months for 24 euro so this one is possible too maybe too soon as one of the best AAA RPG of the past years.

2 weeks ago

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one of the best-selling games of 2023 given almost for free in 2024? Dream on.

2 weeks ago

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Well 2023 is over and I'm assuming everyone who really wanted to buy it full price or on sale has done it already
Depends how the sales are this year

2 weeks ago

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Maaaybe It Takes Two? Considering the last Escape/Coop-Bundle and quite a discount now. Would be interested if it was so :D

2 weeks ago

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it's EA so i strongly doubt it, and if so it will be Origin

2 weeks ago

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Good argument. Might just have been a suspicion because I feel like there is a spike in promotion for this.

2 weeks ago

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Oh Man! Almost got a divorce because of this game and I'm not even married.
Even my twin tried to divorce me :P
I hope you have a gamer to play it with you because it is very much not for the casual gamer. Or so I've been told (with various gestures and/or controller violence)

2 weeks ago

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Nah, I'm planning to be the reason for frustration on the other side :D Luckily the person I'll most probably will play with has good nerves and isn't tooooo competent either^^

2 weeks ago

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Haha sucking at a game together definitely creates strong bonds

2 weeks ago

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Hogwarts would be a good candidate considering how low its current sale price is.
I also think one of the newer Sherlock Holmes games could easily be one of the offerings for the same reason.
And as a sleeper guess, Total War Warhammer 3

2 weeks ago

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Total War Warhammer 3
highly doubt, CA mitigated fiasco with DLC Shadow of Change and on roll with good patches and good DLC, so TW Warhammer II actually might be considered as its became partly DLC for TW3 and can be standalone by itself

2 weeks ago

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Hogwarts would be a good candidate considering how low its current sale price is.

Honestly I did a double take when I saw how much it had dropped since the last Steam sale, which really makes me wonder why. We know it's not because the game sucks and they're not about to abandon it already so a "premium" bundle was my only other guess. Maybe the Gamepass though? I know WB isn't doing too good but that's not a reason to drop prices. Not a corporate reason anyway.

I also think one of the newer Sherlock Holmes games could easily be one of the offerings for the same reason.

I think Sherlock Holmes is more likely than Hogwarts but still... waiting for some kind of news on Hogwarts that would justify that sale price.

2 weeks ago

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WB games all tank in price regardless of how good they are or not. Hogwarts Legacy and LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga has slowly fallen compared to the likes of Gotham Knights for example.

2 weeks ago

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Wishful thinking :P

I think this is why people get so upset with Humble though. They expect this kind of caliber and when they don't get it, they are like: "shit bundle". Haha!

2 weeks ago

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Personally, I've yet to see a Humble Choice that I thought was shit. I don't really understand how people can cry about receiving seven newer releases for $12 or often less. I can see how they might already own many of the games, but it's never been shit.

2 weeks ago

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I have never considered it "shit" either. =) There are some months that I skipped, not because I thought the bundle was bad, but because nothing interested me. I have genres that I don't particularly enjoy.

And I often find that the bundle everyone is calling "shit" is the one I am most excited about HAHA!

2 weeks ago

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Agreed. We're just not jaded enough I guess. :)

2 weeks ago

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Yes :)

2 weeks ago

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My bet would be another Yakuza game, or anything that related to Warhammer and 2K games..

2 weeks ago

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I doubt that, as it was one of the most successful game of 2023. So it won't be bundled anytime soon.

2 weeks ago

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My bet is for Stray to be in the September Choice

2 weeks ago

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Oooh that would be cool. Very likely before the end of the year, anyway.

2 weeks ago

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Yes, it's about time

2 weeks ago

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I'm sorry, it took some time and you already had a beginning of answer.

But here are prime leaks

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2 weeks ago

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Haha leek links!
I feel much more informed, thanks Sword

2 weeks ago

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Another leak, more fresh this time ! Lady Luck has been fair with you today :)

2 weeks ago

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I always get lucky on the weekends :D

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Haha long distance relationship, my friend. I live for the weekends :D

2 weeks ago

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Not sure if it's only for new members, but I did get this offer.

2 weeks ago

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Invalid promo code. Could be it's because I have an active discount coupon for 6 months (I assumed that Humble at least will show some valid message about it)

2 weeks ago

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Anyone have a problem paying with any credit card? Says payment cancelled every time. They are valid cards and work on other sites. Wouldn't let me buy any current bundles and kinda worried it won't work for this monthly i have the 6 month deal for. I sent in a ticket but just wondering if other people had this happen.

2 weeks ago

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It's a normal CC or one of those one time use CC? I had problems in some platforms with the one-time CC from bank app.

2 weeks ago

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Try with Paypal. Sometimes CC errors out in re-occurring payment.

2 weeks ago

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How many purchases have you changed to gift links? Because it's possible they marked your account and card as a trader

2 weeks ago

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Normal CC's, I have tried all I have. I haven't done much trading (last time is over a year). I don't use paypal so kinda screwed there. I guess I'll see tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions/possible reasons all.

2 weeks ago

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Regardless of actually trading, if you turn to many keys into gift links then the site marks you as a trader

2 weeks ago

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Is there any advantage to still being on the classic plan?

2 weeks ago

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I don't think so, becuase now you get to choose all the games. Also with the year deals and all that i think it's not worth it.

2 weeks ago

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Thank you.

2 weeks ago

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Long time ago I read it used USD pricing no matter the region, so it could be cheaper compared to other regions.
But no idea if that's still true (if ever).
Beside that, I know of no perks of keeping classic plan.

2 weeks ago

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Oks. Thank you.

2 weeks ago

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US pricing isn't cheaper on Classic. I pay €9.99 a month on Choice. It would be €10.99 or close to it if I stayed on classic and paid in US dollars. =)

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, but it "could be" - on one hand I seen people who maintained Classic and "regional" accounts just to compare the currency exchange and buy whichever was cheaper, on the other I don't know if they didn't price them higher in some regions from the get-go (if they did, it would be smarter to stay on $12 instead of regional $12.34).

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, that's a good point.

2 weeks ago

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As PsyKo and Shannon mentioned - classic plan is priced at USD, so you have to take into consideration the conversion rate. That was true and could still be if you are being billed in USD. I cancelled and resubscribed to get bill in EUR. No other benefits.

2 weeks ago

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Thank you. :)

2 weeks ago

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Have anyone mail with discount coupon?

2 weeks ago*

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Freshly leeked list of upcoming games:

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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lol good one i almost checked them on steam XD

2 weeks ago

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Same xD

2 weeks ago

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Eight wishlisted games...

Excellent month!!!

2 weeks ago

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They are all missing onion DLC. Greedy supermarket!

2 weeks ago

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Missing Tomatong: The Red Myth

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for the laugh.

2 weeks ago

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Garlic of War: RagnaCock

2 weeks ago

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Skip, not enough beef in this month's bundle.

2 weeks ago

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Really decent month, gonna insta buy

2 weeks ago

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Damn was excited for...

Haloumi: MasterChef Edition

2 weeks ago

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Imagine beside that, there the true humble choice games :
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Ancestors Legacy
Goth Of War
Tales of Arise
Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission
Master of Magic

2 weeks ago

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You got three games wrong :)

2 weeks ago

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Goth of War

2 weeks ago

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This month looks radishing

2 weeks ago

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Hoped for a Final Fenugreek one but I'm fine with this I guess.

Will take so.e to chew myself through these anyway.

2 weeks ago

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I will never play Shallot Squad. They did the Jalapeno league dirty.

2 weeks ago

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"Ketchup Massacre" is missing ...

2 weeks ago

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Instabuy! I waited so long for "Master of Mustard", this is such a spicy one.

2 weeks ago

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It's still missing Celerypunk 2077

2 weeks ago

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But that would be GoG only.

2 weeks ago

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Indeed, but I kinda hoped that Good Old Grocery would have loosened their grip :)

2 weeks ago

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Then it would be Epic, for another user to complain.

I would be totally fine with Gog.

2 weeks ago

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I would too, Gog is a very decent platform.

2 weeks ago

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No Dragonfruit Dogmeat II, or even Lies of Parsley? Hard pass.

2 weeks ago

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Oh crap I forgot to skip the month

2 weeks ago

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ask humble support to refund you

2 weeks ago

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I did that some months ago and asked them for refund and they did it. Ofc I didn't reveal any of the keys.

2 weeks ago

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This comment was deleted 2 weeks ago.

2 weeks ago

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An Alpha Test KEY??????????????????

We are paying for demos now boys.

2 weeks ago

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For Epic 🥳

2 weeks ago

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You aren't playing for it, it's #9, not the normal 8.

But yeah, I don't need their demo spam.

2 weeks ago

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