Update 9th February

Our new record is now set to 1711 unique giveaways and over 1840 gifts sent. We didn't even need to have a consolation round since everyone had decent wins. This was probably our best event so far!

Update 29th November

We broke our previous record of 1k giveaways and now have 1028 unique giveaway reservations and 4 weeks to go untill the end of the event!

Update 28th November

Teasing for those interested in future events, we already have over 590 unique giveaway reservations. 500 of them were reserved in less than an hour which sets another record of the highest rate of reservations in any of our past events.

Created 18th November

Hello again community!
Some of you may already know what this thread is for, so if you do please skip the introduction part, but read the rest:

Group Introduction

First of all you should know that this is not a new group, it was first created during Chrismas 2012 and since then we've had six successful events:

The group's stats page can give you a glimpse of that success.

So it is obvious by the repetition pattern, that we operate close and during big Steam Sales. The goal of this group is to gather a certain amount of members that will create unique quality giveaways and share them with the rest. The tricky part is that ALL of those giveaways will end at exactly the same time, regardless of the time zone.

For that to work there are some rules to follow:

  • Members must comply to SteamGifts rules.
  • Every member must create at least one primary giveaway.
  • Primary giveaways must not be bundled or exploited games and should at least get 1/5 of the group size in entries.
  • Created giveaways must end at a specific time and date and that is on 1st of January 2016 00:00 UTC. Giveaways should be created at least 48 hours before that time.
  • There should be no giveaways for the same game (so that people can't win the same game twice, but multiple copies cause no problems).
  • Primary giveaways should have no Contribution Value requirement.
  • All giveaways must be region free.

It's simpler than it looks, the hardest part is for me to organize and make sure people follow the rules.

For those that need more details, you should check on the group's profile here.
Also take a look at our FAQ.

How to enter the group

  • You must ask for an invitation on this topic, but first read the rest of the bullets.
  • I will not reply to you in this thread nor if you are accepted or rejected. You will either get an invite, or be contacted in person by me.
  • To avoid having untrustworthy people that could ruin the event for others, there is a restriction of level 4 or higher required for me to consider your application, as well as being a member of this site for at least 3 months.
  • Even if you are eligible due to above requirements, you are not granted to enter, those are just a way to avoid random invitation requests.
  • You should NOT add me on Steam to ask an invite.

What you should also know

  • If you haven't read the rules don't apply for this group.
  • Like it or not, there are already people that have had a great course through our last events that will be on priority line. People I know personally and that I trust that they will fullfil the requirements of this group will be prioritized too.
  • People that have been in past events, are not automatically reinvited upon their request.
  • The maximum member cap is 70, but this could be lowered if not enough applicants meet the group's standards.
  • The invitation process is an one man's job, so be patient... (probably no invites in the next few hours)

What's the group's timeline

(read this if you get to be a member of this group)

  • [Cleaning group phase] All previous members are asked to leave the group. Those who fail to do so are kicked. This is done so that only those re-interested apply here and probably get reinvited.
  • [Recruitment phase I] First there is the recruitment phase where I put up this topic and gather applications and send out invites. Minimum duration 5 days.
  • [Recruitment phase II] When we reach 65 members the last 5 will be picked from a list of 20 remaining applicants by votes of those 65 members.
  • [Reservation phase] A giveaways topic will be created were you can only reserve the giveaway(s) you plan to make, no giveaway creation yet. This phase will probably last at least 1 week and will start before and close to the date of the Steam Sale. For the first 3 days, you will only be able to reserve 1 giveaway. After the first 3 days reservations will be unlimited.
  • [Giveaways creation phase] You can start creating your giveaways ending at that specified time.
  • [No more giveaways phase] 48 hours before the giveaways ending time, the giveaways topic will be locked and I will check if members fullfilled the rules. If needed there will be kicks (hasn't happened so far).
  • [Happy winners phase] Giveaways have ended and most of us feel happy with their wins.

Few last words

Our last event had 60 members and 1017 unique giveaways (average of 17 giveaways per member, which means also an average of 17 wins per member). Everyone won something, but still the unluckiest seven got 1 extra game from their wishlist as "compensation" on behalf of many of our members who donated the amount needed. Everything went smoothly and I will do my best for things to go well again.


This group is not for you

8 years ago*

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923 reservations already :D: I have a feeling that previous record will be broken over night :D:

8 years ago

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News So far

We already broke our previous 1k record with 1028 unique giveaway reservations. And we still have 4 weeks ahead of us!

8 years ago

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1094 already... and we still got 1 month to go!

8 years ago

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News So far

We have proudly reached over 1350 unique giveaways/reservations. I'm pretty sure we need more points!!

8 years ago

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Viva la synchronization !!

8 years ago

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News So far

As much as it may sound impossible, we have reached 1700 unique giveaways/reservations. It's just amazing.

At this point I'd like to wish everyone reading this, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

8 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by tragikos.