the easiest thing to do is to open a new "create giveaway" page, type the name of the game and look at the asterisks/stars - if there are two of them, the game has been given out for free in the past so it gives 0 cv (or exp =P), 1 star means it's reduced value (bundled etc.), no stars means full value!
Dupio has two asterisks, so it gives 0 exps because probably it has been given away for free before so you won't level up =P
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It might make some difference: +1 to total gifts sent (and maybe +-some to color lists)
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color lists = white list + black list
If someone has done 100 free game giveaways they’ll still be level 1
I agree
Levels and RCV ratios are what counts to me personally
I agree again
Gifts sent means nothing without the other two values also increasing
I disagree. It is totally fine to give away games which are marked "no value". I won a few such gifts, not sure which of my wins don't have value, but generally I'm not disappointed in the won games and approve their existance
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then retroactively 15% if gib ends after bundle release timedate
Nope, only if it's get created after the bundle is already running (or in some special cases, early reveal's / hint's date, like it used to be with groupees). There is a creation time logged for each giveaway!
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Never seen anyone mention it happening other than the way adam1224 just described it - it is retroactive based on the bundle release date compared to the giveaway start date (which I also asked support about once and they verified that is how it works).
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I know it's happened for me personally on a couple of ocassions. I've done a giveaway for an unbundled game only for it to be bundled the next day and I get the less CV. It does happen even if support says it doesn't.
I know of one instance in my case where it was a daily deal on one site (making it a nice giveaway), and then bundled on another the next day (making it a shitty reduced value CV game).
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The inconsistency is odd. I always thought, after reading it in the forums, that giveaway start times are considered if a game counts as bundled, and it really might be that support wrongly set the bundle date a day before it got actually bundled, which can very easily happen.
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It's for sure based only on the date. In fact, when creating a giveaway, you can hover over the asterixes next to games to determine their bundle/free date starting points. However, staff isn't always accurate with the start date they apply to the listing, sometimes starting it a day or more before the actual sale, which does lead to inaccurate retroactive free/bundling issues*.
Complaints about such may be what had your perceptions on the matter confused- though, even more likely, any complaints encountered were simply due to the delays in free/bundle list addition that arise from staff having to manually update the lists.
*For example, I bought (and posted) a game during a Humble sale (80% USD, no regional). It went higher discounted on Steam the next day (90%, regional), but my giveaway still got bundle-listed. Likewise, another game I gave away got put up on G2A a day [or was it days?] after my giveaway, and that also got bundle-listed, despite the timing being clearly noted to staff.
I recall there being more retroactive bundlings than just those within my account, as well. In short, it seems as though such issues are rather common, so encountering complaints on the matter wouldn't be at all unexpected, especially given that I'm more clear on free/bundle-list operations than others [eg, newer users] on the site may be, and how frustrating such a circumstance may be to some users.
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in steamgifts menu push arrow button "Help" then see "FAQ" click on it go this page
Here have all the information must to scroll page down to
"Contributor Value and Levels"
No Value games give u 0
Reduced Value give you 15%
Full Value give you 100%
Keep in mind that points u get is related also to your level,+ your level is big and less point you get for give games away.
For example if your level is 0 and you give away game 59$ you get 0.59 Point
if your level is 5 and you give away game 59$ you get 0.24 point
because Level 5: is from $250 to $500 and interval between this two number is 249.9 so 59.99/249.99 x 100= 0.2399 so u get 0.24 point
You can find levels explained in faq too.
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If you got it free, it won't affect your contribution value [as contribution value is there to roughly indicate how much you actually invested into buying games for giveaways]. It will however still increase your available giveaway slots and your general site ratio. Generally, that'll give you favorable attention. Giving away nothing but free games may get you some negative attention, however, as that makes it look as though you're manipulating your site stats with negative motivations.
As an exception, if the game is free secondary to a purchase [eg "All owners of X now receive Y for free!"] it won't count as free (as it was still paid for initially).
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i was thinking to give away Dupio game but i dont know if it going to give me xp or know and how i can check if games going to give xp or no
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