ArchiBoT: Done. After 255 seconds 2041 different users have been checked, and you're found to be blacklisted by: 35
ArchiBoT: In particular by: <NO CALLING OUT>


Another achievement for today.

Remember La Cirno de Mayo?

The leaker just got permanently banned yesterday.

Thanks Ronix.

8 years ago*

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Oh, my. You've created a monster!
Make it 36!! D:

8 years ago

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I know I am blacklisted by a few people for some reason??????????

8 years ago

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So what you are telling me is that I should blacklist you and make 5 more Cities Skylines gibs for 2hu. Gotcha.

8 years ago

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According to touhou giveaways rule #1, I never win things I want so my points are secured :3

8 years ago*

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Any plans on sharing your bot to any/some/most/many other SG users as a lot of blacklisting that happens on SG is the behind ones back kind of blacklisting? Your bot could sure even the odds! ^ ^

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8 years ago*

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Yeah, and cause first steamgifts Armageddon.

8 years ago

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Welll... the archis had already take over once...

8 years ago

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Your bot could mutate and adept himself when he's accidentally released in the wild! :-)

Edit: Armageddon is overrated btw because we should have had that already in 2012.

8 years ago

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Well this BL bot uses something (I'm not into software IT so I don't really understand this, but I think it has something with session ID - total control of someone else SG account) that is considered by support as perma ban offence. That's why original topic with this was closed in the first place and that is why it will never will be released to everyone on SG.

8 years ago

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Not direct reason for closing the thread or not releasing the tool, but you're right on session ID part.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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For educational purposes it's good to know who blacklisted you, but it should stay where it is now, in private, since it would cause more trouble than it would be worth it. But at least i know now that something like this is possible to do :)

8 years ago

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well then now i add you to my wl.

8 years ago

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Congratz? =D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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10/1726, good score Tristetea!

8 years ago

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35 seems like a pretty small number, I'm reasonably sure I'd have passed that quite a while back.

You really need to "step up" your game :P

Oh and can you let us know next time you're scanning? Then 100s of us could BL you for and hour or so then give you a huge spike (and a false number)

Also maybe you need this as a header...

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8 years ago

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I like this header!

8 years ago

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I thought you might!

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8 years ago

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I'm gonna be free this month, perhaps I'll make a BL checker :v

8 years ago

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I'm glad this makes life easier for support, but blist still makes me sad.

8 years ago

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Shouldn't you be hired by somebody somewhere to do something better than making bots that check how many users blacklisted you on SG?

8 years ago

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I don't know why you think that making hobby projects for things I like must be equal to having no job.

I'm happy with my current situation.

8 years ago

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But.. what...?
I was trying to say that this is really awesome in an in-direct way...
I actually like the stuff you make on this site, I enjoyed talking with ArchiBoT about the Soviet Union.
I have a question about these scripts though, isn't having access to most of the data on this site is like cracking/peaceful hacking? do you need to tell support/admin about a script you made so they allow it?

8 years ago

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I got it wrong then, sorry, and thank you.

According to SG rules:

You are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account and any other actions taken in connection with your account. You must immediately notify SteamGifts of any unauthorized uses of your account or any other breaches of security. SteamGifts will not be liable for any acts or omissions by You, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.

SteamGifts has not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material, including computer software, posted to the Website, and cannot therefore be responsible for that material's content, use or effects. By operating the Website, SteamGifts does not represent or imply that it endorses the material there posted, or that it believes such material to be accurate, useful or non-harmful. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.

So in short: As long as you authorize my script to access your account, I don't think we're breaking any SG rule here. That's also why I said to @MSKOTOR above that it's not direct reason for not publishing my tool.

If you ask about script itself, it doesn't do anything other than what you're already able to do. It's just automated way to achieve certain thing, but it's not using any unauthorized, hidden or non-acceptable methods.

8 years ago

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Nice, so instead of collecting data from server, it checks groups of users to see if they blacklisted you or not.

8 years ago

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  1. Bot accesses your account on SG
  2. It browses discussions to fill it's queue with users. One user can be added only once to the queue.
  3. At the same time, queue is slowly being checked by another thread, which takes user from the queue, checks him (if he blacklisted you, not, or can't tell), and add the result.
  4. After given time (255 seconds for now), whole process is stopped and the result is returned, as it's greedy algorithm that will never finish it's job and it has to be stopped after some time.

The final effect is around ~2k most active (recent in discussions) users checked for blacklisting, including usernames of those who did blacklist you.

8 years ago

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But won't it eventually finish the job if

One user can be added only once to the queue


8 years ago

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No because it's not possible to check all users in any finite time.

8 years ago

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Yeah, but after running it a good number of times even if it ran 255 seconds each time , it'd have checked most of the active users on the forums and will eventually find less material to process.

8 years ago

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Yes, and that's why it works quite well but it's still based on greedy algorithm that operates on small amount of selected data in finite time, so getting "real" results is impossible.

8 years ago

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Bump :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Have a bump.

8 years ago

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bump and thanks ^_^

8 years ago

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I want to know but... I'm to afraid! :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't understand why do you want to know who blacklisted you. Do you want to blacklist them back or what?

8 years ago

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Two reasons:
a) I want to have bi-directional blacklist to ensure that a guy who blacklisted me doesn't participate in any of my giveaways, including my events such as La Cirno de Mayo.
b) Plain curiosity

8 years ago

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What if a guy has blacklisted you for a reason e.g. because of an insult or something? Would you still blacklist him back? Don't worry, you're not in my list, I'm just curious.

8 years ago

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Yes, I would blacklist him back. Blacklist is personal, and you can blacklist me for any reason, or for no reason. I never have butthurt because of somebody blacklisting me, I just blacklist back and move on.

Also insulting is reportable here.

8 years ago

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Sweet reveeeeeenge. And that is why I do not support the idea of being able to see who has blacklisted who. I remember there was quite a big demand for this feature to be implemented to SG.

When it comes to me, I only blacklist spammers, member with multiple wins and those who have horrible ratios like 6 gifts sent, 35 won and so on.

8 years ago

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It's not revenge, I consider it more like their choice that I must respect regardless if I agree with it or not. Revenge would be harassing those users privately and telling them what I think of them. I consider it totally fair that a guy chooses to reject somebody from his giveaways (which he should have right for), and he also at the same time agrees on not joining any giveaways created by such blackliosted user. This is what my bi-directional blacklist enforces.

8 years ago

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I see your point.

Are you planning to release your script or it's just for personal use?

8 years ago

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No, too much potential butthurt, and the method ArchiBoT uses involves act of trust and authorization to log in as you on SG, which I don't like.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Just out of curiosity, does this in theory give the bot complete access to your steam account? Cause there is no separate SG login... Or did you somehow manage to separate that? And depending on how it's done, is there any way to revoke it's access?

8 years ago

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It is separate, but yes the tool gets full access to your SG acc, that's why he doesn't make it public.

8 years ago

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Most people blacklist for no reason, like you can't join their master race or something. :B :B But yeah, sometimes, some people deserve to be blacklisted. Not Archi though. :O

8 years ago

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I'm used to becoming blacklisted by people who can't accept the fact that somebody has different opinion from them. It's true that with every fan comes another hater.

8 years ago

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To be honest, I disagree with you about what you recently said about scammers (I left a comment there), but that's not a reason to blacklist people. xD I understand that some people should get a blacklist because they don't behave nicely, but they can't blacklist people just for having different opinions. xD I recently saw that a person blacklisted me, even though I never entered a single giveaway of his, never commented in a discussion of his, and never interacted with him. So, I ended up wondering why the f*ck did he blacklist me? Well, I guess I'm too beautiful for the other people and they can't stand me for this. :B

8 years ago

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Nobody has to agree with me, moreover, it would be really awkward and abstract if everybody did. But some people can't find any valid argument and prefer to hit blacklist button, but I stopped caring about haters long time ago, focusing on fans/friends is far more important.

8 years ago

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Yea, that's always baffling to me as well... I just assume it's something I typed somewhere that they can't handle?

But when you do find one that you are basically 100% unaware of their existence and 100% sure you've never interacted with them, you do boggle a bit.
(Especially if you don't fall under the scammer, bad ratio, only do small group give aways/enter in public, beggar, leecher categories)

8 years ago

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personally, I think if you blacklist someone, it should auto blacklist you in return. Not for revenge...but honestly, if you hate someone enough that you don't want them taking your prob shouldn't be wanting to take theirs..and if you want to take their items...then you must not have a big enough issue to warrant blacklisting in the first place.

8 years ago

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Two reasons:
a) I want to have bi-directional blacklist to ensure that a guy who blacklisted me doesn't participate in any of my giveaways....

Question to a) JustArchi
What about ongoing giveaways ? I mean,the entries will remain valid even if i blacklist a user (later),right ? Would it take to much serverload to remove those entries from my ongoing GA's ?

*sorry for my bad english/skills.

8 years ago

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I doubt it. Removing entry would be as simple as one nice MySQL query, but I'm not the owner of SG, so I don't know how it works under the hood.

However, it would be easily abusable by blacklisting guys who entered your giveaway just to ensure that particular guy wins. So it's a big no-no.

8 years ago

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...most of my GA'a are still public so depending on the number of entries it could degenerate into too much work ^^

I was thinking more of an automatic script (server side) that the removal of the affected entries accepts.

Thanks for the information,JustArchi :-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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How can I check how many people blacklisted me? I want everyone to hate me. ^_^

8 years ago

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I wonder who got blacklisted the most.

8 years ago

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probably someone with a username starting with K and ending in 6. :3

but there's also a duck and a famous developer on sg that could compete for the 1st place.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What? I thought it was that guy whose name started with a capital C and ended with yberEvil?

... Wait is that calling out?

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8 years ago

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Why mask his name when he explicitly requested to be blacklisted? I think we should all help a man in need.

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.