So I've played SC2 when it first came out, just single player (SP). I really enjoyed it given that there just aren't that many new, good RTS games out there anymore. I'm a big fan of C&C, WC, SC1. But TBH I never really got into RTS multiplayer much, and am not big on getting into the competitive scene. I plan to play ONLY single-player.

My question: Is SC2 worth it to buy if I want a mostly single-player experience? Should I consider buying the expansions?

9 years ago

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Should I get Star Craft 2 just for single player? Wait for expansions?

View Results
Buy SC2 regardless, its an awesome game.
Only buy the base SC2 game.
Wait for the full game + expansions. It may be worth it.
Don't buy SC2. Its just not worth it for a SP only experience.
Turnip / This game should be on Steam

The expansions are sale in the Blizz store, so now is as good a chance as any

9 years ago

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If u prefer playing single player, go for it. If you prefer multiplayer, dont buy it, the scene is pretty dead.

9 years ago

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Thought I'd go ahead and bump this thread again, since Amazon currently has digital download Wings of Liberty and HOTS for $10, which matched Blizzard's sale last week.

I ended up buying Wings of Liberty, and I'm glad I did. How is HOTS single-player campaign?

9 years ago

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