"May contain Steam, Origin, and/or Uplay keys"
No thanks!
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Ha, I totally missed that. Serves me right for staying up all night. I might give the 5 pack a shot, then, but I'll wait until people start reporting what's inside.
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they were confirmed to resell keys at least once - for Witcher 3 preorders - it was confirmed by CDP that they did not receive keys from them and then they admitted to purchase keys in cheap region and resell to "be able to get you guys this awesome discount!"
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Quoting GMG CEO himself:
GMG chose to essentially go around CD Projekt RED by acquiring digital copies of the game from third parties and retailers that were approved by CD Projekt RED.
now add the fact that they were able to provide copies 33% cheaper than Western release price.
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I mean that if CEO saying himself "yeah, we boutght the key from 3rd arty retailers to resell them" and then is able to resell them 33% cheaper is not proof enough of their shady business we don't really have anything to talk about. And what "internet decided"? I quoted you GMG CEO himself.
Maybe I put it in points or sth? So you can process the data...
Not to mention the fact that Ubisoft supporrt and Activision support also confirmed they are not supporting keys to GMG either.
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Far as I know all retail stores don't buy physical games from the publishers directly. Does that make them shady? Buying from distributors has a long tradition, and it's possible that GMG did that. You conveniently leave out "any additional discount is absorbed by GMG" which implies that GMG bought the keys for a high enough price the discount meant they didn't make much.
Since there are ways for GMG to get keys without buying from a cheap reason, just them saying that they bought the keys from another source doesn't prove that they bought it from a cheap region. That's doubly true considering that most stores (including GOG) have regional restrictions, which would likely have caused all these keys to fail.
Call it "internet decided" or mob mentality, it's simply people deciding that someone is guilty because they think so.
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So you don't know a jack shit but will argue qanyway ;) Good to know so I won't continue this pointless discussion later on ;) For your knowledge - publishers ofc do not sell physical games themselves - it requires a lot of logistics in storage, transportation etc - so it's done via wholesales instead. But GMG is not selling physical games, but digital codes. As these do not require storage, transportation, boxing, printing covers, making DVDs etc is most commonly done by marketing departments. Or for small indie studios that canot afford marketing dept they are sold via official marketing agencies. Heck - most of big publishers even has a public list for official digital retailers. And they decide who can and cannot sell their games. GMG did not get official keys - they admitted to buying and reselling keys - and this in it's own is against game licence agrement (doesn't matter whether they bought codes or boxes, opened boxes and sold keys found inside - boxed game you buy is for personal use and reselling is against TOS as well - and we're not talking about some single person selling his unwanted game - we're talking about an official company, internet store - breaking these licences. But as you've proved you doesn't have idea how it works at all, doesn't see the difference between physical and digital retail, doesn't care about argyuments - so like i said, discussing with you is pointless so EOT from me.
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Stop foaming at the mouth, please. I'll try to get it through:
GMG is currently posting on the product pages where the copies come from. The Witcher 3 page says "Authorised Distributor".
Physical copies cost a lot less than digital copies, because the supply chain adds cost at each step. A country level distributor sells a game for a price, then perhaps a local distributor buys from that distributor and ups the price, then sells to the store, which needs to still make a profit on the game, considering the costs of storing and displaying the games.
A digital store can easily buy physical copies, junk the boxes and sell the keys. (After all, physical copies are basically just media with keys these days, and worthless without the key.)
So in theory a digital store can buy physical games from a distributor at, say, half the retail price, upsale them a bit and still sell them lower than other digital stores or physical stores (because the digital store doesn't need any storage or display space).
This is also legit, the digital store is buying copies for sale and selling them. (And your argument that a physical copy can't be resold is ballocks, it's a basic right.)
Did GMG do this? I can't tell. Is this a viable alternate theory? Far as I can see, yes. Therefore clearly that other theory isn't the only possible one, and the argument that "GMG must have done this" collapses.
(Edited for even further clarity.)
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A digital store can easily buy physical copies, junk the boxes and sell the keys - no it cannot. Because lincence agreement in the box itself will tell that the key is for personal use and not for resell. They may decide to ignore it - but that makes them breaking publisher's licence and is shady as hell as well.
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Look, what I said was very simple, I'll try to say it in a more straightforward way:
If a brick and mortar store is allowed to buy from a distributor and sell the games, then a digital store is also allowed to buy from a distributor and sell the games.
Also, you keep talking about the license, presumably the end user license agreement (EULA). This doesn't apply to stores, who aren't end users.
I'm not sure what's not clear there, but I will try to further explain the matter if you don't get it yet.
(Edited to add the note about the EULA.)
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no need to explain anything to me as you decided to ignore everything I tried to explain to you. No - stores are not allowed to do this - it's against the game licences and it's called reselling. It's the difference between official retailers (what GMG tries to claim there are) and grey market resellers (what they actually turn out to be - no diff from sites like Kinguin or G2A here). Like I said - for me it's EOT. anyone can make decision of their own whether they want to buy their games from unofficial reseller or not. zelg off.
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I noticed that my first long response had a question mark by mistake. Fixed. Anyway, I figure I'll try to write everything again in an orderly manner. I sometimes assume that some things are well known when they aren't. So:
Brick and mortar stores have traditionally bought games from distributors such as these.
This is true for most other products, it's a standard way retail works. Big companies don't sell to specific stores, they sell to distributors which sell to stores. At times there are smaller distributors in the way, who buy from the big distributors and sell to stores.
It's worth noting that stores can buy from other stores and sell, it's perfectly legal and traditional capitalism: you buy something and sell it for more and make money. Even for individuals, the first-sale doctrine trumps licenses. Not everything that's written in licenses is legal.
But that's a side note. The important thing is how the classic supply chain works: brick and mortar stores buy games from distributors and sell them.
Digital tends to work differently these days, but that doesn't mean that the classic supply chain suddenly becomes illegal. It's still perfectly legal, it's just not used in most cases. So a digital store [i]could[/i] buy from a distributor.
I hope this makes things a little clearer.
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They try to keep people away from drugs or something. Gods work
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The 4.99$ bundle doesn't have the steam icon, while the 6.99$ one does. I guess that means only the second one has steam keys?
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According to their fine print, the 4.99 bundle ""May contain Steam, Origin, and/or Uplay keys." Not sure exactly what that means...
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Europe ? we should have some laws for refunding stuff.
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"Please note: This means that NO refunds will be offered for MMO titles, Steam, UPlay, Origin and Games for Windows Live (GFWL) titles where the key has been disclosed to you or sent by e-mail. All such sales are final."
Yeah, they send you an e-mail with keys atteched the second you complete the purchase so you can't refund. I'll try my chances though, either way I'll never buy from GMG again.
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These companies like to do that, but it's still not accepted.
I can't say "I'm going to kill you, by getting killed you accept to get killed, law doesn't apply lol"
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It is true even if you agree getting killed, the killer will be charged with murder. But basic human rights and consumer rights are not the same thing.
That made me think of steam's refund policy. Where does the EU consumer law say, you can only use the product for 2 hours or less during the first 14 days of the purchase to be eligible for a refund?
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Indeed, that was a compromise.
But if you are willing to bring Valve in a tribunal... well I guess you'll win, but I guess that's not worth it too, that's what makes companies brave enough to ignore laws
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Whether you'd win or not is not the first issue. If you as a single person tries this, Valve has enough money and lawyers to make the case last years and years. Basically wearing you out because you won't be able to afford to keep it up as long as they can.
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Are you talking about GMG, coz for steam:
No idea how you managed to get a refund after 26 days O_o
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"but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look."
I always understood the refund possibilities as in within two weeks and 2 hours playtime it's a guaranteed refund. If not, you'll have to convince them. I imagine the first time you won't have problems, but after that you're probably getting closer to the abuse category.
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Currently, EU consumer law only covers tangible goods. Steam's refund policy was a pre-emptive bid to tackle future EU legislation.
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Ugh, reading that was like a punch in the gut. I didn't expect 5 AAA titles but that's just depressing.
Thanks for biting the bullet. I'll add you to my whitelist, if that's any consolation.
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I dunno how to react :( part of me is very sad you got a bunch of for free games and the other part of me is just like
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holy 4()#()#, thats... horrible.
if someone bundled that at $0.50 id still have to think twice about it (:
thanks for being our very own guinea pig though, i suppose? :p
I think that must have been the worst $7 bundle ever, mystery bundle or not ... no idea whats going on with gmg lately (:
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your deeds shall not be forgotten, young asperyules !
edit: i was also checking reddit but since gmg is banned on gamedeals (and probably meta too?) i gave up rather quickly (:
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By the way, I asked a refund and here's the answer as expected:
"Hi Asperyules,
Thank you for your ticket.
Unfortunately I am unable to give you a refund for this order, as we have already sent you the licence key. Part of our Terms & Conditions and refund policy state, that once the key has been distributed, we are unable to refund the purchase.
For more information, please visit
Should you have any other questions, then please reply to this ticket.
Green Man Gaming & Playfire
Customer Service"
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so long story short, they might as well change their refund policy to NO refunds unless its a preorder. shady would be another word to describe their refund policy.
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You did a great job saving tons of people their hard earned monies. You deserve a WL spot yeah.
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lol GMG are the worst, can't believe i was tempted. You're a hero.
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As expected, games that were either offered for free, for $1, or in bundles at some point.
This is always the way that 'mystery bundles' go. They need a way to deplete their mountain of unwanted keys, and so naturally they realise they can only sell them if they don't know what you're buying.
So far the only good blind preorders have been Groupees, Humble and GoG. Groupees because they offer a variety of content including music, comics AND games (even if they tend to be of far lower quality they are also of a far lower price). Humble Monthly has a higher price-point but with it you're also far more likely to get items that aren't just chaff, and you get to see one of the games ahead of time. GoG because they don't just offer the lowest items from their inventory, they actually refresh the list of items you can win to keep it cycling (and high-value keys somewhat stocked up) and you already have a good idea of what kind of games you'll get due to their whole store theme.
The rest tend to be just people trying to turn a profit off zombie/free keys.
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Groupees is also less likely to rebundle stuff, so even if they're constantly pumping out bundles, they're usually games either in Greenlight stage, or games that have only been recently released, so duplicates are uncommon.
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I took a risk on two of the fanatical mystery bundles after drinking alcohol. I at least felt like I got OK value. One game I really wanted, some trash, some decent quality stuff for giveaways. That looks like plain old poop...
Edit: Only just noticed the three years old bit. Oops.
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x3 pack 6€ (5,99)
x5 pack 7€ (6,99)
Because fuck conversions
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If the games are random and it's a site that wants profit, the odds are against you. Simple as that. (It's only a question of how bad they are, but you are guaranteed to lose.)
I.e. if you like opening CS:GO cases or otherwise gamble your money on bad odds then yes, otherwise Ewwww no
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Sadly, sites that run random bundles almost always mislead the customer by calling them 'random'. What they actually mean is "Random, but from a shortlist of games that were either free, bundled, or offered for $1 at some point". Just like how sites that offer you "random premium CSGO skin" purchases will keep the actual high-value skins for themselves, and use it as a way to offload unwanted inventory.
Proportionally, the list goes something like :
100000 x Free / Unwanted / Old bundled keys
1000 x Keys for desired games that were on sales (Black Ops 2, Stick of Truth, Kerbal Space Program, Space Engineers, Chroma Squad etc)
100 x Actually desired / valued / new keys, as dream-bait (such as Zombi or ARK, or a new release to tempt people like Just Cause 3)
If it were "Randomly selected from our entire catalog" then it would be a massive hit. Sadly they just have a few high-value keys as honey-bait, and then a complete minefield of garbage with occasional nuggets of hope. Even then I'm pretty sure my proportions are being too generous. Besides, with the way sites do these bundles, it is entirely possible for all the good keys to be won in the first few hours of frenzy-buying, leaving only the garbage behind. As in, literally depleting the stock of good games, leaving other people buying in hopes of what they can't have.
They rely on word of mouth to keep pulling in sales, too. People who aren't aware of the whole free offers / bundles thing will often go to steam and check 'how much are these keys worth?'. They will take a key that was farmed to hell while it was free, look in the store, and say "Oh cool, this game is worth $6. And that other one was worth $7! Score!" and then pass on the word.
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Usually mystery bundles are mystery because nobody would buy them if the content would be known.
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Yep, that's exactly what I think. And it's confirmed from an above post. If it were anything even halfway decent, they'd tell people what's in it and the bundles would be bought in a jiffy. Just a gambit to hope enough people will tempt fate so they can offload keys that aren't moving at all.
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In fairness, 2 months of warning was enough that people could spend the credit, and store credit often does have expiration dates [if generally more reliable than a random "hey, by the way, we're cancelling it all this one time in just a bit"], so as far as GMG transgressions go, that's a mild one.
Be more concerned with their official statement that they accept no responsibility for games working if it's been 7 days since purchase or if they suspect any part of your order was activated on any account other than your own primary [steam, etc] account; their habit of mislabeling platform on games and then not offering refunds; their extremely rude customer service, and so forth :X
GMG is not a good site to purchase from, even if their bonus discounts often make them tempting to do so from.
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You make fine points of even more bad moves they make. Still, I just cannot stand when sites keep doing the long term bait and switch kind of thing. They're new on the block, so they put out a lot of free credit opportunities and get attention. Then drum up some bullshit excuse to force people to use or lose that credit, and have shit sales and sold out keys during that time frame. The excuse of not being able to transfer account info into a "new system" is the lamest moronic excuse that companies still use.
Hell, even Steam sales are feeling a bit like what I stated above. Now that everybody is addicted to having games in Steam, they don't need to give out summer tickets or winter coal to cause a frenzy anymore.
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Oh, I certainly wasn't trying to excuse their behavior.
I was just saying it was a relatively minor [in terms of you being able to actually respond to it] symptom of a much larger pattern of deceptive, disrespectful misbehavior.
I didn't pay steam that much attention until recently, so I don't even know about holiday events. :P
I'd say "Don't think too many people would offer a favorable opinion of how Valve handles things," but apparently there's quite a few of them around. Or I'm getting trolled regularly.
I never can tell. :X
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No worries, I never thought you were trying to aid them, ha.
If people weren't already displeased with how Valve likes to handle many things, recent site wide issues should have covered them all.
Seems you did indeed miss "the good old days" of Steam sales. Not that the recent ones were so bad, really, but they just pale in comparison to the experiences of the past.
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I tried steam when it first released [rather, 3 months following], it was practically unusable.
Went through a few accounts over the years grabbing a free halflife game here or there, that kind of thing, but the stability and interface were still... lacking.
I only started using it about 2 or so years ago when the store interface finally got revamped to actually be reasonable usable, and stability was mostly steady (but still a mess).
It's actually improved a lot since then- store is legitimately organized and cleanly presented now, and stability for the client.exe is generally favorable [the webhelper.exe still memory leaks and what not, unfortunately].
Of course, given that that's basically all they've done in regards to UI/customer accessibility and options since then [other than the EU forcing them to start offering refunds], it's still a somewhat underwhelming gesture- even if it's probably more effort over time than they've ever put in before.
I don't think it's coincidence that things starting to improve lines up with greenlight opening up two years ago- though clearly, they haven't been slacking in other regards due to paying that a notable amount of attention.
I read an article that put greenlight approval at 5 times that of 2014... by June of 2015 alone. :X
so, it feels less like I missed "the good old days," and more that I missed getting bribed to suffer the lousy days. :'P
Note, it's not that I have anything against steam, it's that it really just feels like Valve always only puts the bare minimum effort in.
Versus Ubisoft, which manages to put negative effort in.
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That depends entirely on your perspective.
They made an official statement about it one month prior to it expiring, but they sent out e-mails a month prior to that.
Unfortunately, very few users actually received those e-mails, and despite them seeming legit- and a GMG support person finally admitting they were accurate- people played the matter down as not being legit.
Either way, that's the point where I spent my credit, to be safe.
Glad I did, the sale going on at the time was much better than the Halloween sale ended up being.
so yeah, tl;dr version, even when GMG vaugely-almost does something right, they still bugger it right up. :X
The official statement was Oct 22, though, so it did precede the end of the Halloween sale.
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Too much spare cash?
Do you think if I bundled up in clothing to the point where you couldn't tell anything about my body shape or features, and hung a sign over me that read "Mystery Bundle" on it, and then posted a photo of it online, people would throw their money at me, also?
I mean, they're about as likely to get good games out of it.. :'D
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Lottery is regulated and verifiable, somebody does win.
Such mystery crap can contain 100% crap and no-one can foresee/verify that. Additionally considering very cheap bundles and esp. so many free games being tossed out, it is extremely likely to get such undesirable stuff, that them can't get rid of otherwise.
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this is exactly the same thing. I am pretty sure some very very lucky people will get like fallout 4, just cause 3, rocket league etc keys. Actually the odds might be much better than the lottery where you get one in a million or less chance to win.
GMG is one of the more trusted online retailers which has been around for years, even tho there isn't any government regulation or verification for the drawing there will be winners.
The problem is there is not enough information about what is included in these bundles. I wonder if someone can actually win fallout 4 for instance :D
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I am pretty sure some very very lucky people will get like fallout 4, just cause 3, rocket league etc keys.
That is exactly not sure at all and the core problem. Nobody knows what or how much is in there. Getting good stuff is next to impossible.
Lottery is the same about win chances (thus it makes no sense playing that either) but being regulated, it is secured to have a certain pay out sum.
As such the mystery box is worse than lottery and with lottery not being reasonable in the first place...
My initial comment was more about all such previous cases. It is known that you get crap.
By the way, GMG got banned on reddit for using grey market reseller tactics, not quite what would deserve the highest level of trust.
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I have a sneaking suspicion we're going to see a few AAA titles in the first day (like the one person in this thread who got Black Ops 2) so that people start spreading the word, then it'll be all shovelware from then on.
Just a theory, though.
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Well with so few entries in the thread, it looks like we already got a winner.
Madumius won Black Ops II
I don't know why exactly they got banned on reddit, I thought they spammed or abused game deal subreddits.
At least they got a decent company profile unlike trash like g2a and they have a working support system, tons of customers, they made several promos in the past, they even gave away free credits through playtime tracking.
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Hahaha wow since when people have such serious trust issues with GMG. I think most of the hate is coming from the removal of free credits. Considering most people are happy with wherever they can find the cheapest price, no need to talk big and say they'll never ever buy from GMG again xD
Congratz on your win, I am glad you got your money's worth from that crazy gamble ^^
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Yup, they are mostly known to be reselling Witcher 3 gog keys bought somewhere cheap.
Also, they have "you have 7 days to tell us your key is duplicate, otherwise we will not help you at all". And obviously, no help for region-locked keys, so watch out if you're going on vacations.
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doesnt even seem to be worth half the price anyway.
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blind mystery bundle without a single mention of its possible contents?
and all that for just $7? count me in.
seriously gmg? i totally forgot about them since they got banned on gamedeals subreddit but looks like it might be better that way ><
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the post is a good explanation why quite some guys got call of duty-keys (even bo3!) inside their mystery bundles (saw that on they get rid of their inofficial keys. the games aren't being sold anymore on their site either.
one of the guys even got dark souls 2 ... so it's not as scammy to the end users as those good old kinguin/g2a-random-bundles. to the publishers ... well ... another story.
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I don't think GMG has ever done a decent bundle and I doubt they are going to start now :/.
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I'm killing my GMG account and removing them as a store from my ITAD profile. They've sunk.
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For those living in the UK better spending the money on the National Lottery this Saturday ..
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I did two too. Might have been better to get the GMG Mystery Bundle for all the success I had :(
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I got my entries in early .. sadly there will be no Fallout 4 & Witcher 3 GAs from me this week as my numbers didn't come up ;)
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First I've accidentally read it as Misery Bundle. Then I've checked the poll results and knew I've read it correctly.
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Well I know just what you need
I might just have the thing
I know what you'd pay to see
Put me out of my misery
I'd do it for you, would you do it for me
We will always be busy making misery
We could build a factory and make misery
I adore soul asylum, but those lyrics really fit GMG's perspective well in this circumstance. :X
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0 Comments - Created 3 hours ago by Lugum
So GreenManGaming is selling Mystery Bundles now
3 games for $4.99 / 5 games for $6.99
Did you buy this bundle? what did you get?
Edit: Seems like the bundle is crap:
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