Here's some I know, but are they actually free and good? (I hate pay2win, althrough I'd be okay with Pay4skins)
What are you looking for in your MMO?
I can recommend Star Trek Online. The combat is a nice compromise between ARPG and traditional RPG styles. You do things like reposition your ship to get enemies in the firing arc of your weapons or to determine which of your shield facings they're hitting, but you don't manually aim things the way you might in other games. There's also a lot of flexibility in ship & character setups although there will always be a "best" meta setup. You can also grind out dilithium and convert that to buy the premium stuff. Since the premium stuff like ships or the Romulan package are stupidly expensive ($25 for a ship, $200 for the Romulan package) it can take a correspondingly long time to grind out however. And one thing, if you do start with any premium time whatsoever it's best to roll all of your characters immediately even if you won't play them yet, that way they get perks like extra bag space just for being created under a premium account.
My 2c you didn't ask for: You might want to reconsider whether you buy GW2 or not. They're charging almost as much for their expansion as they charged for the base game but we're getting far less for it. It's ok when you're new and you're getting everything for $50 but when they release another xpac and you're not getting much you might not like it. Or you might not care. Le shrug.
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I'm looking for ones like Guild Wars 2. I love that type of combat. (Its also like WoW)
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To my knowledge there aren't any MMOs like GW2, unfortunately. It more or less removes the holy trinity, has a lot of mechanics that encourage people to play together, uses what I'd call fluid ARPG style combat, and doesn't try to engage its players with a gear treadmill.
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hmmm why MMOs? But if you really want MMOs, maybe Sins of a Dark Age?
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long ass essay
I've heard the recipient commands the input of a communication but that doesn't mean the output has to be dumbed down. If you can't read less lines of text that you could count with one hand, you'd better spend your time somewhere else than on Steam.
And that was being a dick. Deliberately and rightfully so.
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I can't play it because my Pentium won't handle the dungeons, though... However, the game runs on Intel HD graphics without a problem (implying you have at least an i3)
Aion is also well made, but the EU version is P2W.
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The combat seemed normal to me, field bosses aren't too rare in mmos but after a while in TERA they do get pretty common, dungeons are pretty much the same as any other mmo.
Honestly, I wasn't too impressed with TERA for the month I played, especially not impressed when its such a high rated game and such a big game, I mean that in the sense of how much space it takes on my hard drive.
I liked the guild castles with the outfitters for fun I guess, there were a few decent points but overall is seemed all too familiar.
TERA may have the usual stuff and not much character creation, but at least it has lolibutt, r- right?
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It is technically. They just don't like to being called an mmorpg because it reminds of WoW and they don't want that association.
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Co-op is not the same as MMO but I don't think it's so wrong to mention these games. They are not small number co-op like Left4Dead.
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'Massive' is heavily opinionated depending on the multiplayer game. From what I've read here and elsewhere it's not exactly an 'open world' but it still has multiplayer and the playerbase is massive. It may not be an open-world MMO as the tag is so commonly attached to but it's apparently a very good multiplayer game to get into.
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Like you say it's opinion and I did find coverage for the game on so even though I disagree I'll concede.
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DCUO is pretty good I find it to be fun DC Universe Online
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If you enjoy action combat and don't mind it being more of a dungeon crawler, Vindictus.
If you're into lore, massive worlds and quests, Lotro. It may take you a bit of grinding to get everything you need if you stick to F2P.
If you enjoy action combat and want to give fan-created content a try, Neverwinter lets you do that and more.
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Black Desert or PSO2. However you'll need to jump through several hoops to get them at the moment.
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Soul & Blade will finally be getting a release later this year in North America, and Europe. It's not available now, but one thing about online games is that they're all pretty time consuming, and you really wouldn't want to get into too many at any given time, if you have a backlog of games on Steam, you could just play those. Although if you really want a MMO to kick around for now, I'd say TERA is good, if you want a good action online game that's not a MMO you could also try C9.
Also regarding GW2, have you had the chance to try it during one of the past free periods? If not, one thing I can say from my own experience with it is that I thought I'd like it a lot more than I did once I got the chance to play it for a while. It's not bad, but one thing is that it feels like it can't really make up its mind if it wants to be a single player game, or a MMO. Then I thought that whole thing where your character is adjusted to the level of the zone, and your rewards adjusted to your level would be pretty cool in a MMO, but I just didn't care for it, at least with how they did it. It also resulted in people just flocking to this one chain of boss level mobs in the starter human zone to level from one, to cap, as it proved very efficient, leaving most of the rest of the game rather empty. The combat was kinda "meh" as a limited pool of skills to use at once would be good for an action game requiring at least some degree of targeting like in Wildstar for instance. Although in GW2 I just found it like the old skill spam while waiting for cool downs system, although with less skills to use, and you unlocked them all almost right from the start. Then while mobs ramp up in power in relation to how many players there are, that goes only so far, so with a big mess of players, the hardest thing could be getting a few hits in before it dies so you can get some XP, and loot.
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The boss mob train in the human starter zone you mentioned has been removed. ANet downgraded those mobs to a lower class so they're not worth farming now. Also with the megaserver system you'll encounter other players in pretty much every map you go to since it opens and closes instances of each zone depending on how many people are in it.
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Well that's good at least, as I always found that boss mob chain zerg kinda annoying. Although, unless they've made some big game system changes I didn't hear about, the rest still holds true, and were of more importance to me those two issues.
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Tera is wonderful. You will notice that it gets a little grindy nearing end game content. But what MMO doesn't? I also did enjoy Rift, but I would put Tera front and center... atleast till Blade and Soul releases later this year like PhoenixShi said
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The last two MMOs I've played were DC Universe Online on the PS3 and Order & Chaos on the, wait for it, iPhone. I think it's available for PC as well. Anyways, both were great fun.
Order & Chaos is like a World of Warcraft clone. Design and Gameplay are very similar if not completely equal. DC Universe Online is more of a action RPG styled MMO, but being a superhero is what makes it so awesome. Flying around and stuff. 11/10 would be a villain again.
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I would go for TERA. Wildstar is going F2P soon though, never played that one, but it might be a good contender.
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I recently got back into it after not playing for a couple years. They changed it up quite a bit and it's pretty enjoyable. The similar monster models get sort of tiring as you progress but other than that it has an interesting set of stories and can still be really challenging at times.
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yes i read up on that shop that is. limiting the options to create a character is one of the biggest insults you could make in an roleplaying game as developer.
If i played it i would like to be able to create an authentic representation of myself and then with such a char exp a new un explored/beautiful world with possibly a good storyline. which Tera doesn't seem to be. unfortunately
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i tried it. and i was right for the most part. shame
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I used to love Rift but got bored with the end game stuff. Replayed it a couple of times, but ended up quitting it.
Defiance is fun if you are a fan of the show... but last time I played it lacked any kind of end game content other than arkfalls.
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There are quite a few good F2P MMO's out there. It really depends on what you like.
DC Universe Online is good if you want superhero stuff. It has it's weaknesses, but it's easy to jump into and fairly entertaining.
RIFT is good if you're looking for something like WoW. There's a lot of content to get through before you reach end-game, all of it free.
Lord of the Rings Online is very well done if you like Tolkien. Lots of grinding, but enough interesting bits to keep you from getting bored.
WildStar is now the game it should have been on release. It's going F2P, soon, and the only thing it lacks is players. Get it dirt-cheap.
TERA is excellent if you like action-combat games. Can be a bit grindy, but still a very nice, high-fantasy game. Try it.
PlanetSide 2 is your FPS MMO extraordinaire. If you have a system that can run it, the game will eat up your hours without you noticing.
Neverwinter Nights will scratch that D&D itch for you with style. It has a better F2P model than DDO, and user-made content.
Star Trek Online is now the game it should have been on launch. Be careful about how you spend money on it.
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Haven't played DDO for quite a while, but i disagree with bad f2p model. Only thing you pay for is more choice of adventures in your lvl range.
Well, maybe race and class too, but nothing op at time i was playing. Plus they were not that hard to unlock for free
If anything, I heard in Lotro you cant progress at some point without paying... It was quite while ago as well though.
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Yeah, both games continue to change, so it's best to check the current details for yourself. I'm going to modify my post a bit to reflect that fact. The payment model has probably improved for DDO since I last played it.
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just curious [and will probs remove this post if needed] i got 5 recruitment codes for Tera is it allowed to post them here? [not sure if that counts as ref links hence i ask]
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Rather than posting the links, just tell people to contact you if they want one. I'd make my own post for it instead of hijacking someone else's.
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they are not links but codes tough but i did as u ask in a post further up the topic thnx for replying :)
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I'd say go for Planetside 1 over Planetside 2. The balance, flow, gameplay and tactics work so much better than Planetside 2. Mainly cause Planetside 2 can be described as zerging (HERESY TYRANNIDS) vehicles to the enemy spawn points and spawncamping till territory is captured then repeat.
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Does Planetside still have a decent player base? If it does, then you're right, it would be a better choice. I also thought about recommending Tribes Ascend, but I know almost nothing about it.
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I remember Planetside 1 also going F2P, if I recall there was a few server mergers but believe there is still a playerbase.I know Planetside 2 playerbase is consistently dwindling.
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Check out Dungeon Fighter Online. Really good if you like beat 'em ups and stuff.
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oooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmg if this works i'll owe you my first born child and if I win the lottery its yours, can you still be priest boxer?
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PLEASE IS THIS FO REALS Baron,Cabensis, magic chick, fighter chick n priest those a 5 main waiting as it install. here's how its gonna go down 1. its no real, 2. region locked like before. 3 my comp can't run it, 4. need to be in some sort of Mafioso to log in 5, only I can't play reason CUZ. sorry you can tell i'm hyper sorry i'll shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Sorry for the delay. It's totally real though, all the old classes are there along with some totally new ones (like Knight, and soon Female Slayer). It's also not region locked and the game is so old with such low system requirements that I would be legitimately shocked if you had a computer that can't run it.
But yeah, Neople (the company that originally released it in Korea) decided to bring it back a few months ago and they're treating it way better than Nexon ever did. I wish it was more popular because they really deserve the respect.
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finally I I suffered so long wait 5 years till I came got into beta but region.... managed to stumble through making a japan account it worked till they region locked it =[ been like 10 years since I gave up on this I think 10 might be exaggerating.
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Glad you'll finally be getting another chance to try it then, it's still a really good game. It's even better than it used to be in fact, they made a bunch of new dungeons and smoothed out the leveling curve. Only catch is the fatigue system is still there, but that's not really a big deal since it encourages playing a bunch of different classes and it's pretty hard to run out of fatigue points.
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Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it it works I really can't thank you enough just made my priest called Makunochi gunna be a boxer ofcourse lol =p add me on there if you like really thanks again
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Pirates of Burning Sea might be worth looking at. It has pretty slow progression, Dynamic pvp zones on open seas. Quite fun ship battles.
On down side it struggles since sony hacking and is now in hands of small dev team trying to bring it back to old glory. But still holding small loyal player base.
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I REALLY want to get into an MMO right now. I eventually am going to be buying Guild Wars 2 but not to soonish. So I need a F2P MMO to play until then. Cheers! :D
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